Abstract: With the rapid development of e-commerce, various industry giants have thrown into the embrace of Internet +, steel industry as a typical traditional industry, how to achieve a gorgeous turn around, embrace the market, speed up the transformation of industrial old and new kinetic energy?

This article is shared from huawei cloud community “From chrysalis to butterfly, Huawei Cloud DevCloud helps The Transformation of Internet + and reconstruction of iron and Steel industry chain”, original author: Gray Huida.

With the rapid development of e-commerce, various industry giants have thrown themselves into the embrace of Internet +. As a typical traditional industry, how to realize the magnificent turn around, embrace the market, and speed up the transformation of old and new industrial drivers? Dahan E-commerce Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “Dahan Electronics”), as a leader in the iron and steel industry, has a 20-year history of the iron and steel circulation industry. It is committed to using “Internet +” to reconstruct the iron and steel industry chain and build the largest e-commerce ecosystem of the whole iron and steel industry chain in China.

“Big Buy Steel Network System” is a basic platform r&d team of Dahan Electronics. With the help of Huawei Cloud DevCloud platform capability, it creates a “transactional SAAS”, “cloud platform decoupling to form micro-service” and “multi-bank multi-account” system in an innovative way of business intelligence.

DevOps platform, accelerate the intelligent upgrade of products

Jiang, manager of The Operation and Maintenance Department of Dahan Electronics, said, “With the rapid development of business and the continuous expansion of the SIZE of the R&D team, more and more problems have emerged in the traditional project management mode, and low r&d efficiency has become an urgent problem to be solved. By introducing The Huawei Cloud DevCloud platform, we successfully shifted to the Scrum development model and enabled continuous integration and continuous delivery, making our team agile and efficient.”

Source code management

At the beginning of the project, considering the type of code warehouse, the delivery frequency of business and development efficiency, the project code was decided to use Git distributed version management system.

Being used to SVN for code hosting, colleagues initially refused to switch to Git for code management. However, lightweight branches, offline work, efficient collaboration, Git-based CI/CD and DevOps are more in line with the advantages of current software development mode. After experiencing the characteristics of Git distributed version management system, such as working offline, switching branches quickly, and resolving code conflicts locally, it is worthwhile to learn how to use Git. The law of True Fragrance also applies to software development tools.

The code hosting of Huawei Cloud DevCloud helps developers to easily solve the code hosting migration from SVN to Git, realizing the problem of cross-place collaborative office, and also releasing the maintenance work of code server and member permission management of operation and maintenance personnel, which is very convenient and safe. Code inspection function, to achieve the managed code quality inspection, including static inspection of the security inspection, and can provide detailed quality report, give reasonable solutions and improvement suggestions, effectively improve the code quality, so as to enhance the stability and security of the application code. Pipelining has provided us with good ideas and important direction support and guidance for code delivery, which has shortened the code delivery cycle by at least one time and greatly improved the project delivery efficiency.

Continuous delivery

In the early stage of the development of “Damei Steel Net system”, due to the lack of automatic operation and maintenance tools and other problems, the product on-line cycle was long and the delivery efficiency was too slow. To solve these problems, we introduced DevCloud automated construction and deployment capabilities, combined with pipeline functions to achieve simple and continuous delivery, guarantee the project progress, shorten the project online delivery cycle by 15 days, and help enterprises improve the delivery efficiency by 50%. Pipelining is easy to use, with a variety of built-in templates and flexible variable configuration, enabling us to achieve the desired results through a small number of operations.

Agile management

Due to the lack of standard processes and standardized statistical tools, and the traditional waterfall + iteration development process, it takes a long time for an enterprise project to go online. By using the Scrum project management and Backlog task kanban of Huawei Cloud DevCloud, the project manager can see the current progress of each developer, including development status and completion percentage, to ensure reasonable allocation of manpower, rapid response to changes in customer needs, strive for improvement, and improve the overall development efficiency by one time.

With the landing of DevOps, the value of Huawei cloud is truly visible

Dahan E-commerce Co., LTD., which has a large amount of purchasing, sales, inventory and other data information, is in urgent need of a platform to precipitate transaction data assets. Huawei cloud based on big data and cloud computing ability, through the out-of-the-box, project management for anytime, anywhere in the cloud, make software development more simple and efficient, make originally worthless steel trade transaction data have credit value and realizable way, make yesterday’s data inquiry today, realized the data in the field of iron and steel industry.

Cloud for Good, let technology more temperature, Huawei Changsha DevCloud Innovation Center is taking action. On June 27, 2018, Huawei signed a strategic cooperation agreement on Huawei Cloud DevCloud with Changsha Municipal Government and Wangcheng Economic Development Zone, and a signing ceremony was held in Shenzhen on August 8. On September 30, 2018, Changsha Municipal Economic and Information Technology Commission issued a subsidy policy on the use of Huawei Cloud DevCloud, and Huawei Changsha DevCloud Innovation Center entered the formal operation stage to help local enterprises upgrade their industries, create more new industry values, and build an intelligent and digital city.

Learn more about Huawei cloud software development platform DevCloud

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