This is the 23rd day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge.More challenges in August

1. Install webpack

  • npm install -g webpack

  • npm install -g webpack-cli

    • Webpack4 only available tools
    • Use libraries on the command line that depend on this command line tool
    • -g global installation, which is not recommended because the global installation version is fixed.
  • Webpack can build a front-end project, also can compile files, packaging, such as CommJS, AMD, ES6, CSS, Image, JSON. The js file is compiled and packaged for use by the browser.

  • The default entry entry for Webpack is SRC, and after finding SRC, the default entry is index.js.

  • When you type webpack on the command line, you’ll find SRC /index.js in the current directory and pack it into the dist/main.js file in the current directory.

  • Webpack provides the Mode attribute for varying degrees of processing and optimization of files.

    • mode: ‘none’ | ‘development’ | ‘production’
    • You can set the packaged mode using webpack –mode=development from the command line.
    • It can also be configured in webpack.config.js.
    • This can be configured in package.json using scripts.
  • To solve the problem of version locking caused by global Webpack

    • We can find it. / node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack js execute the file
    • You can find the latest temporary version of Webpack to execute. The execution is written in this version.
    • NPX webpack ===./node_modules/webpack/bin(executable)/webpack.js
  • Configure multiple entry files

    const path = require('path')
    module.exports = {
      // Set the mode
      mode: 'development'.// Common configuration entry
      // entry: './src/index.js',
      // Configure multi-entry files
      entry: {
        app: './src/index.js'.hello: './src/hello.js'
      // Configure the exit
      output: {
        filename: '[name].bundle.js'.path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')}}// The packaged file is also multi-export.
    Copy the code
  • babel

    • Babel is a library for converting ES5 syntax (syntax conversion)

    • But for Babel to be integrated with Webpack, one of webPack’s loader babel-loader is required

    • Babel – loader’s official website

      • npm install -D babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-env
        Copy the code
    • Install the plug-in corresponding to bael

    • Configuration in webpack.config.js

      module: {
        rules: [{test: /\.m? js$/,
            exclude: /(node_modules|bower_components)/,
            use: {
              loader: 'babel-loader'.options: {
                  // Install the corresponding plug-in and configure it in Option.
                plugins: [
                  '@babel/plugin-transform-arrow-functions'.// Arrow function
                  '@babel/plugin-transform-classes'./ / class syntax
                  ['@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators', { legacy: true }] // Decorator syntax - only supported by Babel 7.0}}}]}// if it is in. Babelrc, put the corresponding values of options in. Babelrc.
    Copy the code
  • It doesn’t make sense to install a different plug-in every time you have to solve a new problem.

    • Babel provides us with a default solution.

    ?? Debug the webpack-babel configuration file

    options: {
        presets: [['@babel/preset-env', {"debug": true}}]]// @babel/preset-env The preset Babel plugin does not contain a decorator plugin.
    Copy the code
  • Devtool property values can be used to enhance the debugging process. Different values affect the speed of builds and rebuilds.


    • Set to false for a better debugging experience.

  • RegeneratorRuntime is not defined

    • This error is usually caused by browsers not being compatible with higher versions of the syntax.

    • Babel can convert some ES6 syntax, but some apis can’t. Promise, regenertator

      • Why is that? Babel transforms ES6 into ES5, but some ES5 methods are not supported by the browser itself.
    • Polyfill works by mounting some unusable API onto the window. Then implement the API again. Assign a value to a window mounted property.

    • @babel/ Ployfill is needed in a production environment. Because ployFill needs to be used in the runtime environment.

    • Solution: NPM i@babel/Polyfil

      • entry: {
            app: ['@babel/polyfill'.'whatwg-fetch'.'./src/index.js'].hello: './src/hello.js'
        Copy the code
      • Problem: The packaged code is 420KB

    • Solution 2: NPM i@babel/Polyfil

      // Add @babel/polyfill on top of the required js file or on top of the topmost js
      import '@babel/polyfill'
      Copy the code
      • Problem: Packaged size 405KB
    • Solution 3: NPM i@babel/Polyfil

      • options: {
           presets: [['@babel/preset-env', { debug: true.useBuiltIns: 'usage'}}]],debugInfo: Added following core-js polyfills:
                     es6.promise {}
        Copy the code

    @babel/profile provides this functionality, but can cause problems with global variable contamination and prototype contamination (such as adding methods to array prototypes).

    To solve the above methods:

    • Using @babel/ Runtime to solve the above problem, @babe/ Runtime uses a sandbox mechanism.

    • Asycn await Generator is classified as requiring ReGenerator Runtime conversion.

    • The others fall into a category that requires core-JS to convert.

      Note that this is the syntax that Babel cannot convert

  • Use the following method instead of @babel/profile to reduce volume and prevent variable contamination. Prevent double references.

  • @babel/ Runtime does not need @babe/polyfill. The same is true for @babel/ Runtime.

    • The @babel/plugin-transform-Runtime plugin will introduce @babel/Runtime into every module, preventing variable duplication. Another goal is to create a sandbox environment for your code


    • Use posture:

      1. npm install –save-dev @babel/plugin-transform-runtime

      2. npm install –save @babel/runtime

      3. { “plugins”: [“@babel/plugin-transform-runtime”] }

      4. {
          "plugins": [["@babel/plugin-transform-runtime",
                "absoluteRuntime": false."corejs": 2.// If you need to parse Array, Object, etc
                "helpers": true."regenerator": true."useESModules": false."version": "7.0.0 - beta. 0"}}]]Copy the code
      5. NPM i@babel/runtimecorejs2 // required by production environment

Loader converts code and files

Plugin extension function

filename: ‘[name]-[hash].bundle.js’,

filename: ‘[name].bundle.js’,

  • The browser caches js files. After the hash is added, each JS changes, the name changes, and the browser rerequests the latest JS file.

  • React Scaffolding

    • Babel writes a few preset @babel/preset-react for the React environment
      1. Install NPM install — save-dev@babel /preset-react
      2. { “presets”: [“@babel/preset-react”] }

HTML – webpack – the plugin:

Feature: Add an index. HTML file to the dist folder by default and automatically reference all the entry JS files packaged…

 // Plugins at the same level as entry and output are webpack plugins.
  plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'Hey hey hey'.filename: 'index.html'.template: 'src/public/index.html'.hash: true})]Copy the code


module: {
	rules: [{// Loader processing mode
            // Loader processing mode}}]plugins: [{// How the plugin handles it
        // How the plugin handles it}]Copy the code

Css-loader parses the. CSS file

Style-loader puts the data of the. CSS file into the style tag. And into the incoming file.

Style-loader is a style-loader that inserts CSS data into the head element as js tags wrapped in style.

Automatically injects styles into the DOM using multiple <style></style> . It is default behaviour.

Cross-env sets the current node environment.

"prod": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack"
Copy the code

The devTools value determines how fast to build and how fast to package and how fast to rebuild.

Create-react-app enables xxx-source-map in the production environment by default

If speed of packaging is required, eval is used for development environments and None is used for production environments.

Use source-map if you need to debug the source code during development

Package optimization:

// The same level as plugis
optimization: {
    minimize: true.minimizer: [new TerserPlugin({
      cache: true.parallel: true}})],Copy the code