19 years at the end of the year when leave from work for two and a half years of company, use for half a month when the interview questions and brush algorithm, after half a month to resume, voted for ali, baidu, quickly beating and bytes, in addition to ali a phone interview cut me off in a hurry, baidu, quickly beating and bytes are field surface, three offers all set, Bytedance was chosen.

Three interviews, hr are three rounds of technical and round face, in fact, whether any interview, ask things that are very similar, can search on the Internet to answer, are there must be within a interview questions summary article, because the technology is the technology, even ask the flowers to, the nature or the principle remains the same, want to see the details of the actual interview, Nuggets, niuke network, zhihu have a lot of, just look for the end of all.

Teaching people how to fish is better than teaching people how to fish, and there are other things in this article that I think are more worthy of sharing, so to avoid getting too long, I will not list in detail what topics I have encountered in these companies, and I will mention two sentences from each company that impressed me most.


Baidu is the first company that I was interviewed after ali cut, before Beijing still can spot interview, so I also go to Baidu spot face.

Side to ask basically are the basic skills, it is worth mentioning that baidu is the only three home a asked me CSS, is probably the interviewer took in the scene from the business he is doing a scene layout, asked me to write the style well layout (not the grail layout or threesome wing layout), mainly inspects the flexible use of CSS, It takes a little ingenuity.

The second surface also asked a little foundation, mainly inspected some scene solutions or design schemes, algorithms, asked a principle is the binary tree after the sequence traversal of the topic, relatively simple, did not cost anything to do

Three face should be a manager, he asked a scene design topic, and then begin to talk about the life ideal, why leave ah, ah, what’s the planning team before the affair do any contribution, met what problem the last is how to solve ah, what do you want to do after joining baidu ah, and so on, anyway, I feel me to answer these questions is much more difficult than I answer technical questions, Because some questions are too abstract, I do not know what I want to ask, but it is not good to always ask him what he wants to ask, I can only answer according to my understanding, while answering and observing his feelings, until the interviewer feels almost to stop, my mouth is dry, I would rather ask me a few technical questions.

To sum up, the interview of Baidu is more inclined to examine the actual ability to do things and ask very practical questions. If you happen to have encountered these questions in actual work or read relevant articles, it is basically not a problem to answer.

Baidu’s department is Baidu APP, which is the main channel. I also wanted to go there, but I still refused because of some reasons.

Well quickly

Side same investigation foundation, the interviewer’s work technology stack is the React, I Vue, the interviewer didn’t embarrass me, from the Vue asks, asked some interview questions what common reactive what diff algorithm of the observer pattern and so on, systematically before because I have seen the Vue source code, so nothing difficult to answer, And after the answer, the way to give him additional Vue implementation process and related source code principles and so on, said more, the interviewer is quite satisfied.

2 face asked the prototype chain and other more advanced abstract things, then ask one of the algorithm is shuffling, actually not so good, I feel to ask this subject because shuffle algorithm that is a bit too independent, not back! Conquer dynamic programming! These, will not be able to extrapolate a topic, if you happen to have seen shuffle algorithm implementation, just a few lines of code, You can write it with your eyes closed. If you haven’t read it, you probably don’t know how to write it. On the other hand, luck is also part of strength.

Three should be the front person in charge of the team, and Baidu three asked similar questions, are to first a scene design question to investigate the ability to use skills, and then began to ask about planning and other life ideals.

To summarize, quickly the interview investigation to be more comprehensive, at the same time and the front of the three leaders can talk, feel is very suitable, and quickly also is my last company, active delivery surface after the second day I went home for the holiday, just waiting for years into the job, but still didn’t go to, because I jump car byte beating.

Bytes to beat

Jumpy, actually I don’t mean to throw bytes when is Chinese New Year at home playing bytes of hr put me from my resume out to call me let me throw, said video interview can years later, I thought about it, vote for it, anyway it’s ok, one thousand quickly over what the faults I have posterior to go, and then about video interview, the results without ChengXiang.

