Verdaccio lot:…

Let’s start with the renderings

The installation

1. Run the command to pull the Docker image of Verdaccio

docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio

2. Run the following command to create a config folder in the user root directory to save the configuration

mkdir -p ~/config

3, Execute command, clone project

git clone

4. Run the following command to add the configuration

cd docker-examples

mv docker-local-storage-volume ~/config/verdaccio

5. Run the following command to add permission

chown -R 100:101 ~/config/verdaccio

6. Edit the file and set permissions

Edit ~ / config/verdaccio/conf/config. The yaml, configuration push_user, admin users have access to package, the admin user has permissions, contracting out the other user without permission.

    access: push_user admin
    publish: admin
    proxy: npmjs
Copy the code

7. Run the following command to start the image

docker run --name verdaccio -itd -p 4873:4873 -v ~/config/verdaccio:/verdaccio ~/config/verdaccio/storage:/verdaccio/storage verdaccio/verdaccio

Project installation

1. Run the. NPMRC command to create an NPM source

vim .npmrc

2. Add the following content to.npMRc

Registry =

3. Run the command to log in to the NPM private warehouse

NPM login - registry at

4. Run the following command to install project dependencies

npm i


1. NPM relies on slow installation to set taobao source

npm config set registry