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Front end to back end, to product, to management, front end to go abroad WLB, entrepreneurship to do CTO… “Listen to how our predecessors have come all the way. The yardstick of the past can define the present as well as predict the future. The earlier you understand and see, the less detours you take, the better you win.

This is the 19th front early talk sideline special, is also the early talk 135, from Easy to share.

As a freelancer, he is good at many fields. He founded JobDeer talent auction website, which was very popular in the technology circle many years ago, so he has been involved in many fields and has a profound understanding of technology commercialization. He has more than 500,000 followers on Weibo. His name is Easy. Today’s topic is “How to Go from Lean Development to Lean Sideline”.

To introduce myself

Hello everyone, I am very glad to have this opportunity to share with you, the theme of our share is “How to go from Lean Development to Lean Sideline”.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Easy.


According to the era of our technology circle, it should be an ancient programmer. I started learning to write Basic around 95, 96.

PHP, CMS, and WebMagik

I started to learn PHP in my sophomore year. PHP developed very well later, but it was interesting that I chose PHP at that time. In fact, I wanted to do Web page development, and then I went to the school library. Go to the school library to see, ASP and JSP books have been borrowed, only PHP, I also had to borrow a, the result took a look to find this language is very interesting, and then learn.

In those days PHP was a back-end language, but at that time the whole site was a hybrid of the front and back, it didn’t have a dedicated front end, so you learn PHP, you have to learn JavaScript, you have to learn CSS, you even have to learn PS. So technically, I think I’m half the front end.

After I learned to write message boards and forums, my graduation project in university was a drag-and-drop component CMS. Graduation design is also pretty hard, fully do three months, check all kinds of information, write code, and finally make the whole program, so later also used. About 3 or 4 years after graduation, I wrote a website building system based on this kind of thing, specifically designed to generate Web2.0 sites like douban with reviews and databases, and then user reviews and groups, because Web2.0 was very popular at that point in time. At that time, this system was sold for 3000, 5000 yuan, I don’t remember, but I sold dozens of sets and made a profit of several hundred thousand yuan. This was my first sideline business.

Main business: Sina Cloud Computing

I was a product architect for Sina Cloud computing at that time. That is to say, I was also responsible for both products and architectures. Because they were all cloud services, it was very difficult for ordinary product managers to construct them if they did not know the technology.


Then Innovation Works invested a little bit of money in me, and I started a company to auction programmers called JobDeer. Maybe some of the older students remember it.

Online education + independent development

I’m doing online education and indie development. Independent development basically does not make money, mainly rely on online courses this part. The operating revenue of the online courses we have put on NetEase Cloud Classroom has exceeded one million in the first year. Of course this is revenue, there is some share, there is some payment (channel fee), there is some tax to pay, so it doesn’t come down to that much.

In fact, the annual salary of some junior and intermediate programmers in big factories is not much different, but the more comfortable place is that although you are very busy when you are doing classes, you may only spend two thirds of the time doing classes, and the rest of the time is relatively free, you can go wherever you want. In addition, I live in Chongqing now, so the housing price here is relatively cheap. Compared with students who go to Shenzhen or North China, there is not so much pressure, so MY life is still good.

Among the independent development projects that I did that didn’t make much money, the one that was more famous was Server sauce, mainly because it was developed for a long time, so it was relatively famous. Many students may have used it, and now it has about 100,000 users. It is actually a very simple push service. We provide an API interface. As long as you send an HTTP request to the interface, it will push a message through the wechat interface.

Welfare words

Of all the indie projects I’ve been working on recently, the one I thought was fun was the welfare word project. It is a tool for memorizing words, and the interesting part is that when you say a digit, it will show you a cute girl in the background. When you type the word correctly, the mask disappears and you can see a high-definition picture. I made this thing to give myself motivation when I was memorizing words. Later found that the effect is very good, back up basically can ignore the passage of time is very easy to use.

If you are interested in these two projects, you can go to have a look. The address of Server sauce is The words of welfare are now downloaded for free, and you can download them by visiting

According to me?

After introducing who I am, let’s move on to the second question, which is why you want to listen to me share how to do a side business. Of course, I think many students are good at sharing. We can see a lot of sharing about side business on Weibo, Bilibili and Github, but my sharing may be slightly different.

