This is from the training I did before. I have deleted some relevant information and referred to a lot of materials (
List of resources), thank you, 😘

In terms of the development of the front-end mainstream technology framework, the past few years of rapid development, filling the gaps and deficiencies of the original technical framework, but also gradually becoming mature. In the future, the front-end will gradually stabilize in the direction of mature technology and enter the stage of iterative optimization of technology, such as language standards and front-end frameworks.

For mobile applications, the next step to focus on front-end development may be the development of native NativeView, forming a set of mobile end efficient front-end development ecosystem.

The idea of Web in the new field will also bring technological innovation and development opportunities to the front end, such as Virtual Reality (VR), Web of Things (Physical Web, a concept that connects objects to the network), machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Future Front-end trends…

Here’s the latest outlook from FrontendMaster, a quick read:

  • Nothing will change or slow the usage or popularity of React for many years to come. React will continue to be widely used in recent years.
  • GraphQL will replace a lot of REST API’s this year. GraphQL will replace A lot of REST API’s this year.
  • The web will continue to become more native-like with offline capabilities and seamless mobile experiences. Web apps will behave more like native apps.
  • HTML 5.3 is “coming.
  • Keep an eye on turbo, a blazing fast NPM client. Turbo is said to be 5 times faster than NPM, Yarn, etc.
  • Expect to learn and use CSS Transforms 3D, CSS Transitions, CSS Flexbox, CSS filters, CSS Grid
  • JavaScript usage will continue to grow with no slowdown in sight.
  • Web Assembly: Tooling, tooling, tooling. Web Assembly: Tooling, tooling.
  • Universal/isomorphic JavaScript solutions continue to evolve e.g. next.js and Sapper. Isomorphic solutions continue to evolve.
  • Web components still lurk and wait for significant traction from developers.
  • I believe the end is in sight for CSS pre-processors as PostCSS, CSSnext, and CSS in JS take over.
  • Older server centric application patterns show up again but with a new spin. The pendulum could start to swinging away from strick SPA applications. People will begin to pull back on the complexity of single page applications and return to things like pjax (A mix of SPA and Server-side Rendering. See The server-side rendering requirement is only part of the front-end project, and this prediction is not necessarily true.
  • Progressive Web Applications hopefully will catch fire. If they don’t, I fear they never will. At least not in their current form. In fact, after the hardware surplus, most scenes do not need any gradual.
  • “Chatbots created on the basis of artificial intelligence and neural networks will continue to evolve helping to increase communication online. I wonder what it will lead to, but this is unconditional web development trends 2018”. Nods. Artificial intelligence chatbots may be the next big thing, as Facebook’s chatbots invent their own language.
  • Vue. Js usage will likely overtake all Angular usage. Vue will likely overtake all Angular usage.
  • AR/AV, AI, and chat bots will continue to evolve and find their sweet spot.
  • JavaScript Symbol and Generators will likely go unnoticed by most front-end developers. These two features do not appear in the public eye.
  • More developers will divorce themselves from plain JavaScript and try to marry another. But, just like in marital divorce one always takes most of the same problems with them to the greener grass and little actually changes. Preferences and values just get re-prioritized and history will repeat itself. A lot of people will try TypeScript, just like they tried CoffeeScript before it died down.
  • Webpack 4 will happen, and be better, due to competition!
  • Continued exploration for the ideal CSS solution for a tree of UI components will not cease.
  • State management gets a reset and people start to simplify. Hopefully, This will be the year for solutions like Mobx to Shine. Mobx libraries that simplify state management will see more use.

By the way, Google recently released Project Stream,, which allows you to Stream games on Chrome without installing games, without compatibility, or anything like that. If this technology becomes widespread, it will have a major impact on the entire UI-related industry, such as front-end, games, applets and so on.

So the development of technology is unpredictable, do not know which day there will be any black technology, what changes, positive embrace on the right.