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Babel and Babylon,

Babel is a JavaScript compiler, or rather a source-to-source compiler, commonly known as a transpiler. This means that you provide Some JavaScript code to Babel, which Babel changes and returns to you the newly generated code.

Babel is a versatile JavaScript compiler. It also has many modules for different forms of static analysis.

Static analysis is the process of analyzing code without executing it (analyzing code while executing code is dynamic analysis). Static analysis has a variety of purposes. It can be used for syntax checking, compilation, code highlighting, code conversion, optimization, compression, and so on.

Babylon is Babel’s parser. Originally came out of Acorn project Fork. Acorn was fast, easy to use, and designed a plug-in based architecture for non-standard features (and those that will be standard features in the future).

Babylon has moved into Babel Mono-repo and renamed babel-Parser

First, let’s install it.

$ npm install --save babylon
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Start by parsing a code string:

import * as babylon from "babylon";

const code = `function square(n) { return n * n; } `;

// Node {
// type: "File",
// start: 0,
// end: 38,
// loc: SourceLocation {... },
// program: Node {... },
// comments: [],
// tokens: [...]
// }
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We can also pass options to the parse() method as follows:

babylon.parse(code, {
  sourceType: "module".// default: "script"
  plugins: ["jsx"] // default: []
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SourceType can be “module” or “script”, which indicates which mode Babylon should be parsed in. “Module” will parse in strict mode and allow module definition, “script” will not.

Note: sourceType defaults to “script” and generates an error when import or export is found. ScourceType: “module” is used to avoid these errors.

Because Babylon uses a plug-in based architecture, there is a plugins option to switch on and off the built-in plug-ins. Note that Babylon has not yet made this API available to external plug-ins, and it is not ruled out that it will be available in the future.


The Parse step takes the code and outputs the abstract syntax tree (AST). This step is broken down into two stages: Lexical Analysis ** and Syntactic Analysis.

Lexical analysis

The lexical analysis phase transforms the string code into a stream of tokens.

You can think of tokens as a flat array of syntax fragments:

n * n;
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[{type: {... },value: "n".start: 0.end: 1.loc: {... }}, {type: {... },value: "*".start: 2.end: 3.loc: {... }}, {type: {... },value: "n".start: 4.end: 5.loc: {... }},... ]Copy the code

Each type has a set of attributes that describe the token:

  type: {
    label: 'name',
    keyword: undefined,
    beforeExpr: false,
    startsExpr: true,
    rightAssociative: false,
    isLoop: false,
    isAssign: false,
    prefix: false,
    postfix: false,
    binop: null,
    updateContext: null
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Like AST nodes, they have start, end, and LOC attributes.

Syntax analysis

The parsing phase transforms a token stream into an abstract syntax tree (AST). This phase uses the information in the tokens to transform them into an AST representation structure that makes subsequent operations easier.

Each step in this process involves creating or manipulating an abstract syntax tree, also known as an AST.

Babel using a ESTree based and modified the AST, its kernel documentation can be in [here] (https://github. com/Babel/Babel/blob/master/doc/AST/spec. Md) found.

function square(n) {
  return n * n;
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The AST Explorer gives you a better sense of the AST nodes. Here is a link to an example of the code above.

This program can be represented as a JavaScript Object like this:

  type: "FunctionDeclaration".id: {
    type: "Identifier".name: "square"
  params: [{
    type: "Identifier".name: "n"}].body: {
    type: "BlockStatement".body: [{
      type: "ReturnStatement".argument: {
        type: "BinaryExpression".operator: "*".left: {
          type: "Identifier".name: "n"
        right: {
          type: "Identifier".name: "n"}}}]}}Copy the code

You’ll notice that each layer of the AST has the same structure:

  type: "FunctionDeclaration".id: {... },params: [...]. .body: {...}
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  type: "Identifier".name:... }Copy the code
  type: "BinaryExpression".operator:... .left: {... },right: {...}
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Note: Some attributes have been removed for simplification purposes

Each of these layers is also called a Node. An AST can consist of a single node or hundreds or thousands of nodes. Together, they describe program syntax for static analysis.

