
I’d like to introduce myself, nuggets. I’m tutu. Yes, tutu. Taking advantage of the weekend time to reflect on their own social more than two years out of the road, the following nonsense not to say, into the topic.

I am a junior college student (junior college how? When I was in school, I learned e-commerce. In fact, what I learned in class is HTML, CSS, Js, MySql and PHP. I didn’t learn much in college. I spent three years playing games with my roommates, such as LOL and poisoned milk powder. Then I went to Nanning for three months. The class I chose was the front end. Why did I choose the front end? Because in the school time learned a little, also have a little foundation.

From school to society

18 years out of school to find a job in September, has not played the game out, beaten by society, after many setbacks and tribulations just began to go to the interview are encountered some basic training institution, as long as there is the interview invitation is very happy at that time, but the baidu search is XXX what training institutions, training institutions can only be fun shenzhen is really much.

First Job

After two weeks, I finally had hope, received an invitation from an outsourcing company, and went there. It’s also a startup, just a few people. Two back ends, one little sister, one UI in front, plus the boss is five people. Then I was also admitted by this company. At that time, I talked to the boss about 3K per month. It’s just a management system written with jQuery and native JS. I recall that my front-end fundamentals were a poor one, and I later bought an HTML+Css+JavaScript web design book from beginner to master and a sharp jQuery book to learn. These two books are of no use to me now.

The company had an e-commerce project for another front-end little sister. At that time, she had just learned Vue, and then she used Vue to do this project, so I became curious. I went to the Internet to find a tutorial, found the Vue imitation of the United States group of tutorials, feel the quality of the line, and then learn two weeks. I just went through a door. At that time, I didn’t know what ES6, Webpack and Git were. When the project was almost complete, the little sister took off. You’re throwing a hole in my ass. And I have poor foundation. I added a requirement to adjust the back-end interface, which TOOK me two days, and I didn’t know anything about Ajax at that time. Then I hired a college teacher and a big shot in the tech fat crowd to help me out. From then on the front end of the love. I had been with the company for a month before I found out I was unpaid. The other front end got away, and then I got away. Keep looking.

Second Job

Three or four days at home. I got another interview invitation. It is also a small company with a salary of 3.5K. When I go to the interview, I see two people, the boss and a UI. This company makes small programs. It’s a good thing I learned a little bit when I was out looking for a job. I showed him the Vue imitation American Group project I had learned before. He thought it was ok. Successfully landed a second job.

I left the company after only one week. The reason is simple. My boss asked me to work overtime. I had no objection to working overtime, but I was a little far from the company. At that time, I lived in Longgang and the company was in The Seg Building in Huaqiang North. It was late getting home from work. And I live a little far from the subway station. There’s another bus to get there, and it’s gone by 8:30 p.m. And the back end is a part-time back end. And THEN I behaved badly on purpose, and the boss fired me. Got over seven hundred dollars in salary. Then I used this money to buy a Ruan big ES6, there are advanced program design 3 to learn.

Third Job

At that time at home to cast resume to see the small program of the tutorial, and did not practice, just have been watching. I got invited for an interview and I was so excited to go. I found a small company doing home furnishing and new media operations. Just a few people. The salary was also 3.5K, and there was no back-end for making a small household program. At that time, the boss just said he wanted to recruit, but IN fact, I have seen that he did not want to recruit, for the simple reason of high cost. That’s what happens in small companies. You want me to do it by myself, I didn’t have a good foundation, let alone the back end. At that time I wrote a small program in addition to write some simple styles, the rest of what shopping cart and login are copied and pasted online. And then half a month later I had written it. When my boss asked me if I could go online, I was so confused that I didn’t even have a backend to talk about going online. I remember one time, he talked to me and asked me if I could do big data, artificial intelligence. I could only tell him in what language.

Alas, it is sad that these ignorant people think that a programmer can do any big data AI. I thought to myself, what if I did? I’m still at your stupid company? After the small program project cancelled, directly to the third party to sell a. The back calls me to be in charge of making an official website again, it is a portal net actually. Redeveloped with weaving dreams. The company bought a server for me to do, but fortunately I have some students to do SEO optimization and secondary development. I wasn’t really interested in redeveloping, and then I didn’t do it, so I asked them to do it for me. I’ll have them do it remotely at work. When it turned out that my boss was not satisfied with what they wanted, he fired me. It happened to be New Year’s Day, just one month into the job. I was happy to get 3.5K salary. Go back to looking for work.

