What can I learn from this article?

  1. Make old projects (based on Vue-CLI) support new (experimental) ES syntax, such as “optional chain “.
  2. Learn about other new ES grammars that are currently in the experimental stage.

Optional chain

Recently saw a number of groups in the chat “optional chain “, so the unit of the old project also opened the” optional chain “function, using a month after the feeling is: no longer need to write so long “undefined” judgment, optional chain” really fragrant “.

const obj = {
  foo: {
    bar: {
      baz: 42,}}};consta = obj? .a;// undefined if there is no "?" But there was an error
/ / equivalent to the
// const a = (null === obj || undefined === obj) ? undefined : obj.a;
constbaz = obj? .foo? .bar? .baz;/ / 42
constbaz = obj? .'foo']? .bar? .baz/ / 42
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  1. The recently released Vue-CLI3 already supports “optional links” by default, so you can test it out before installing it.
  2. Optional links are also supported by default if you are using a version later than 3.7.

To install “ES New Features “, vue-CLI3 is required

The first step

yarn add -D @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining
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The second step

Find the “babel.config.js” file in the project root directory and modify the “presets” field:

module.exports = {
    presets: [
        '@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset'].plugins: [// Optional chain plugins. Other Babel plugins are installed the same way
        "@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining"]}Copy the code

Other playable NEW ES features (experimental)

Babeljs. IO /docs/en/plu…

Select a few interesting instructions, others you can look at the official website:


“Not undefined and not NULL” judgment

var object1 = {}
var foo = object1.foo ?? "default"; // "default"

var nl = null;
var res = nl ?? 1 / / 2
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Short – circuit shorthand for assignment after judgment.

let a = false;
a ||= 1; / / 1
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The compiled code looks like this:

var a = false;
a || (a = 1);
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Use the “::” symbol instead of the “bind”, “call” syntax.

/ / equivalent func. Bind (obj)

/ / equivalent obj. Func. Bind (obj)

// Equivalent func.call(obj, val)

Call (obj, val)

$('.some-link').on('click', ::view.reset);
/ / equivalent $('. Some - link ') on (' click 'view. Reset. Bind (view));
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A more complex example:

const { map, filter } = Array.prototype;

let sslUrls = document.querySelectorAll('a')
                ::map(node= > node.href)
                ::filter(href= > href.substring(0.5) = = ='https');

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Function coriatization

function add(x, y) { return x + y; }
const addOne = add(1, ?); // Return function addOne
addOne(2); / / 3
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Private keyword “#”

class Counter extends HTMLElement { #xValue = 0; get #x() { return this.#xValue; } set #x(value) { this.#xValue = value; window.requestAnimationFrame( this.#render.bind(this)); } #clicked() { this.#x++; }}Copy the code

Other features

Other features may not be commonly used in business code (you don’t need to read my article to learn them 😁), but you can take a look at the Experimental bebal features.


In fact, here is the most practical is the “optional chain” function, everyone quickly start to use it, let the old project code more elegant, come on πŸ’ͺ.

πŸ”₯typescript series

The basic tutorial starts here

Lesson one: Playing typescript

Lesson two, basic types and introductory Advanced types

Lesson three, generics

Lesson four, interpret advanced types

Lesson 5: What is a Namespace

Learn typescript in the vue3πŸ”₯ source πŸ¦• – “is”

Lesson 6. What is a Declare? πŸ¦• – Global declaration

πŸ”₯typescript – Practice typescript (line 59)

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Just play micro-blog, we can follow each other, hehe

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