First of all, I know the programmer’s career may be some, because I was mainly do programmers auction, should be two years, we probably sold more than 1000 nearly 2000 programmers, so the understanding of the career planning of the programmer may make the programmer itself than the average, especially the professional students a little bit more. I wrote a book called “Programmer Job-Hopping Guide”, which was downloaded more than 100,000 times on the Internet and received good feedback, indicating that people still agree with this theoretical system of our career.

On the other hand, I am obsessed with my side business, which is money. Whenever I have spare time, I always think about how to make money by writing programs or doing something related to technology. So I wrote a book called How Programmers Earn Pocket Money Gracefully.

There is a half-truth about this book, which is that when I first wrote this book, I actually wanted to be a programmer, and then have my own business, and finally win. Then I had an outline of how to make money, how to make money, how to make money. In the end, I tested all the feasible solutions from beginning to end. It took me quite a long time, more than a year or two years. After testing all the solutions, I changed the title of the book to teach programmers how to earn pocket money.

The point here is that it’s easy to make a little money on your side as a programmer, but it’s really hard to make a lot of money on your side.

Sideline methodology

Finally, ALTHOUGH I’m writing less code now, I’ve been writing programs for years. You know, a programmer is a logical animal, he wants to know the logic behind everything he sees, so in the side business, a lot of people see skills, you just do that and you can make some money, but the skills are fleeting.

The ancients said it was better to Fish than to Fish. Three fishes with water. So when we do this side business, I think we need to look at the methodology, and that methodology is what I want to share with you.

We’re running out of time today, so let’s just say the two most important things. The first is why you have a side business, and the second is how to do it gracefully.

Why a side hustle?

Greater career possibilities

Let’s look at the first point. First of all, a side job can bring us greater career possibilities.

Here is a piece I drew in the whole guide of programmer job-hopping called sugar Career map, which divides the whole programmer career into four quadrants:

  • The upper left is called the employee quadrant, and the employee quadrant is helping people make money;
  • Below the employee quadrant is the small boss quadrant, inside this line is to do independent development, can open studios, can set up a website to do outsourcing, but generally speaking, is to hire their own, for their own money;
  • On the top right, I call it startup startup, where you start a company and hire other people to make money for you;
  • The lower right corner is the investment quadrant, which is money to make money, money to directly help you make money, in the way of investment. Within these four quadrants, the ceiling at which you make money is completely different, and so is the risk.

Employees quadrant quadrant is a risk of very small, as long as you don’t fired, to go to work everyday, basically only a stable income, but the problem is that if you didn’t get the shares of the company, and then the company is very lucky, and you’re in the company’s listing, it’s hard to get a lot of profit. Let’s say 10 million or so, if you don’t have an income, you’re actually under a lot of pressure to buy a house in Shenzhen.

Of course, there are some senior positions in the company, such as some senior experts in big factories, this kind of position is also good, but the position of this kind of place is very limited. If you grew up in a big factory and those positions above you were filled and sometimes dropped in, you didn’t have that opportunity, so you had to change your path, either to another job, or to another quadrant.

Job-hopping we do not say here, because you jump over jump over, generally speaking or from a good morning worker into a good night worker.

Employee quadrant toggles small boss quadrant

Let’s take a look at quadrant switch. First of all, we switch from the employee quadrant to the small boss quadrant. If we switch directly in the case of no side business, we will immediately become a small boss after leaving the job, this risk is very high.

The risk here stems primarily from an illusion of competence. When we are in the company, on the platform, especially cattle during a particularly large company, you will produce an illusion, you will get the platform the energy of this company as your own, you will find you out to talk about business talk about cooperation, do those technology conference speech, the somebody else is very welcome, start talking is very smooth, very fit.

You think it’s because of your charisma and your ability, but when you leave the platform, you realize that when you leave the platform, things are different. For example, when you go out to talk about cooperation, the original people are far away already welcomed, now you may not be able to make an appointment. When you were at a big company you might have 10 or 20 related deals a month and a bunch of peripheral projects begging you to do them, but when you left the platform you might not have any.

I know a lot of friends who have gone off to work and ended up going back to work because of this problem.

