Gavin: Hi, I’m Gavin. Taking advantage of the wonderful weekend time, I reviewed my work experience of nearly a year and had a lot of feelings and ideas. I immediately lifted the keyboard to make the memory of this moment into words.

May in a few years later, to review this article, may feel gratified, may sigh time flies, time flies, suddenly look back, has been N years later.

Inadvertently saw the hand of the keyboard, has left the traces of years, originally thought to take pictures to install B, the result of that scene, the air instantly solidified.

I will share my work in several parts in the past year

Adapt to the team, adapt to the environment

As long as there are job-hopping, job-changing people, are essential to go through such a process of adaptation. Whether facing a new team, or facing a new environment.

In May or June this year, I came to a first-tier city and joined a start-up company. The first three months were like a “new army company”, as if pinned to the ground, trying to adapt.

The day I first stepped into the company, I was full of confidence and thought I could present myself well, but I was hit in the head and dared not speak up by reality.

I wrote down the names of the people who hit me in a notebook, criticizing them first: the codes of coding, the codes of doing things, communication skills, etc. The diagram below:

After being beaten, I finally mastered their “gate of life” and defeated them one by one with a steady attitude (as shown in the picture below).

After many days and nights of intense competition (participating in rapid product iteration), I have developed a body of antibodies. When coding, I require myself. Work on the closed loop, finish what you start; Communication, in the shortest time, to reach the most effective communication.

Some of these changes are related to the environment and the people around you. It is difficult for a person to change an environment, since the environment can not be changed, and the environment is superior (can help you grow), then the change should be made by ourselves.

In general, the ability to adapt is an essential skill for every workplace employee, and people with strong adaptability can often occupy a more favorable position in the work. Everyone has an advantage. No one is born incapable of doing things, and no one is born incapable of communicating. It’s up to you if you want to change.

The way of thinking, the change of thinking

As an IT practitioner, every day will be thinking about some problems, such as thinking: there is no rich woman (just kidding).

The old thinking in programming was: it works. If this continues over time, it will extend its lower limit infinitely, even to the core of the earth. This is a most terrible thing, if a person frequently to break their own threshold, increase is unlimited, so maybe 35, you really need to start looking for a women, or work with years of accumulated savings to buy a trolley, and then go to the street selling Fried powder, from himself engaged in for many years (Fried powder is also very profitable)

Actually writing code is not difficult, what is difficult is to write understandable code, clear logic, perfect code specification. Next, a small task in the company is to provide a custom plug-in (esLint) for a code inspection specification for a project.

Here’s what happened:

Due to time constraints, the content is too code(professional), if you are interested in private chat, we can discuss and learn together.

Reviewing the whole process of the task, in fact, the most helpful to their growth is the process of intermediate thinking. How to think, how to think, how to act, how to communicate, etc. If a person tries to think more and summarize more in his work, he will surely have his own methodology and process to solve problems in the long run.

For me, such a task actually taught me a lot about how to optimize, how to look at the completeness and coverage of things. These abilities have obviously helped me in the subsequent development.

In the past year, I gradually felt that my thinking and thinking mode were changing. I was very pleased to recall that I was beaten at the beginning (the above norms, work and communication).

One more thing, I don’t think people who are engaged in IT can be coding all their life. Because when you reach a certain age, coding is definitely not as good as that of young people. What’s your advantage at this time? Maybe it’s your previous work, or your experience, but it’s often compared to the younger generation; If you are younger than others, your advantage is your thinking, thinking, and overall control of things. These are different levels.

Work and leisure time

Work is a necessary condition for our survival. The two aspects mentioned above are also some of my feelings and experiences in work. I should think more and summarize more in work, and do not limit myself.

General working hours, flexible do not clock, but also to clock, work in addition to complete the corresponding task, or the corresponding task, the arrangement is clear.

In more than a year, it can be divided into two stages. In the first half of the year, we basically followed and iterated. In the second half of the year, I turned to the direction of the internal system of the company. In this direction, I have a lot of space to display, practice and learn. Gradually, I found that coding was only a small part. In this direction, I had to think and promote the implementation of a system, improve a function, think about possible problems in development and how to solve them, which were full of challenges and opportunities. If you put aside the growth of technology, other aspects of self-perception are also growing fast.

Apart from working hours, in business hours, besides study, sports and cooking (I usually cook at home on weekends), I also try to contact some people and participate in the open source project. I have experienced the team operation of the open source project and the operation of the product, and how members cooperate with each other, which may be an additional growth for me.


Above are the thoughts and summaries of the weekend, if you feel sympathetic, please pay attention to them. coding

In the last share a classic words: eight hours for survival, eight hours for development

I’m Gavin, let’s go!!