IScroll 5 (javascript, mobile devices)

I believe you must have more or less met overflow: auto | scroll on the mobile terminal is sometimes a problem situation, the plug-in can perfect rolling on the mobile end well compatible.

IScroll is a high performance, low resource footprint, dependency free, multi-platform javascript rolling plug-in. It works on desktops, mobile devices and smart TV platforms. It has been working hard to optimize performance and file sizes to provide the smoothest experience on both old and new devices. IScroll is more than just rolling. It can handle any element that requires mobile interaction with the user. Include only 4KB of iScroll in your project, and your project has scroll, zoom, pan, infinite scroll, parallax scroll, and rotate functions. Give it a broom and it will even help you clean your office. Even though the platform itself offers pretty good scrolling, iScroll can add incredible functionality to it. To be specific:

  • Fine granularity controls rolling position, even during rolling. You can always get and set the x and y coordinates of the scroll.
  • Animations can use custom erase functions (bounce’ bounce’, elastic’ elastic’, back’ back’…) .
  • You can easily rely on a large number of custom events (onbe Forest Crollstart, *)
  • Multi-platform support out of the box. From very old Android devices to the latest iphones, from Chrome to Internet Explorer.

< < < > > > official API