Employee quadrant switch to startup quadrant

Another direction quadrant switch is to cut directly from the employee quadrant to the startup quadrant. This is the risk and threshold are particularly high, especially at this point in time.

Let’s talk about the threshold. If you’re an employee all the time, you might not feel that way, but once you switch to being an owner, you realize that starting a company, even if you only have two or three people, is actually very expensive. You’ve got office space, you’ve got payroll, you’ve got social security, you’ve got health insurance, you’ve got to get some extra money from the company, and the employees don’t get it. So if you want to come up with the money yourself, you need to have plenty of money to burn. This is the threshold. Another aspect is that you don’t have to use your own money, you can get investment, but now the whole investment is cold and it is difficult to get financing, so this place is one of the threshold.

In terms of risk, this is not a particularly good time to start a business, at least not the kind of explosive entrepreneurship that people think of. Said because we now is about the second half of the wave in the mobile Internet technology, at this time of the original technology and the opportunity has been developed, the opportunity has been occupied, and the next wave of technology wave did not come tardy, artificial intelligence and VR, AR these are now temporarily haven’t form a particularly large such a trend, The opportunity to create an extraordinary number of platform-level opportunities is not there yet.

How do you understand it? Such as when the mobile Internet, we both need from a computer in the mobile phone, it is used to use a computer and even to offline trading, is now in the mobile phone can be directly traded, this time it’s lack of a large number of interface, the user interaction between so some things, this time it is a very good development. If we seize the opportunity to build such an interface layer, then we can only grasp these users, after we grasp the users, we can reverse to optimize the following process, but now there is basically no such opportunity, so the opportunity for explosive growth has been very little. We just have to wait for the next wave.

So strictly speaking, it’s not that the risk is getting really big, maybe the risk is just a little bit higher, but the return is going from a big return to a very small return. In this period, if we still use the same entrepreneurial strategy to invest a considerable amount of such resources, to take the same big risk to obtain a much smaller return than the original, it should be said that it is quite unwise.

So what’s the better strategy? A better strategy is to reduce the risk so that it is proportional to the benefit. Like starting a business on the side.

Let’s take a look at our career road map with the sideline model in place. Our main task is still in the employee quadrant, we continue to go to the management line or the expert line, and continue to grow.

But now that we have a side business, we have side quests, and we can also do some tasks that switch from the employee quadrant to the small boss line, or some tasks that switch from the employee quadrant to the startup quadrant.

The advantage of this is that first of all, the overall risk is reduced, because the risk of our main task is very low, it can guarantee our daily work and life. Our quality of life wouldn’t suffer much if we failed all the side quests.

On the other hand, because we’re still working on employees, we’re still working on these big companies and platforms, so when we’re doing side quests, we’re doing side quests. For example, when the small boss line us to do independent development or to do studio, this part of the resources of the big factory can slowly infiltrate the past. When we start our own business, we may be able to take into account the resources in Dachang, of course, on the premise of complying with the company’s regulations and not violating laws.

Greater career freedom

Of course you might be curious and say how do I start a business? For example, if we start a startup in the future, you are likely to commercialize open source software because we are programmers. This is a common business model, which is the free plus charge model. An open source software, its upfront investment is very long, may be 3 to 5 years without a penny, all open source. This part of the work actually does not conflict with us as employees working in the same company, you may even work for the company to benefit from the open source project to achieve win-win. Of course, this is just an example, and you can find your own solution.

In short, if we have a side hustle plugged in, we’re straddling three quadrants in our career roadmap, and that’s fine.

Hot and cold, sour and sweet

That’s what we call the greater career possibilities of a side hustle. You may say that I am not so ambitious, I do not want to start a business, do not want to toss, I just want to be a worker in my employees line at ease. But even so, a side hustle can give you more career freedom.

First, if your side business is up and you have cash flow, you can quit at any time. Some of you who were born in the 2000s might want to say, well, that’s what I’m doing now, I don’t have a side hustle, I can quit anytime, and that’s because you’re probably a little bit younger. If you get into the middle of your life, you probably have a family and a mortgage and a car, and that’s all you have to pay. If you quit suddenly and have no income, these payments will be worth every penny. If you have a side business at this time, you can support these expenses, so that you can look for the next job with relative peace of mind.


