1. Performance optimization

    1. Gzip

    2. Image optimization

    3. Caching strategies

    4. The local store

    5. CDN

    6. Server side rendering

    7. Dom optimization principle

    8. Event Loop

    9. Reflow vs. Repaint

    10. Lazy-Load

    11. Event throttling

    12. Debounce

    13. LightHouse

  2. engineering

    1. Webpack principle

    2. Webpack plug-in development

  3. Automated testing

    1. Unit testing

    2. The performance test

    3. Security testing

    4. A functional test

  4. Algorithmic data structure

    1. Common sorting algorithm

    2. Greedy algorithm

    3. Dynamic programming

    4. Common search algorithms

  5. Design patterns

    1. The singleton pattern

    2. The strategy pattern

    3. The proxy pattern

    4. Iterator pattern

    5. Publish and subscribe

    6. Command mode

    7. Portfolio model

    8. Template method pattern

    9. The flyweight pattern

    10. Chain of Responsibility model

    11. The mediator pattern

    12. Decorated with patterns

    13. The state pattern

    14. Adapter mode

  6. Architecture design

    1. Workflow design

    2. Build Flow design

    3. Single page application design

    4. Multi-page application design

    5. Componentized design

    6. Test core

    7. Document the core

    8. Microfront-end architecture

    9. Evolutionary architecture

  7. Many applications

    1. Wechat applets

    2. Alipay small program

    3. Headline applet

    4. Baidu applet

    5. React-Native

    6. Weex

    7. Flutter

    8. Uni-app

    9. mpvue

    10. Chameleon

    11. Taro

    12. Electron

  8. Compilation principle

    1. Lexical analysis AST

    2. Code generation

    3. Code conversion

  9. Principles of browsers

    1. Apply colours to a drawing mechanism

    2. Caching mechanisms

    3. The same-origin policy

  10. visualization

    1. canvas

    2. svg

    3. WebGL

  11. Network protocol

    1. HTTP

    2. HTTP2

    3. HTTPS

    4. TCP/UDP

    5. IP

  12. Code management

    1. git

    2. Eslint

  13. Server-side knowledge

    1. MySql

    2. MongoDb

    3. Redis

    4. Pm2

    5. Nginx

    6. Docker

    7. Jenkins

  14. The front-end monitoring

    1. Performance monitoring

    2. Monitoring errors

  15. Web security

    1. XSS

    2. CSRF

    3. Cookie hijacked

    4. Transport security

    5. Oauth

  16. Team management

    1. Engineer Development Path

    2. How to stay technologically competitive

    3. How do you find management confidence

    4. The role of cognitive

    5. Management planning

    6. Team building

    7. Task management

    8. Managerial communication

    9. Management methodology

  17. NodeJs

    1. Assert – assertions

    2. Async_hooks – Asynchronous hooks

    3. Buffer – Buffer

    4. Child_process – Child process

    5. Cluster – cluster

    6. Console – Console

    7. Crypto – encryption

    8. Debugger – debugger

    9. Dgram – datagram

    10. DNS – A domain name server

    11. Domain – domain

    12. Abnormal Error –

    13. Events – Event triggers

    14. Fs – File system

    15. Global – Global variable

    16. “Inspector.

    17. The module – module

    18. Net – network

    19. OS – Operating system

    20. Path – the path

    21. Perf_hooks – Performance hooks

    22. Process – process

    23. Punycode – Domain name code

    24. Querystring – querystring

    25. Readline – Reads line by line

    26. Repl – Interactive interpreter

    27. Stream flow –

    28. String_decoder – String decoder

    29. Timer-timer

    30. TLS – Secure transport layer

    31. Trace_events – Trace events

    32. Tty – terminal

    33. url – URL

    34. Util – Utility

    35. V8. – V8

    36. Vm – A VM

    37. Worker_threads – Worker threads

    38. Zlib compression –

    39. C + + plugin

    40. N-API

    41. Command line options

    42. ECMAScript module

    43. The security policy

    44. Diagnostic statements

    45. Internationalization support

  18. Vue

    1. Component design and communication

    2. The life cycle

    3. The Diff algorithm

    4. Implementation principle of bidirectional binding

    5. Vuex

    6. Vue-router

    7. Nuxt

  19. React

    1. componentization

    2. High order component

    3. Fiber

    4. Hooks

    5. The life cycle

    6. Redux

    7. React-router

    8. Next

  20. Angular

    1. Built-in filter

    2. Core design idea

    3. Data Binding Principles

    4. Dependency injection

    5. Communication mode

    6. Common routing library

  21. TypeScript

    1. The base type

    2. Variable declarations

    3. interface

    4. class

    5. function

    6. The generic

    7. The enumeration

    8. Type inference

    9. Type compatibility

    10. High-level types

    11. Symbols

    12. Iterators and generators

    13. The module

    14. The namespace

    15. Module parse

    16. A statement to merge

    17. A decorator

    18. Mixins

    19. Three slash instruction

    20. JavaScript file type checking

  22. Javascript

    1. scope

    2. closure

    3. Prototype chain

    4. Promise

    5. Async and await

    6. The generator

    7. New ES6 and ES7 features

    8. Functional programming

    9. Regular expression

    10. Data type detection

    11. This object

    12. The event

    13. Higher-order functions

    14. Depth copy

    15. Garbage collection mechanism

  23. HTML

    1. semantic

    2. SEO

    3. Doctype

    4. Offline storage

    5. webSocket

  24. CSS

    1. The box model

    2. Flex layout

    3. animation

    4. The selector

    5. Priority algorithm

    6. pseudo-classes

  25. AI

    1. Tensorflow.js

    2. The neural network

    3. Supervised learning

    4. Convolutional neural network

    5. Unsupervised learning

    6. Reinforcement learning

    7. autopilot

    8. Deepfake

    9. Human-machine dialogue system and natural language processing

  26. VR/AR

    1. AR.js

    2. A-Frame

    3. React VR

    4. IdeaSpace

  27. IoT

    1. VxWorks

    2. FreeRTOS

    3. LiteOS

    4. Raspberry pie

    5. Arduino

    6. Ruff

    7. Tessel

    8. JerryScript

    9. Johnny-Five

  28. Block chain

    1. cryptography

    2. Question of the Byzantine general

    3. Consensus algorithm (Pow, Pos, Dpos, Raft, PBFT)

    4. The digital certificate

    5. Across the chain technology

    6. Peer-to-peer (P2P) network

  29. PWA

    1. Manifest

    2. Service Worker

    3. Push Notification

    4. Cache API

    5. Background Sync

  30. WebAssembly

    1. WebAssembly principle

    2. WebAssembly application case

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