Preface: This is not a technical content, but just my curiosity about this history of development and my hobby of recording. It was named after The Ming Dynasty.

The Primordial Years (1990 — 1994)

When I was a kid, whenever I would open my browser and surf the Web, I would type WWW in the address bar whenever I was going to visit a site. It’s like a surfer’s must-have kit.

WWW = World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee’s (British) NeXT computer was the first. The origin of the Web goes back to 1990, because on November 2 of that year, Berners-lee and his partner Robert Cailliau(Belgium) collaborated on WorldWideWeb:Proposal for a Hyper Text Project. The day after, Tim wrote the first web page on his NeXT to implement the idea he had written (how exciting it was to see a dream unicorn projected into reality).

12.25 on a date of great significance for the Christian west, berners-lee created the tools necessary to work on the web: a web browser (called the WorldWideWeb) and a web server. The C and B sides were born hand in hand, and Berners-Lee and Cailliau achieved the first communication in the history of the WWW.

Despite berners-Lee’s work in 1990, the debut of the WWW public service on the Internet did not happen until August 6, 1991.


As for the origin of the concept of hypertext, the nonlinear structure of text predicted by Memex(Memory Extender) proposed by Vannevar Bush in the 1930s is widely regarded in readily available materials. Hypertext editing systems and applications predate the WWW: The hypertext editing system by Andries Van Dam and Ted Nelson of Brown University (USA) in 1967. The WWW is by far the most widely known.

However, it is worth mentioning that before the creation of WWW Hyper Text, Jorges Luis Borges had already incorporated the verve of hypertext into his book Garden of Forking Paths.

Let’s start with a simple explanation for the name hypertext: it provides jumps that contain complex formats. Complex formatting means that text may not be limited to text, but can also be in images or other formats. A jump means that you can jump from a complex format that contains link attributes to another text. A simple example is when we accidentally click on an AD image while browsing the web and our browser opens to another page.

Three key technologies

URI(Uniform Resource Identifier) : a unique authentication system for global network resources

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language (the most widely known version is HTML5)

HTTP: HTTP (protocol)

All three key technologies were implemented by Berners-Lee.

For the WWW to grow, MIT’s Berners-Lee founded the W3C in October 1994 to promote these technologies.