The other career freedom that comes with a side hustle is what we call planB, another way back. Because you can see that the requirements for employees are getting higher and higher. Even if you don’t make any mistakes, as long as your growth doesn’t get you to the top, you’re likely to find yourself losing your professional competitiveness after age 35 or, at most, 40 or so. At this time, even if you want to stay in this enterprise, the enterprise does not want you, how do you deal with this problem? This is something that most of us programmers, all but the very Top programmers, have to think about.

Side jobs can introduce anti-vulnerability into our careers. When I discussed anti-vulnerability on Weibo before, I found that many students had some misunderstanding about it. They thought the opposite of vulnerability was strength, which is also the common robustness in our programming. When it comes to career, this company doesn’t want me, and other companies want me to keep looking for a job. In this industry, I can always find a job as long as I need it. This is occupational robustness. But anti-vulnerability is better than robustness. What do you mean?

Robustness means I’m not affected in the uncertain state, I’m the same as before, whereas anti-vulnerability means I’m benefiting in the uncertain state, I’m benefiting more than BEFORE. Why does a side hustle give our classes anti-vulnerability, not just robustness?

First of all, I think there must be robustness. If your main business doesn’t want you now, you switch to a side business first, and that’s robustness. But this side job is actually better and easier than your old job, which is anti-vulnerability. Because it’s better than your old job. Why is a side hustle better than any other job? I think it depends on its characteristics. Because the sideline itself is the use of our own in some spare time outside the main business, with little time and energy to develop such a business. So when you turn your side business into your main business, you’ll find it’s much more enjoyable.

Of course, the best thing about work is financial freedom. You can work or not. But when you have to work, I think there are roughly three levels of work freedom:

  • The first is freedom of place of work;
  • Second, freedom of working hours;
  • The third is freedom of work.

And the business that we do on the side, you will find that it is always better than the business that we go to that place every day, so it has a lot more freedom.

Greater ability to improve

A side job can bring us more ability to improve.

Now community inside ridicule more interviews build rockets, work screw. You said I came to meet you, you asked me about React Hooks, Vue3 new stuff I can live with, that’s my business. You start asking about Deep Learning, BigData, cloud native, container choreography, BlockChain, and even quantum computing.

It’s the kind of interview that takes a lot of new stuff and puts it all on the table. I think interview is a kind of competition, which is to choose the best among a group of people. In fact, I can understand, but usually what people don’t understand is that after I finished the interview, I found that the technology used by the company has nothing to do with the interview. After I went in, I found that you may still use jQuery, BootStrap and PHP with version 4, but now the version 8 is out. Code management is still SVN. Not only small factories, not only traditional industries, in some of the Internet industry, some of the big factories, some of their departments will be the same situation.

After all the teasing, have you ever wondered why this happens? And it’s pretty common. This is due to technical debt-driven architecture updates. What do you mean? Let’s take a concrete example. Let’s say we have a business now, and five years ago, we built this system with the latest technology.

As the time goes by, new technologies are constantly coming out, but our online business can be satisfied, and it requires stability, so we are not allowed to make very large changes to it, so the technology stack will gradually become obsolete, but it is not unusable, right? Long live understanding.

Under this thinking, this technical debt will continue to accumulate. Until one day we realized that the technical debt had overwhelmed the entire architecture, and if we didn’t change it, the business would fail, or even after a day or two the business would fail, and we had to reproduce the whole system. At this time, we will choose the most advanced technology at that time to reconstruct a new system.

So what you find in a lot of companies is that it’s not a constant state of being updated, constantly up to date, it’s a jump. First it’s new, then it gets old. It gets very old, then suddenly it gets new, then it gets old again, it’s a jump.

Now the problem is that when a system is developed with the latest technology a few years ago, it gets old and the people who developed the system need to maintain it continuously with the old technology stack. Of course, I know that many of our technical personnel are very aggressive and love new technologies, and they will put all kinds of new technologies on top of the old system. But behind these things, it is actually an economic problem, which requires more budget, and it is also a risk problem. My original system can cover the current business, so why should I build a new system? Besides, my overall performance will not improve and will not bring more sales revenue. So in the end, it was inevitable that the system would slowly get old, and the technology stack of the original wave of developers would continue to get old along with it.

