Shows FPS, CPU usage, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS and CPU usage via delegate.


Simply add GDPerformanceMonitoring folder with files to your project, or use CocoaPods.


Simply start monitoring. Performance view will be added above the status bar automatically. Also, you can configure appearance as you like or just hide the monitoring view and use its delegate.

Stop monitoring

Call when you’re done with performance monitoring.

self.performanceView? .stopMonitoring()Copy the code

Call to hide and pause monitoring.

self.performanceView? .pauseMonitoring()Copy the code

Start monitoring and configure

self.performanceView? .startMonitoring(configuration: { (textLabel) in textLabel? .backgroundColor = textLabel? .textColor = UIColor.white textLabel? .layer.borderColor = })Copy the code


  • IOS 8.0 +