Each node has the following Interface:

interface Node {
  type: string;
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The type field is a string representing the type of the node (for example, “FunctionDeclaration”, “Identifier”, or “BinaryExpression”). Each type of node defines additional attributes that further describe the node type.

Babel also generates additional attributes for each node that describe its position in the original code.

  type:... .start: 0.end: 38.loc: {
    start: {
      line: 1.column: 0
    end: {
      line: 3.column: 1}},... }Copy the code

Each node has attributes like start, end, and LOC.

Variable declarations


let a  = 'hello'
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Variable declarations. The kind attribute indicates what type of declaration it is, since ES6 introduced const/let. Declarations represent multiple descriptions of declarations, since we can do this: let a = 1, b = 2; .

interface VariableDeclaration <: Declaration {
    type: "VariableDeclaration";
    declarations: [ VariableDeclarator ];
    kind: "var";
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Description of a variable declaration, where id represents the variable name node and init represents an expression for the initial value, which can be null.

interface VariableDeclarator <: Node {
    type: "VariableDeclarator";
    id: Pattern;
    init: Expression | null;
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Identifiers, I think that’s what it’s called, are the names that we define when we write JS, the names of variables, the names of functions, the names of properties, are all called identifiers. The corresponding interface looks like this:

interface Identifier <: Expression, Pattern {
    type: "Identifier";
    name: string;
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An identifier may be an expression or a deconstruction pattern (deconstruction syntax in ES6). We will see Expression and Pattern later.


Literals, not [] or {}, but literals that semantically represent a value, such as 1, “hello”, true, and regular expressions (with an extended Node to represent regular expressions) such as /\d? /. Let’s look at the definition of the document:

interface Literal <: Expression {
    type: "Literal";
    value: string | boolean | null | number | RegExp;
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Value corresponds to the literal value. We can see the literal value type, string, Boolean, numeric, NULL, and re.

Binary operation expression


let a = 3+4
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Binary operation expression node, left and right represent two expressions left and right of the operator, and operator represents a binary operator.

interface BinaryExpression <: Expression {
    type: "BinaryExpression";
    operator: BinaryOperator;
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
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Binary operator, all values are as follows:

enum BinaryOperator {
    "= =" | ! "" =" | "= = =" | ! "" = ="
         | "<" | "< =" | ">" | "> ="
         | "< <" | "> >" | "> > >"
         | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%"
         | "|" | "^" | "&" | "in"
         | "instanceof"
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If statement


if(a === 0){
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If statement nodes, typically, have three attributes, the test attribute representing if (…). Expressions in parentheses.

Possession property is an execution statement that represents a condition true, which is usually a block statement.

The alternate property is used to represent an else statement node, usually a block statement, but also an if statement node, such as if (a) {//… } else if (b) { // … }. Alternate can of course be null.

interface IfStatement <: Statement {
    type: "IfStatement";
    test: Expression;
    consequent: Statement;
    alternate: Statement | null;
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Common AST node types

Common AST node types are defined in Babylon as follows:

Node objects

Parsed AST nodes that conform to the specification are identified by Node objects that conform to interfaces like this:

interface Node {
    type: string;
    loc: SourceLocation | null;
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The type field represents different node types, and we’ll talk more about each type and what syntax they correspond to in JavaScript below. The LOC field represents the location information of the source code, null if there is no relevant information, otherwise an object containing the start and end positions. The interfaces are as follows:

interface SourceLocation {
    source: string | null;
    start: Position;
    end: Position;
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The Position object contains row and column information, starting with row 1 and column 0:

interface Position {
    line: number; / / > = 1
    column: number; / / > = 0
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Identifiers are the names we define when we write JS, such as variable names, function names, and attribute names, all belong to identifiers. The corresponding interface looks like this:

interface Identifier <: Expression, Pattern {
    type: "Identifier";
    name: string;
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An identifier may be an expression or a deconstruction pattern (deconstruction syntax in ES6). We will see Expression and Pattern later.


interface PrivateName <: Expression, Pattern {
  type: "PrivateName";
  id: Identifier;
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A Private Name Identifier.