But when the stack of achievements becomes unusable at the end of the day, the company will want to switch it to the latest technology. In this case, the people who have the stack of achievements with the company will be required to quickly learn the latest stack and apply it. In most cases, there are a very large number of people who are going to be eliminated, and the decision is very simple, if you can keep those people, if you can’t hire new people to build a new technical team, it’s probably cheaper.

Therefore, in the structural renewal of this structure, if our technicians do not learn new technologies and find places to apply them, they will be eliminated sooner or later, just like frogs in warm water.

So as programmers, we must embrace new technology, because there is a very good saying: once a new technology becomes popular, you either ride the steamroller or become the paving stone. A side hustle gives us an option to get on the roller and not get crushed.

Because our programmer is not the same as other industries, the industry it is requirement for new knowledge with practice, it is not a cognitive, that is to say you know new concept mode of thinking with respect to ok, it needs a hard so a try their environment, and we are in the company because it USES the old technology stack, you are not such an application environment. So the side business gives us an application environment where we can apply the latest technology to the side business and keep our technology stack up to date. When our main business needs the latest technology, we can directly migrate there seamlessly to keep our business competitive.

Here by the way, I would like to mention another topic, that is, most Internet companies in China are not technology companies, they are business driven, technology just escort, to ensure that my business can develop well ok.

This kind of business as the core of the model, will lead to the development of our programmers in quadrant employees, if you want to the high-level development, no matter you are walking management line, or go to business of expert line inevitably have coupling, you need to understand the business to understand some of the things it very thoroughly, because our technical architecture is to do the solution for the business. If you don’t understand the business, even if you’re really good at it, there’s a mismatch between what you’re doing and what we’re doing.

But here’s the problem: when we’re in the early stages, like development or advanced development, it’s more technical, and then when we get into the management line or the expert line, it’s more business. However, starting from the node of the group manager and related to business, the number is very small. Maybe I have 10 or 20 senior developers and only 3 or 5 team leaders, so this kind of opportunity is not available to every student. If you have this opportunity in this company, You can certainly grasp it well.

But when you’re down on your luck, the group manager above you is very competent, and he doesn’t promote, he stays in the position, and he sits there for years. In this case, we can only choose to improve our business ability through other ways, and sideline is a very good way to improve business ability.

As a side note, the company and you have a lot of common interests, but the company’s interests and your interests are not exactly aligned. So when the company isn’t nurturing you, you need to nurture yourself.

How to do a side business gracefully?

We have said in great detail why we want to do a sideline. Here’s how to do a side hustle gracefully.

Get to the bottom of it

I think there’s one thing you have to understand before you do anything, and that’s the essence of the problem.

The core resource of your side business?

For example, what are the core resources of your side business? Is the person? Is the money? Is it business? Experience has taught me that what is scarcest is often the most essential.

The core resource of a side hustle: time slices

What’s the scarcest thing we have on the side? Is time.

So I think the core resource of the service industry is actually the time slice. Let’s calculate the free time of a student who works normally. If commuting and eating are excluded, he may have only two hours between work and sleep. On Saturday and Sunday, we calculate eight hours a day, so how much time does a week have? That adds up to 26 hours, and only 26 hours a week are available for your side business, and your side business competitor may be demanding 996 of his employees. Let’s not talk about productivity, but the disparity in resources is obvious. That’s why a side business is hard to do, and that’s why it’s not easy to compete with other products.

So in view of the characteristics of sideline, we have to figure out its core advantages, if you do not understand the advantages of running to play, basically is not winning. After a period of exploration, I think that side business has a very interesting core advantage, called the spin-off advantage.

What exactly does this mean? Sideline as the name suggests is that we have a business and the business we can produce main business income, is that we go to work, then we will get salary, but in wages at the same time, we also had some knowledge related to business experience, and these things it is we do business with a by-product. If we process the by-product as a side business and then sell it, we can make an income.

The most interesting point here is to say that because the basis for our side business is actually a by-product of the main business, its cost is very low, even close to zero, so the overall cost of our side business is very low. So we were able to price the product much lower than what we were able to do on a full time scale.

Some students may say wrong, you see those start-ups and some big companies are free products, they are actually taking investment, and then burn money, and then want to take over the market, and then slowly turn free software into paid services, and then strive for profits.

