For many game players, the stand-alone game is not as good as the online game is fun, a person playing the game is not as good as the multiplayer voice open black fun, so with the changing needs of game players, the game to play system source code demand increases, and in the development of recent years, has also undergone many changes and optimization. The realization of real-time voice is very important in the development of game source code.

One, real-time voice in the game to play system source application scenarios

1. Game orders: After game users successfully order, they communicate with Daishen about the game through voice chat, which saves more traffic than video chat and is more straightforward than picture and text chat.

2, voice chat room: in the game to play the system source voice chat room, on the communication is through real-time voice, such as the old board in the hall to understand the god information, singing chat room boss song, chat chat room between the user topic discussion.

3, private message chat: game with play system source code is to support users between private message chat, voice is one of the ways of chat, users and god can be added as friends, not in the single process can also be effective voice communication on game skills and other issues.

Two, the game to play the system source real-time voice implementation needs to consider what factors?

1, delay: for real-time voice, in order to achieve barrier-free communication between users, it is very important to reduce delay, in the game to play system source development, generally through RTC transmission protocol to reduce delay.

2, quality: although the games with system source is mainly service for the user to play games, but it itself has a highly social attributes, so the tone of voice chat when the demand is higher, play in the game with the system source development in order to improve the sound quality authenticity, smooth real-time voice chat, generally USES the real-time audio and video technology was optimized.

3, cost control: play in the game with source development system, audio transmission of voice chat room have adopted two different ways, for the wheat client USES the real-time audio and video technology, but for the audience end of the chat room, used as a way to bypass live, does not affect the audience to read audio content, and can save cost.

4. System Impact: In real-time voice chat in the process of implementation, also want to consider to the CPU and memory utilization, the complexity of the audio codec is mobile terminal CPU, memory, and power consumption of one of the important reasons, so play in games with development of a system source code, can reduce the complexity of the audio codec to reduce the consumption of CPU, memory, and power.

The realization of real-time voice to play the game with system source development is very important, but as a function of characteristic development, about the single form of diversification development is equally important, the optimization of technology is limited, but the game play with system source development potential is unlimited, the game market is still hot, play games with system source more and more popular.

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