What is JS inheritance?


If a class can reuse properties and/or methods of another class, it is called inheritance.

Most object-oriented languages support inheritance.


Subclasses can use all of the functionality of their parent class and extend those functionality.

The most important advantage of inheritance is the reuse of code to build large software systems.

Prototype chain inheritance (traditional form)


Too many inherited useless attributes

Grand.prototype.lastName = 'chen'
function Grand() {}
var grand = new Grand();
Father.prototype = grand;
function Father() {    
    this.name = 'hehe';
var father = new Father();
Son.prototype = father;
function Son() {}
var son = new Son();

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Borrowing constructors (class inheritance)


Can pass to participate


A stereotype that borrows a constructor cannot be inherited

Each constructor takes one more function

function Person(name, age, sex) { 
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.sex = sex;
function Student(name, age, sex, grade) {
    Person.call(this, name, age, sex);
    this.grade = grade;
var student = new Student('hehe', 40, 'male', 18);Copy the code

Combinatorial inheritance (commonly known as inheritance of stereotype properties and methods using stereotype chains and inheritance of instance properties using borrowed constructors)


Avoiding the pitfalls of stereotype chains and constructors and combining their advantages has become the most common inheritance pattern in JavaScript


There are two identical properties on the instance and the stereotype

Father.prototype.getfaName = function() {  
function Father(name) {    
    this.faName = 'father';
Child.prototype = new Father();
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
function Child(args) {    
    this.chName = 'child';
    Father.apply(this, args);
var child = new Child(); Copy the code

Primary inheritance


You can’t just change your prototype

function create(o){
    function F() {}; F.prototype = o;return new F();        
var Person = {
var anotherPerson = create(Person);
var anotherPerson2 = create(Person);
anotherPerson.name = 'her';
console.log(anotherPerson2.name, anotherPerson2.hobbies); // her ["riding"."swimming"."dancing"]Copy the code

Parasitic inheritance


Like borrowing the constructor pattern, methods are created each time an object is created.

function createObj(o){   
    let clone = Object.create(o);            
    clone.sayName = function(){ 
    return clone        
let person = {            
    hobbies:["sing"."dance"."rap"]}let anotherPerson = createObj(person);        
anotherPerson.sayName(); // => hiCopy the code

Holy Grail mode (Parasitic combination inheritance)

// The first wayfunctionInherit (Target, Origin) {// Use the F null function as the medium of the subclass and its parent class to prevent modifying the subclass's prototype object from affecting the parent class's prototype objectfunction F() {} F.prototype = Origin.prototype; Target.prototype = new F(); Target.prototype.constructor = Target; Uber = origine.prototype; // Prevent new from returning the instance constructor from pointing to a cluttered target.prototype. uber = origine.prototype; Inherit = (inherit) {inherit = (inherit) {inherit = (inherit) {inherit = (inherit);function() {
    function F() {}    
    return function(Target, Origin) {   
        F.prototype = Origin.prototype;
        Target.prototype = new F(); 
        Target.prototype.contructor = Target; 
        Target.prototype.uber = Origin.prototype;
})()Copy the code

Object to pretend to be


However, there is a problem with object impersonation. When the attributes of the parent class are the same, the attributes defined later will overwrite those defined earlier. Therefore, object impersonation is more reasonable when the attributes of the parent class are different.

Each constructor takes one more function

function Father(color) {        
    this.color = color;        
    this.showColor = function() { alert(this.color); }}function Father1(color) {        
    this.color1 = color;        
    this.showColor1 = function() { alert(this.color1); }}function Child(color, color1) {        
    this.Method = Father;        
    delete this.Method;        
    this.Method = Father1;        
    delete this.Method;    
var child = new Child("wu"."zhao");    
child.showColor();Copy the code

ES6 extends inheritance

Class Plane {// Static methods do not inherit static from collectionsalive() {        
        return true;    
    constructor(name) {        
        this.name = name || 'Ordinary aircraft';        
        this.blood = 100;    
    fly() {        
        console.log('fly'); }}; class AttackPlane extends Plane{ constructor(name) { super(name); this.logo ='duyi';    
x    }    
    dan() {        
var oAp = new AttackPlane('Attack plane');
console.log(oAp);Copy the code


Subclasses must call the super method from the constructor method or they will get an error when creating a new instance. This is because the subclass doesn’t have its own This object. Instead, it inherits the parent’s this object and processes it. If you don’t call super, the subclass doesn’t get this. Therefore, the this keyword can only be used after super is called.

To summarize the differences between ES5 and ES6 inheritance?

The inheritance mechanism in ES5 essentially creates an instance object of a subclass, this, and then adds the Parent class’s methods to this (parent.call (this)).

The inheritance mechanism in ES6 essentially creates an instance object of the parent class, this (so the super() method must be called first), and then modifs this with the constructor of the subclass.

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