On three sides by the interviewer is my leader now, after the chat feel is cross-eyed, coupled with a year ago and half a year ago I actually thrown a byte beating twice, the first time, but for some reason I didn’t go to, the second time before, now is the third time, passed, comparison, because has the electronic offer quickly, go back on our word is not very good, but want to again, Maybe this is fate, I feel even if I don’t enter byte this time, sooner or later in the future, as early as late into, so I had to apologize for the quick hand there.

Here are some tips for successful job interviews:

After these interviews, coupled with some of the interviews I have seen, I have summed up a few successful experience in the interview of a large factory.

Record of formal schooling

It is easy to understand, whether you work for a couple of years, hr or resume first want to look at interviewer is degree, this is a very intuitive to resume score points, good education can not get you through the interview, but it can make your resume through the screen at the beginning of a lot of people may be because in this, lead to even can’t get into the interview process, may have a skill but not empty.

But this is also understandable, large factory resume too much, HR can not give everyone the opportunity to interview, otherwise the interviewer other what also do not do plus 24 hours even pull the interview can not come over ah, education is a very intuitive way to screen resume.

Work experience

Education is something that can’t be changed, it can only be accepted, but the biggest effect of education is actually to get your resume through the initial screening, if your education is not enough to get your resume through the screening, then you can also put your hope on a good work experience.

Your education background is not enough for you to enter a big factory immediately, but you can advance some second or third line factories or small unicorns, then there are a lot of options, stay in this level of the company for two years honestly, during which don’t forget to cultivate basic skills, don’t waste.

After two years, your label is a candidate whose education background is not very good, but work experience is good, and is relatively calm. Under normal circumstances, it is no problem for big factories to give you an interview opportunity. After entering the interview process, it is the time for you to really use your ability.

Here are three things to note:

1. A springboard can’t be too small

The company is too small to give you a good project experience. In addition, the interviewer and HR will most likely have heard of your company.

2. Don’t change jobs too often

Again if you from tencent to ali to Microsoft to Google, even if you half a year has any problem, but if you’re from an unknown small factory to another unknown small factory, jump this year hr all dance too frequently, don’t think you think you are unstable, half year jump can’t see, if you are in a small factory, and then want to go to the company in the future, it will have to settle down, Don’t waste your resume.

Don’t move bricks in silence

No matter where you’re working, you’re going to be writing business code, which is moving bricks, but if you’re going to go to a big factory, you can’t really just move bricks. You need to move bricks out of flowers, right

Such as found a structure is not reasonable in the project, but make do with the problem is not too much, you don’t think I can do, I’ll have to put it the whole comfortable, then start to really get it, such as: what do you think some of workflow steps are repeated work, then you can consider if we can build a wheels to solve this problem.

In many cases, the interview I experienced is to ask you to provide solutions, and the test is to test the practical application ability of technology. Almost every round of interview, I will encounter such problems, which requires you to consciously accumulate in your daily work, and you can not tell a complete solution by moving bricks alone, of course, Some common basic knowledge such as prototype chain, closure, diff algorithm will also be asked, so you can not because usually move bricks rarely use these ignore, some knowledge points you may know what is going on, but just don’t understand, that is also not good, must really understand.

In a word, is to have their own thinking, can not patronize to move brick, because everyone can move brick, everyone is the same, are moving brick, why can you go to dachang I can not go? So you have to be better than them, without conditions to create conditions.

Personal cultivation

If you’re unlucky enough to work for a company that’s going out of business or your bosses are too lame, you can’t stop hopping from job to job, you don’t have a great project to offer, and then you lose your resume, it’s not impossible to fix that.

For example, write a blog, record your daily technical thinking, spare solutions, create or participate in open source projects, and make your blog and Github look exactly like each other. All kinds of analysis, source code, solutions, open source projects, and the interviewer is smiling after checking them. Do you still worry that you will not get an interview?

