At the beginning of Manjaro experience

Manjaro is a free and open source distribution based on Arch LInux, which incorporates the rich and excellent software management of Arch LInux while providing a stable and smooth operating experience. Elegant and simple is its pursuit, stable and practical is its advantage.

Manjaro, like Arch Linux, uses a rolling release model, but its rolling updates come after Arch Linux updates have been tested for some time, which also ensures stability. Having said that, you may still be faced with a large number of updates to choose from, so if your use already meets your needs, is it necessary to upgrade?

Download mirror

Image download can go to the official website of Manjaro, if the speed is too slow in China, you can also go to the open source software mirror station of Tsinghua University to download. Manjaro offers a variety of desktop environments that you can download to your liking, but I generally prefer the KDE or GNOME desktop.

Making a Boot disk

Use Rufus tool to write the image to the USB flash drive in DD mode. After making the USB flash drive and starting it successfully, select the USB flash drive to start it. Rufus tool was selected here for version 3.4. After testing, it is found that the higher version Rufus may have some bugs, such as partition type, which cannot be modified.

Install Manjaro

Installing Manjaro is not described here, there are many excellent tutorials available online. Manjaro is generally easy to install and offers a better installation experience than other Linux distributions. Especially for the graphics card driver support, a key installation, especially worry.

Replacing the Software Source

Replace the software source for domestic Tsinghua University source, install software more quickly.

Sudo pacman- Syy sudo pacman-mirrors - i-c China -m rank ##sudo pacman -Syyu
Copy the code

In the pop-up window to choose a mirror source, I choose here is tsinghua University mirror source.

sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf
#The following content is added to the file
SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
Server =$arch
#Perform the update to import the GPG key
sudo pacman -Syy && sudo pacman -S archlinuxcn-keyring
Copy the code

Install the input method

Sudo pacman -s fcitx-sogoupinyin sudo pacman -s fcitx-im -s fcitx -configTool #Copy the code

To set the Chinese input method environment variable, edit the ~/.xprofile file and add the following lines (if the file does not exist, create a new one)

export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
Copy the code

With ZSH

Have not experienced ZSH suggestions try, the command knock is very smooth.

sudo pacman -S zsh
#Download this and run yourself
#The following approach has failed
#sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
chsh -s /bin/zsha
Copy the code

Installing Common Software

99% of software can be installed with just a few commands, like this.

#Example Generate an SSH key ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -c"[email protected]"sudo pacman -S git sudo pacman -S vim sudo pacman -S visual-studio-code-bin # vscode sudo pacman -S google-chrome # Netease netease netease sudo Pacman-s WsP-office sudo pacman-s wsP-officeCopy the code

Netease Cloud music also has an open source command line version based on Python, use the command line to play control songs, very cool geek, interested friends can try.

NetEase NetEase-MusicBox open source address:…

Install the nut cloud.

#Download the Nutcloud installation package
#Install Nut Cloud, decompress and run
#Dependencies required for installation
sudo pacman -S gvfs libappindicator-gtk3 python2-gobject
Copy the code

Install TIM/QQ.

sudo pacman -S
#Since QQ relies on cinnamon-settings-Daemon
sudo pacman -S cinnamon-settings-daemon
#You can try adding the csD-xSettings above to the startup
#Change the TIM font size, after the following command - "display DPI 120
env WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.deepinwine/Deepin-TIM" /usr/bin/deepin-wine winecfg
Copy the code

Development Environment Configuration

Install the JDK and configure the environment variables.

Export JAVA_HOME = / home/niu/develop/program/jdk1.8.0 _191 export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATHCopy the code

Install Maven and configure environment variables.

Export M2_HOME = / home/niu/program/apache maven - 3.6.3 export PATH = $PATH: $M2_HOME/binCopy the code

Font rendering

Font rendering has a direct impact on the use of the experience, here are a few recommended fonts.

sudo pacman -S ttf-roboto noto-fonts ttf-dejavu
#Spring of letters
sudo pacman -S wqy-bitmapfont wqy-microhei wqy-microhei-lite wqy-zenhei
#Ses font
sudo pacman -S noto-fonts-cjk adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts
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You can also download Microsoft Windows 10 fonts from the Git repository below for a windows-like font experience. Github is slow to download, so I’ve cloned a copy into the Gitee code cloud.……

You can also download your favorite fonts and copy them to the /usr/share/fonts/TTF folder. Then run the fc-cache-fv command to refresh the font.

Sometimes when you have a nice font installed, it still doesn’t look good. Try adjusting the screen zoom in the Settings and forcing the font DPI parameter. Zooming is not recommended, but you can adjust the font DPI to 120 or 144.

Optional operation

  1. The system update
#Update all software systems
sudo pacman -Syyu
Copy the code

If you are not familiar with the update and are not familiar with Linux, then my advice to you is not to update it, otherwise you may not be able to fix it if you encounter some problems after the update. Of course, the probability is small.

  1. Driver.

Install the graphics card driver, if you turn on and off without any problems, do not toss about. For example, if you start or shut down and get stuck, you can try installing a Proprietary Driver. In the hardware Settings, click Auto Install Proprietary Driver. This is one of the things I like about Manjaro:

  1. rubbish

Clear useless packages from the system.

sudo pacman -R $(pacman -Qdtq)
Copy the code

Clear the downloaded installation package.

sudo pacman -Scc
Copy the code


After a few days of use, The experience of Manjaro is better than expected. Before this, I also experienced Deepin and Ubunut as the main systems. Deepin is not particularly friendly to the graphics card driver of some machines and often gets stuck when it starts or shuts down, but the desktop environment is relatively good. However, when Ubuntu is used as a desktop environment, there are often inexplicable internal errors, and it is sometimes cumbersome to install software. Of course, Ubuntu has many advantages, such as a good interface, active community and so on. In my experience with Manjaro, I discovered how easy it was to solve the graphics driver problem that had been plaguing me for a long time. The KDE desktop environment is also comfortable, but the one thing that’s not so good so far is the font rendering, and whether I zoom or adjust the font DPI, the effect is not obvious. Maybe I did not find the right way, after all, some friends can be out of the box.

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