Time flies. The year 2021 has already been half over. During this half year, there have been both joys and sorrows. It is time for a wave of self-reflection and planning.

First, the article output

Since April 18, 2020 updated yourself first, after the “debut” has been intermittent update articles, but the previous updates articles always feel there is no line, a little a hammer “east west a wooden stick” feeling, every weekend is in trouble for what to write this week, thanks to the abundant hair, or hair will want!!!

Start thinking to yourself in the first half of the year – why am I exporting? “Thinking gongjin, Joe first married (err, off topic), himself as a mechanical born program apes [(> retract,))], know the pain and helplessness of self-study, eager to have a system of front learning interview notes, a comprehensive understanding and master front frequency knowledge points. Combined with more than four years of self-study experience, I decided to start to update the “front-end hundred questions cut” series of articles, the high frequency front-end knowledge points are refined and summarized, into their own personal thinking, I hope to help each front-end beginners like me, learn from each other, and make progress together!

Second, work growth

In 2021, I have gained a lot in my work. I will not list one by one. Here are two of my biggest gains.

  1. Front-end monitoring is really important

Front-end monitoring everyone should not unfamiliar, I wrote an article about the front-end monitoring), some people think is important, some people think that dispensable, but I think it is really important, because by monitoring can not only understand the system performance bottlenecks, abnormal found online in advance, more important is if your project with money, It is easy to monitor and identify business growth points to increase revenue. One project I was in charge of was that I found some problems through monitoring and brought great benefits to the business by solving the problems.

  1. Innovation projects are difficult but also exercise

Recently, I have been working on an innovative project of intelligent advertising. “, this project is actually quite challenging, including the front end, back end, big data, strategy, etc., also need to have a deep understanding of the whole advertising scene, request rendering process. Although this project is difficult, there is a lot to learn from it that is purely out of front end reach, building your own knowledge loop as the project grows ٩(◕ retract ◕). With Danp, don’t be defensive with danp when it comes to projects like this, but take the bull by the horns.

Three, silly roe deer arrival

Children’s day this year, ushered in the new member in the family [name one, nicknamed roe deer roe deer 】, roe deer roe deer was pregnant and mixed, the arrival of the goblin clingy is really cure, around you every day, work must be waiting for you at the door, but she also has a bad habit to get up early, on time, at 5 a.m. every day to open his own road to run laps, disturb my dream, But when I got up to go to work, she continued to snore. There was nothing I could do about her. If any cat friend has a good experience to teach me, save my sleep problem.

Four, outlook

2021 has entered the second half, and it is time to make a new plan. The main points are as follows:

  1. Down-to-earth work: I like the work I am engaged in very much. I will do my work well in the second half of the year as always.
  2. Continue to update front hundred questions chopped: this series of articles will continue to update step by step, in their own combing knowledge points at the same time to help more friends like front end quickly get started front;
  3. Broaden their knowledge: since the work, I have found that my ability is not enough, which is very different from the T-shaped talents needed by the industry. In the second half of this year, I will strive to expand my knowledge base in an all-round and multidimensional way and expand my horizon.

Finally, I would like to share with you a recent chicken soup: men do not show cloud zhi, empty negative natural eight feet long. There is still a gap (≥▽≤) between me and eight feet (184.8cm) after repeated measurements, but I will continue to pursue my dream.