Literals, not [] or {}, but literals that semantically represent a value, such as 1, “hello”, true, and regular expressions (with an extended Node to represent regular expressions) such as /\d? /. Let’s look at the definition of the document:

interface Literal <: Expression {
    type: "Literal";
    value: string | boolean | null | number | RegExp;
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Value corresponds to the literal value. We can see the literal value type, string, Boolean, numeric, NULL, and re.

This for regular literal, in order to better to parse the regular expression content, add one more regex fields, which will include regular itself, as well as the regular flags.

interface RegExpLiteral <: Literal {
  regex: {
    pattern: string;
    flags: string;
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This is usually the root node, representing the entire program code tree.

interface Program <: Node {
    type: "Program";
    body: [ Statement ];
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The body property is an array containing multiple Statement nodes.


Function declaration or function expression node.

interface Function <: Node {
    id: Identifier | null;
    params: [ Pattern ];
    body: BlockStatement;
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The id is the function name, and the params property is an array representing the parameters of the function. Body is a block statement.

It’s worth noting that you won’t find the type: “Function” node during testing, but you will find the type: “FunctionDeclaration” and the type: “FunctionExpression”, because functions appear either as declarations or function expressions, which are combination types of node types. FunctionDeclaration and FunctionExpression will be mentioned later.


A statement node is nothing special; it is just a node, a distinction, but there are many kinds of statements, which are described below.

interface Statement <: Node { }
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Expression statement nodes, where a = a+ 1 or a++ have an expression property that refers to an expression node object (we’ll talk about expressions later).

interface ExpressionStatement <: Statement {
    type: "ExpressionStatement";
    expression: Expression;
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Block statement nodes, for example: if (…) {// Here is the contents of a block}, a block can contain multiple other statements, so there is a body attribute, which is an array representing multiple statements in the block.

interface BlockStatement <: Statement {
    type: "BlockStatement";
    body: [ Statement ];
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Returns the statement node. The argument property is an expression that represents what is returned.

interface ReturnStatement <: Statement {
    type: "ReturnStatement";
    argument: Expression | null;
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If statement nodes, typically, have three attributes, the test attribute representing if (…). Expressions in parentheses.

Possession property is an execution statement that represents a condition true, which is usually a block statement.

The alternate property is used to represent an else statement node, usually a block statement, but also an if statement node, such as if (a) {//… } else if (b) { // … }. Alternate can of course be null.

interface IfStatement <: Statement {
    type: "IfStatement";
    test: Expression;
    consequent: Statement;
    alternate: Statement | null;
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A Switch statement node has two attributes. The discriminant attribute indicates the discriminant expression immediately following a switch statement, which is usually a variable. The Cases attribute is an array of case nodes, which represents each case statement.

interface SwitchStatement <: Statement {
    type: "SwitchStatement";
    discriminant: Expression;
    cases: [ SwitchCase ];
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The for loop node, init/test/update, represents the three expressions in the parentheses of the for statement, the initialization value, the loop judgment condition, and the variable update statement (init can be a variable declaration or expression) executed each time the loop executes. All three attributes can be null, for(;;) {}. The body attribute is used to indicate the statement to loop through.

interface ForStatement <: Statement {
    type: "ForStatement";
    init: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null;
    test: Expression | null;
    update: Expression | null;
    body: Statement;
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Declaration statement nodes, which are also statements, are just refinements of a type. The various declaration statement types are described below.

interface Declaration <: Statement { }
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Function declarations, unlike Function declarations above, cannot have id null.

interface FunctionDeclaration <: Function, Declaration {
    type: "FunctionDeclaration";
    id: Identifier;
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Variable declarations. The kind attribute indicates what type of declaration it is, since ES6 introduced const/let. Declarations represent multiple descriptions of declarations, since we can do this: let a = 1, b = 2; .