Personal practice also helps with the scene design questions I mentioned above that interviewers like to ask

Need you now, for example, refactoring baidu app homepage of feed flow, feed flow display of each data, its function, style, according to the data of different ownership have different effects, such as advertising, hundreds of number, small video, click the data flows are some operation, such as opening a modal or play a little video or jump a page, So what do you want to do when you get this demand?

This is a kind of knowledge, and ask a wide range of questions? Will not involve the specific question point, the inspection is the breadth and depth of the candidate’s knowledge, the usual accumulation, consider the dimension of the problem and other aspects, the above question, there is no clear answer

And that’s where the test of a candidate’s discipline comes in, you know, you can say a few words and then you don’t know what to say, or you can talk to you for hours and you don’t know what to say, and if I’m a candidate, I may be from a long list of optimization, the cross domain/communications across pages, configuration (maintainability), data loading, data caching, page/seamless switching components/animated transitions, offline package/SSR Angle to answer this question, if it were not for the knowledge reserve, it is impossible to think of these, scene design problem is a can let the interviewer you all-round cognition, It is also a kind of topic that you can use freely, so the general interview will ask this kind of topic.

Then there are a few things to note:

1. High-quality blogs

Since the blog is to reflect your own technical level of a place, so first of all to ensure that the original, is really your things, if all the handling OF API documents or other people’s things or small white teaching without brain text, then it is better not, the interviewer will only think that you do not have this level? Therefore, the quality of the blog must be guaranteed

2. Perseverance

You should stick to it and form a coherent experience. One is to make people feel that you are really serious in doing this thing at a glance. The other is that only in this way can you have enough accumulation

Bright spot

This is actually a one-trick trick that can win a lot of times

As for the bright spot, I have already said it at the end of the previous article, and HERE I know to copy it:

I’ve been in a few interviews lately, and I’ve noticed that interviewers love to ask you what your highlights are, both business and technical, and follow up on your answers to see how good they really are

For example, if you are familiar with VUE and React is used in his team, it may be difficult for him to get the result after asking you React. On the other hand, You can’t guarantee that you’ll look your best in every interview. What if you’re not even on the same channel as the interviewer and you can’t understand each other? So giving you the choice, giving you the opportunity to choose for yourself, which begs the question, what if you haven’t really done anything interesting? It’s nobody’s fault you couldn’t take the chance you were given

So, if you have a higher pursuit, then in the usual work, even write business code every day, you will have your own thinking, this component can change a kind of writing, if the demand can simplify the webpack need to upgrade to the latest version of the project, this problem can you build a wheel to fix it once and for all?

Irrelevant problem size, can cause thinking, in fact, under normal circumstances is unlikely to have much of a problem for you to solve, in most cases are small problems, but the problem again small, much to solve it is also a substantial accumulation, through the accumulation, within the team, you have to take out for the output of the contribution, leaves the group, That’s how you can take advantage of the opportunities the interviewer offers you

Sometimes, it’s better than your back-swiping algorithm — after all, an interview question or algorithm will be a yes and a no, but there’s no right answer to a bright spot. There’s a lot you can say about it

Need to pay attention to is that your bright spot must be bright enough, can not be bright for a second, easy to flash eyes, must be strong enough.

This means that you have to have enough insight into your particular area, both upstream and downstream, and the minutias, to be able to handle the questions that the interviewer will ask you, so that the interviewer will feel that you are really good at it.

