1. HTML Overview

  • It was invented around 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee
  • Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first browser and server himself and accessed the server using his own browser;
  • Invented the WWW, along with HTML, HTTP, and URL.

Two, HTML hand – up

<html lang="zh-CN "> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, /> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> </body> </ HTML >Copy the code

HTML chapter tags

  1. Title tags: H1 ~ H6
  2. Chapter: section –> represents a chapter
  3. Article: the article
  4. Paragraph tag: P
  5. Head: the header
  6. Steps: footer
  7. Main content: Main
  8. Aside is often used in navigation bars
  9. Division: Div is wrapped to represent the whole

Global properties

  1. Class: Indicates the name of a class. You can add more than one class to a tag
  2. Contenteditable: You can edit any element in the page
  3. Hidden: Hidden
  4. Id: indicates a globally unique label. Global uniqueness is not guaranteed, and no error will be reported if it is repeated. Do not use id unless absolutely necessary. (# XXX)
  5. Style: Write styles directly inside the tag
  6. Tabindex: Multiple Spaces, tabs, and carriage returns in HTML are converted to a single space by default. Tabindex is used to control the order of TAB keys. The value is a number. 0 indicates the last one, -1 indicates never access, and positive values indicate sequential access
  7. Title: Used to display the complete content. (usually used when the cursor floats over the ellipsis)

Five, commonly used content labels

  1. Ol + Li: Ordered list
  2. Ul + LI: unordered list
  3. Dl +dt+ DD: Description and description content
  4. Pre: Retain the space, enter, and TAB
  5. Code: Make the font equal width
  6. Hr: Dividing line
  7. Br: Line feed (single label)
  8. A: link
  9. Em: indicates emphasis
  10. Strong: important
  11. Quote: indicates a quote
  12. Blockquote: newline quote