Write in the front: want to sort out some work commonly used resource website, including free/charge [ha ha, of course, mostly free], you according to the need to choose.

Alibaba Icon Library:iconfont.cn/

Have a rich mass of ICONS, no longer need to worry about the customer dad is not satisfied with the icon.

Alibaba Icon

Tencent Test platform:wetest.qq.com/

The product needs to be tested on a variety of real machines, but there are not so many. Let’s hand it over to the test platform. Here is not only this platform, but also Baidu’s MTC, TestBrid and so on.

Tencent test tool website

Open Source China Community:tool.oschina.net/

There are a variety of tools, commonly used are:

1. Code comparison tool

2, RunJs [Edit JS code online]

3, code formatting and so on, you can go to explore their own, powerful and free, conscience! Arrangement! .

Strong open source China

JSON online formatting:www.bejson.com/jsonviewern…

JSON data format layout and view preview function, very convenient.

JSON strings format the site

PS: Continuous updates from time to time, welcome to share recommendations.