Take the MAC!

Required Software tools:

  1. VPN software: Every company has its own VPN. If not, build one by yourself. Shadowscoks is recommended.

  2. Host: The host of many test environments must be configured during development. SwitchHosts is recommended.

In fact, VPN basically, you can develop on your own computer, but some mobile phone pages still need to use different models of mobile phone to debug.

You need to connect your phone to your computer’s network, so you can share not only your computer’s VPN connection to your company’s network but also your host.

  1. Fiddler can be tricky to use on a MAC, but there’s one MAC gadget that works:charles

Charles4.2.1 download address: https://www.charlesproxy.com/assets/release/4.2.1/charles-proxy-4.2.1.dmg

Charles cracked jar package: https://www.zzzmode.com/mytools/charles/

Type RegisterName(optionally used to display Registered to XXX), select the installed version, click Generate, and download the charles.jar file to replace the local charles.jar file

macOS: /Applications/Charles.app/Contents/Java/charles.jar


  1. Open Charles, Configurehttp proxy

  1. Set port

  2. To view the Intranet IP address of the PC, run the MAC command: ifconfig

  3. Ensure that the phone and computer are in the same LAN, and then configure the agent of the phone open WIFI Settings -> Select WIFI hotspot you connect -> Select Agent -> Manual

  4. Now you can access it, and you’re done!! Charles can also check the status of the request, and HTTPS is also available. Simply follow Charles’s instructions to install the certificate.

  5. Perfect!

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