Fourth Job

My fourth job was doing small programs. It’s also a startup. Do travel industry, it is said that entrepreneurial failure, and then switched to software. Three people, boss + back-end are all born in 1995. I work in a private house, which is the home of the boss, who is a shenzhen native. Fukuda and Longhua have houses, a rich second generation, office in Longhua. Finally found a company with a back end, I thought. Because after the front two companies have no back-end has been afraid. After the interview, go back and wait for the call. Evening send a message to tell me, work on Monday, give salary probation 3k, 4k. I didn’t think about it that much. I went when I had a job.

I remember that I could not even get the value of the input box or an ifelse, only by baidu or asking group friends. I remember writing ifelse to determine the page corresponding to Tabbar jump, let alone the for loop. The back asked a group of friends to add her friends to help me write out of the remote. Notice how I use the word she’s a front-end sister. I realized how bad I was at it. Fortunately, I don’t have the two back ends of the company who teach me and give me ideas. Teach me to use for loop and applets network request request. At that time encountered not on Baidu, ask group friends to help solve. His technology is very bad, and did not give up, every day liver to the early morning just sleep. I also live in the company, because it is a private house, two rooms and one hall. Work in the living room. I have time to read books. I’ll talk about my learning path later.

I worked in this company for one year and did several projects. At the beginning, I was engaged in the company’s products, but the boss ignored it all the time, and then I took over several outsourcing projects. He left his job in January this year and returned to his hometown. The reason for leaving is simple: the boss is a worker who spends his parents’ money. And he’s lazy, irresponsible, expert in pie drawing, and has done several bad projects. None of them make any money, and they go to bed after they finish the blueprints. You sleep all day, you wake up, you eat, and then you go out and drink. He’s not talking about martial arts, he’s trying to fool a 22-year-old new gay guy. All day to me to draw cake, I was left after the understanding of these things, or I was too young too simple. After this lesson, I learned that some words are good to listen to, don’t take them seriously. Of course, I grew fastest in this company, and I learned a lot. At the end of last year, I took advantage of my time to learn the React tutorial. React was also applied to the last project I did at this company.

Present job

The company I am working for now is a cross-border e-commerce start-up company with basic welfare, ten employees, three back ends, one UI, one test and two front ends plus me. The technology stack used: React on PC and Taro on mobile to develop H5 and small programs. When I first entered, I was mainly responsible for the development of PC e-commerce platform, me and another front brother. After the official launch of the PC, the development of a small program, I have to say Taro’s hole is a little too much. After finishing the small program, and then develop H5, the development of H5 is just a copy of the small program code to modify the incompatible H5. By the middle of August, the team has more than 60 people, half of which are from the technical department. 6 front ends, 9 back ends, 4 tests, 2IOS, 2 Android, product, product assistant, UI, operation and maintenance are all one. It is my first time to join such a well-configured company. Our front end is mainly responsible for the company’s e-commerce platform and a distribution system. I touched a lot of things, the atmosphere of the company and colleagues are very good.

The main reason why I changed so many companies is as follows: First, I was so blindly eager for work that I didn’t make a good choice. Second, the second and third companies did not do programming or technical director and project manager positions. These companies want students to forget about it. Go to companies that at least have a back end. Technical cattle, can directly choose dachang. No matter what degree, try to know whether they can enter. If some of your friends are hiring, you can choose to push inward.

Growth summary

  1. To get into the habit of recharging myself whenever I can, here’s how I went from being a scum who couldn’t do for loops or ifelse to being a front-end engineer. Of course, I am very grateful to the boss of the fourth company and the backend brother for giving me a chance. It is the backend brother who always gives me ideas when I meet difficulties. Of course, also not my big trick JavaScript advanced programming 3 this book. Everyone who saw it said yes, and of course there is now a fourth edition. I didn’t buy it. In the fourth company I was basically free I went to read advanced programming 3 this book, look is not, must start according to the book, to understand. This is my college teacher told me, is also my teacher. Do not understand baidu to look for an example to see how others say this knowledge point. Another way to think about it. Encounter difficult really can’t break point open console, see execution see result. You get the idea. After learning this book, I finally know the common interview questions about closure, prototype, prototype chain, object oriented, event bubbling, event delegation, function stabilization, function throttling and so on. It’s interesting to understand these things. I was with an expectant heart to see these knowledge points, want to know what it is. It took me a year to finish the book (I had to work on a project after all). I watch it whenever I have time, even until the wee hours of the morning. I also draw pictures and important knowledge points in books that I must read every day. My foundation is also slowly improved because of this book.