Soft quality

1. Resume refreshments

Resume is the first step in the recruitment process. First of all, at least find a good template. There are many online

Then be content to write well, don’t list the technical points of meaningless, what jq/vue/vuex/react/story/HTTP/CDN/vim/git, not can’t write, but you don’t take up too much space to very have its thing to introduce these, a word doing, we have to do is to highlight the key

Don’t write mastery of something, mastery of this thing everyone understands is different, you think mastery is able to be familiar with the use of any scene. The interviewer may think that since You are proficient in JS, why did Evan You write Vue and not You? It can be hard to put you on the spot, so try to avoid these controversial things

Focus on the projects you’ve done, the technology stack it used, what its function was, what role did you play in it, focus on it, don’t make it long and long like a document, you’ll be asked about the details when you go to the interview, and a resume with less than three years of experience should be no more than two pages, okay

If you have something on your blog or On Github, it’s a good idea to link to it. If it’s an empty shell, don’t put it there. Okay

In addition, my personal advice is to put a photo on your resume. It’s like adding a specific subject to your resume. It has specific attributes, and it has little to do with how good you look, unless you really think you look a little bad for the national audience

Be sure to express yourself

The interviewer’s original intention is certainly want to know more about you, so you can better assess your competence, but ask the question may be a sentence or two, so as a candidate, you can’t just because the interviewer ask you 1 + 1 equal several you answer 2 is finished, then the answer although qualified, but not the interviewer want to get the answer

Once you’ve given a standard answer, you should expand on the questions the unsolicited interviewer is asking, such as why is 2, what are the practical scenarios, and has it ever been 3 in the past?

Specific points, such as the interviewer give you out of the prototype chain of title, then you have to do is not only the problem is made, in addition to this, best initiative says even the prototype chain, the related principle of the best live draw a diagram, and then say what application scenarios, such as the prototype chain inheritance, if you say this, You can take it a step further (even if the interviewer didn’t ask you for that) by revealing as much of your knowledge as you can about your skills.

This is not sly sly, this is exactly what the interviewer wants to see, he does not need to rack their brains to deliberately guide, you take the initiative to confess, the interviewer must be happy, at least that you know really much, because the knowledge point is not how to grasp the people, he can not say so much.

You can also trigger the halo effect, to a certain extent, by moving in and out of one area of knowledge. Highlighting in one area impresses the interviewer, like the halo of the moon, causing the interviewer to subconsciously overlook your other weaknesses.

A lot of programmers may just not be good at words, but that’s not social. I think you can talk a little bit more about technology.

3. First impressions

The interview sometimes depends on the edge of the eye, some interviewers, when you just saw him, you know that the interview will not pass, the same, some interviewers, when just saw you, decided not to give you

So the first impression is very important, the program ape does not need to wear suits and shoes, but also do not be too lazy, especially the personal spirit, must not be weak, must have spirit, do not worry about the interview and a pair of apprehensive appearance, the more you can not cross.

The interviewer is basically your future colleague, leader or colleague in the next group. If you are in your position, you certainly do not want to hire someone who looks sloppy and has a negative personality to be your colleague. Therefore, you must be confident.


As technical people, the most important thing is to own technical ability, a lot of people in one cavity warm blood just graduated, normally play chicken blood work all night and not too tired every day, but was later beaten more than the number of times the society, it is easy to tired, may be some people cried, cried out, gave up, began to content with the status quo, it is a dangerous thing, technology this road not to advance is to go back, Only by continuous learning can we go further and further on the road of technology.

Difficulties and, on the other hand, the objective is indeed exist, such as the workload too big don’t have the time, can’t finish the front-end technology development too fast, etc., which requires you to find a road of sustainable development, such as poring over a high quality technical article per week, or on a regular basis to summary, do not give oneself too great pressure, but must keep learning and progress.

No matter what method you choose, in the end it’s important to get it right, and having links to a bunch of great articles in your favorite folder is not going to work.

Life is cheap when you are poor! We see survivors in the media every day. Jack Ma, Wang Jianlin — there were people who were more courageous and intelligent than them, but their fortunes fell on them. Their efforts were in vain, their personal and family happiness plunged into despair, their hardship and suffering marginalized from the world. But poor, we should be trampled and humiliated? Of course not.

If you want to know more, you can add Q group links to have a look inside, which should be helpful to you.