With these competitors, we have two strategies. One is that I spend more time with you, because you burn money for about 5 years, you burn for about 10 years, you are at the scale of 20 years, you can burn it all the time, right? You will one day be no more charge, as long as I can continue to maintain a low cost, I am a very thin profit I can always live, because I am a small team, we want to don’t have much money, don’t fly into a rage at the drop of a consortium is a bunch of people like you, you don’t earn millions of tens of millions, you don’t do balance.

This, of course, requires a lot of patience. And a better strategy, it is said that the investment or company to do these areas, in fact there is a return of such a problem that is to say I put so much money, at last it must bring me how much return, or the possibility, so they have a larger market space will be, generally in 100 million yuan of above, Therefore, there are no such companies and investment in vertical market segments with less than 100 million RMB and tens of millions of RMB. This time it is where we used to do a sideline is very good, in these places, we take advantage of by-products, can do some business at very low cost, continuously make with some small gains, and they despise those companies to enter this market, because they think money is too little, want to understand first so it is very important to start again, Don’t have to work hard for 3~5 years, and finally be forced to death by a rival products of the big factory.

Introduce scientific processes

Sometimes the choice is more important than the effort, after thinking about the essence of the problem, we can start to do. What I want to emphasize at this point is that we must introduce a scientific process.

In the daily work of our programmers, it is the product manager who provides us with requirements. We know that they usually keep revising the requirements, and then make the programmers work overtime, which is very annoying. Many students think that this is the problem of product manager’s ability. I think the problem of product manager’s ability may be a part of it, may be a large part of it, but the demand itself is also changing frequently, which is not easy to understand.

Because when we start a side business, most of the time we are on our own, there is no product manager to give you requirements, you have to sort out the requirements yourself. You’ll end up with the product manager fiddling with requirements and the programmer working overtime. As we calculated earlier, the time we spend on our side business is 26 hours a week. If you change one requirement, you may lose your time for a week. Therefore, we must introduce a scientific process to ensure that we are not wasting our time.

One that I use a lot is a process that originated in Silicon Valley called lean entrepreneurship. I think he is very fit for the programmer, because in fact in our program here long ago there was a agile development, it has a lean development, it is actually the lean startup a subset of this concept in the field of development, and the lean startup it is just the idea extends to the whole product life cycle, including said we the business model of the project design, Our development, our launch, our operations, it puts it all in.

This process works well for smaller startups. However, for our 26-hour side business a week, it may be a bit more complicated. Maybe if you do this process several times, you will find that you have already finished your products, but now the same time has been spent in order to do this process.

When I moved to independent development, I took the lean startup process that I used as a startup and tweaked it so that it took as little time as possible to cut out the less important parts and keep only the core parts, and that’s what we call a Lean sideline process.

We don’t have time to go through it in detail today, so I’ll give you a brief overview of what the process looks like:

  • First we will do the business model canvas. The business model canvas is a mapping of the value proposition, which is how much we charge for what we provide to whom. We may face many subdivided users for a product. At this time, we will make a user portrait for each type of users.
  • User profile is a little bit like a person, you put a profile picture for him, and then write some of his basic identity information and his needs, under which scenarios he uses our product;
  • By imagining that he uses this detail of the scene.
  • We can tease out a big list of features;
  • Finally, we combined the list of features to get unique features, which were segmented by priority;
  • There is a particularly important analysis within the analysis called minimum usable product. What is the minimum available product for?
  • Product market fit PMF validation. It’s a test of our business hypothesis. The business hypothesis is actually the value proposition that we put forward at the beginning, which is how much we want to sell this product to what kind of users at what price, and then we test it through the minimum available product. For example, we make a sales page, and then put our product profile on it, service profile on it, and then put our pricing on it, and then put this page to our target customers. You can not do the following functions, and then we will see how many customers click the purchase button, how many customers have paid, if we do not finish the thing, you can refund to him first, or you can tell him in advance that this is pre-sale. We will develop the order quantity after you set it, or I will give you a refund. In short, after the verification of the demand itself, to ensure that our products are made;
  • Iterative development. And then we move into phase 2, or phase 1 development, if you think of the minimum available product as phase 0, it’s a phase 1 development, and then step by step we build it, and then we sell it, based on feedback from the user side;
  • In the iteration so go forward, finally can refer to the growth of hackers to do a growth system, the flow for some details of a relatively large optimization.

