Writing in the front

After the nervous shock of the first day, it was hard not to be afraid. The interview was scheduled at 2pm, but at 1:30, the interview manager finally added me to qq to prepare the video. Because of the first day of the interview, I feel that I still master the source code is not very good, so I looked at the source code, the idea of the reason.

Begin by

The interview manager was very friendly. After introducing themselves to each other, they began to ask questions. Feel a lot of peace in my heart, escape ~

Test questions

  • How did you learn about the front end?
  • 2. How to achieve vertical horizontal center
  • 3. What is the CSS selector weight?
  • 4. Set up a button, click after display information, please ask how this is done (here answer event bubble), then ask, do you know about event capture? What’s the order between them?
  • 5. Explain the lifecycle function of Vue? (here fromNew Vue ()Start talking, and then in the middle of the computer ran out of power!! Be sure to prepare these before the interview, otherwise it will leave a bad impression on the interviewer)
  • 6. Explain how Vue bidirectional binding is implemented? (ObjectClass traversedataAnd add to themsetandgetProperty, Dep collects the Watcher instance (Dep.targetWhen the data changes, triggering the set property traverses the dependencyDep.notisy()To trigger the Watcher’supdata()Methods)
  • 7. Do you think you got anything out of the project? (I felt that part of the project was too verbose and did not grasp the technical focus, which led to the cool behind)
  • How did you learn about the front end?
  • 9. What are your plans before graduation?

After a plane

Originally, I thought I answered all the questions well, and I thought I could pass, but I still haven’t heard about the second interview one day. Senior help me to check the results