To do a good job, he must sharpen his tools

As a front-end worker, an editor or IDE is especially important for development. How do you create your own development environment in 1 minute


Choose a suitable editor or IDE, VScode not to mention, free, rich plug-ins and Microsoft’s tough development community, as well as fast response speed quickly gained a large number of users, let’s introduce this plug-in and configuration file. This article is written using the latest version 1.37.1. It is possible that a later version will integrate some plugins. This article will be updated at any time

Vscode plug-in

Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code

English menus become friendly in Chinese, allowing developers to learn more about their editors

Theme – One Dark Pro

There are many themes on vscode, I use this one

We can also according to their own preferences to the official plugin

Bracket color – Bracket Pair Colorizer2

In addition, VSCode will also compile a JS outline, which can help developers see the code structure better, especially when reading other people’s code

Git Enhancement – GitLens

Vscode will integrate git itself, but there are always some areas where the experience is not good. This is where the plug-in can be used. In addition, Git History is also worth recommending, which pays more attention to comparison, but I think it is good enough. If VScode itself has met the requirements of Git, there is no need to install many similar plug-ins; Git Easy is also a popular plugin, you can go to search

Shortcut – Sublime Importer for VS Code

Seamlessly switch familiar shortcuts; There are other options; Or set it up yourself (time-consuming)

HTML To modify paired tags – Auto Rename Tag

As we all agreed, there is a plugin

Auto Close Tag

Automatically close HTML tags, I did not actually check vscode itself is not this function, or very convenient

File Management – Project Manager

You can quickly manage the projects you often use

Code formatting and beautification

Eslint: Code checks global installation of ESlit

npm i eslint -g

Copy the code

The eslit plug-in needs to be installed in this project

Vetur: format vue Prettier: format JS/TS/CSS without going into details, don’t worry

Visual Studio IntelliCode

I don’t feel much when I’m writing code, the AI can only tell you when you’re writing code, it remains to be seen if it’s worth it

Here comes the emphasis, one minute configuration

Synchronize configuration – Settings Sync

Synchronize your plugin configuration and your editor configuration to GIST. It’s easy to quickly configure gist on different computers. It should take no more than a few minutes

Can fork my synchronized configuration

Through these plug-ins, basically has met the daily needs, we can also put your feel good, some of their better application scenarios, comments out, for everyone to learn to use, do not have to spend a long time to configure nothing to do with the code

Configuration to take away



  "workbench.colorTheme""One Dark Pro".









  // "editor.wordWrapColumn"80.













  // "vetur.format.options.useTabs"true.

  "vetur.format.defaultFormatterOptions": {

    "prettyhtml": {




  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {




  // "prettier.printWidth"90.

  // "prettier.singleQuote"true.

  // "prettier.eslintIntegration"true.

  // "prettier.tslintIntegration"false.


  "eslint.validate": [













  """C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe".

  "[javascript]": {



  "[html]": {



  "[json]": {








  "task.slowProviderWarning": [




Copy the code

Remove the above configuration and you can use it

The 2019-10-15 update

Please follow my official account