This is a product flow of our entire economic sideline.

About this process, I took the welfare words project as an example in the advanced course of Software realization on NetEase in great detail, and explained dozens of lessons in great detail on how to operate step by step, so you can have a look if you are interested.

List of books on lean startup methodology

If you’re not interested in the course, or if you’re looking for free resources, I also have a list of books on lean startup methodology that make up all the aspects of the methodology. This TWO-DIMENSIONAL code corresponds to an article I wrote a brief introduction, on each book, explain the methodology, then finally put together a relatively complete methodology, if you have time to read it yourself.

By the way, this methodology is boring to read about, but what’s really useful is this systematic methodology that allows you to iterate and get things done step by step. I know there are many students who come to share, but they always want to hear something. If they know something today, they can earn money tomorrow, but this kind of thing doesn’t exist. Even if more people have information, they won’t make money.

Find the right side business

In the end, I think it’s important to add a little bit about how to find the right side hustle. Because I have done some sharing before, everyone was very excited after listening to it, thinking that the sideline is so good, I must do it, I probably know how to do it, I am determined to do it step by step through the methodology, but my biggest problem is that I have squeezed out my time, I don’t know what to do.

So I’m going to do an extra session to help you answer that question. The first is a Github ebook I wrote on how programmers can earn pocket money gracefully. Check out the Github repository. In the last part of this book, it lists some of the directions I have practiced before for doing a side business, which should provide some reference for everyone.

Another great place to find startup ideas that I’ve been finding lately is It’s a great mailing list for such a trend report for a side business, but it puts the content on the site as well, so we’ll just call it a website. This trend analysis report is very interesting, it is in fact to analyze the market inside what are the new direction for the investment, and then put the investment at the bottom of the cover less than some segment of the market into the details of the report, and then take out to sell, it’s report is paid, but will usually provide a simple version, the short version is you can read free of charge. I read a lot of their briefs, and I felt inspired by them. The one on the right is what I’ve listed, and it now has over 30 reports covering every direction.

The most interesting parts of the report are predictions, opportunities and key lessons. On this screen right now is a short version of their report that I translated earlier, called the Million Dollar One-man company. It’s now platformized because there are so many of these technology services, and then you can buy services by paying for them, so even one person can run a company that has a very high revenue. Here are some of its predictions, and how you can play with them, which is very interesting to read.

I found Trends. Vc a couple of days ago and it changed the site and hid the index of the original free report, so here’s a QR code that you can scan with your phone, and at the bottom of this article, I put all the links from the 30 + free reports there. You can click on it and still read the free report before it. Of course, I think if you feel that you have benefited a lot from these reports, you can also consider buying its paid reports. The content of the paid reports is twice as much as that of the free reports. So it’s cheaper to pick a direction with free reports and then buy paid reports for more in-depth information.

In the end, I would like to strongly recommend a category for doing sideline, which is online courses. It’s called a digital product in Trends. Vc. Why do I want to recommend online courses as a sideline? Because it can be mixed with other side businesses to create a three-tier income structure.

Income structure core logic is that we are doing sideline, such as a by-product of our main business is used to do a business with us related software services, my service in the development of the software process, also will produce a byproduct, we give recorded the development process, as a network course, it also can be used as a byproduct of by-product for sale, In this way, we have three revenue streams: main business revenue, software service revenue and course revenue, which makes our side business structure more stable. In the past, when I couldn’t make ends meet and couldn’t support my independent development, it was mainly the income from the course that supported us to do it all the time, so there was a personal benefit in it.

Finally because we share this time there are a lot of information, a lot of links, though part of me in the form of qr code to stick out, but could sweep yards look on the computer is not convenient, so we put the share slides made into a high-resolution PDF, then the soft links can be directly click inside the, We will post it to the sugar technology sideline and entrepreneurship group later. Students who are interested can scan the QR code to join the group. In the group notice, we will update it to the group so that it can be downloaded.

Finally, thank you for listening to me share, and then said a lot, but also took up a lot of your time. If there are some details you don’t understand or want to know, you can interact with me in groups or private messages on weibo or in various ways.

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