interface VariableDeclaration <: Declaration {
    type: "VariableDeclaration";
    declarations: [ VariableDeclarator ];
    kind: "var";
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Description of a variable declaration, where id represents the variable name node and init represents an expression for the initial value, which can be null.

interface VariableDeclarator <: Node {
    type: "VariableDeclarator";
    id: Pattern;
    init: Expression | null;
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Expression node.

interface Expression <: Node { }
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interface Import <: Node {
    type: "Import";
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The elements property is an array representing multiple elements of the array, each of which is an expression node.

interface ArrayExpression <: Expression {
    type: "ArrayExpression";
    elements: [ Expression | null ];
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Object expression node. The property property is an array representing each key-value pair of the object. Each element is an attribute node.

interface ObjectExpression <: Expression {
    type: "ObjectExpression";
    properties: [ Property ];
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Property node in an object expression. Key represents a key, value represents a value, and since ES5 syntax has get/set, there is a kind attribute that indicates a normal initialization, or get/set.

interface Property <: Node {
    type: "Property";
    key: Literal | Identifier;
    value: Expression;
    kind: "init" | "get" | "set";
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Function expression node.

interface FunctionExpression <: Function, Expression {
    type: "FunctionExpression";
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Binary operation expression node, left and right represent two expressions left and right of the operator, and operator represents a binary operator.

interface BinaryExpression <: Expression {
    type: "BinaryExpression";
    operator: BinaryOperator;
    left: Expression;
    right: Expression;
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Binary operator, all values are as follows:

enum BinaryOperator {
    "= =" | ! "" =" | "= = =" | ! "" = ="
         | "<" | "< =" | ">" | "> ="
         | "< <" | "> >" | "> > >"
         | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%"
         | "|" | "^" | "&" | "in"
         | "instanceof"
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Assignment expression node, the operator property represents an assignment operator, left and right are expressions around the assignment operator.

interface AssignmentExpression <: Expression {
    type: "AssignmentExpression";
    operator: AssignmentOperator;
    left: Pattern | Expression;
    right: Expression;
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Assignment operator, all values as follows :(not many commonly used)

enum AssignmentOperator {
    "=" | "+ =" | "- =" | "* =" | "/ =" | "% ="
        | "< < =" | "> > =" | "> > > ="
        | "| =" | "^ =" | "& ="
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Conditional expressions, often called ternary operands, Boolean? True, false. Attribute reference condition statement.

interface ConditionalExpression <: Expression {
    type: "ConditionalExpression";
    test: Expression;
    alternate: Expression;
    consequent: Expression;
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interface Decorator <: Node {
  type: "Decorator";
  expression: Expression;
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Patterns, which are primarily meaningful in ES6 deconstruction assignments, can be understood in ES5 as something similar to identifiers.

interface Pattern <: Node { }
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interface Class <: Node {
  id: Identifier | null;
  superClass: Expression | null;
  body: ClassBody;
  decorators: [ Decorator ];
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interface ClassBody <: Node {
  type: "ClassBody";
  body: [ ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | ClassProperty | ClassPrivateProperty ];
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interface ClassMethod <: Function {
  type: "ClassMethod";
  key: Expression;
  kind: "constructor" | "method" | "get" | "set";
  computed: boolean;
  static: boolean;
  decorators: [ Decorator ];
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interface ImportDeclaration <: ModuleDeclaration {
  type: "ImportDeclaration";
  specifiers: [ ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier ];
  source: Literal;
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Import statements, such as import foo from “mod”;

Babylon AST node types

For a complete list of core Babylon AST node types, see Babylon


At first, I was going to explain Babel and its commonly used modules. Later, I found that the content was too large for one article, so I only focused on the code of Babel and analyzed the Babylon part. As a result, it was so long that I could only sigh that Babel was so extensive and profound.


  • babel-handbook
  • babylon
  • estree