  2. In August and September of this year, my teacher called me and asked me to come back and give a speech to the students. Describe your experience from school to society, how to change from a poor student to an excellent student in a class. I went back and talked to my teacher about all these years out of society and invited him to dinner. To repay me for all those years of teaching. What I remember most about him at that time was that being the best in the class does not mean being the best in the world. Of course, also not their own insistence. A quote from my college roommate (and friend) : Stick to what you stick to. These two words make me in the front end of this career did not give up easily, has been sticking to the reason. Buy books to learn what you don’t know. See not necessarily will, to start more practice, this is a practice of the industry. Practice is the only test of truth.

  3. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Do not do well in this matter, adjust yourself in time, remember the lesson this time. Don’t let a similar situation happen again. That’s how I got through it. You’re bound to make a few mistakes in your career.

  4. Don’t be addicted to games. I rarely played games in one or two years after I came out. I only played games when I went home for the Spring Festival. After returning to Shenzhen, I quickly adjusted myself. Stay away from games and focus on your skills. Before you want to play a game, think about your situation. Are your skills great? That’s how you give up the desire to play. It’s okay to play once in a while and relax. But don’t overindulge yourself.

  5. Invest in yourself, too. For example, buy a book on your skills, a video tutorial, and a Mac to improve your learning. There will always be a return to pay.

  6. At this stage, I, in the front end of this career, will put technology first, salary second. As technology improves, so do wages. So some students who have just stepped into the front end of the society, have the opportunity to try, do not miss every interview opportunity. Don’t worry too much about salary. Just be able to support yourself. Learning something and improving your skills is the absolute truth.

  7. I personally feel that although the efficiency of reading is slow, but can know a lot of knowledge points, and very detailed. Video tutorials are more efficient, but they don’t go into too much depth. So I still choose to read better. That’s my growth summary, and some advice. No, everyone has a different point of view on everything. I’m just saying my own. What I’ve learned, what I’ve worked for, what I’ve done is to give my family a voice for me.

One’s own shortcomings

  1. Gradually, I found that I didn’t know much about the business. After all, I just made up too much for the technology unilaterally without considering the business. Do the product to meet the demand, without carefully thinking about the value of this function to the project? I’ve seen a lot of cases where this feature was built, only to be completely useless and then cut.

  2. It’s a technical question to be hammered out. The middle has not stopped, even before commuting, eating, taking a bath, going to bed will repeatedly think about this problem with what is a better solution to achieve, or this function with what is a better way to optimize it?

The above are just one or two of my serious shortcomings. Of course, I have also been studying relevant books and materials to supplement my shortcomings.

Future career planning

Instead of entering a big factory, I just want to improve my technology through my own continuous efforts and standard the P level of a big factory. This is my future goal. If we can get in, so be it. I’m gonna break the crap out of a junior college degree and make it into a big shot.

In summary

I also set several goals for myself this year, one is to finish learning ES6, the other is to buy a MacBookPro, both of which have been completed as scheduled. I feel that I have learned a lot this year. I am very happy that I have grown up again 🎉🎉🎉 and completed my goal of this year ahead of schedule. I also read a few books about my career. Know how to go from a novice to a master and how to think. There are other ways to learn. This is basically the best for us programmers, I recommend you to see. Their harvest is full. The most surprising thing is that he also made a server. Although the last two or three months I was a bit of an Internet addict and a bit of a wreck. But take a look at your bank card balance and the motivation is there. 2020 will soon pass, although it is a bad year, but we must work together to refueling! New Year new goals. Data structures, design patterns, duck!

At the end

I want to say too much, I can’t remember, these are my heart and sweat to write things, very happy, very happy to summon up the courage to write the first article of life. If inadequacy asks each big guy to give directions much. Writing is not easy, and I hope you can give me a thumbs-up. That gave me the courage to keep writing. I will also try to improve my writing. In the New Year, I wish you all peace and success, everyone can enter dachang.

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