This is the 7th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

At the bottom, interfaces implement two elements, type T and value V, where V is a real value, such as int, struct, point, or even the interface itself. For example, if we store the value of int 3 in an interface, the interface result is roughly (T=int, V=3). V is also known as the dynamic value of the interface, because during the execution of the program, the interface V may be different values.

An interface that is nil means that its T and V are not set (T=nil, V is not set). To put it another way, a nil interface, its type T must be nil. If we store a null pointer *int into an interface value (V), the interface type will be *int (T= *int,V=nil), as in the example below.

This can be confusing, especially if a nil value is stored in an interface’s V, such as error

func returnsError(a) error {
	var p *MyError = nil // Create a variable p whose type is *myError value is nil
	if bad() {
		p = ErrBad
	return p // Will always return a non-nil error.
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If the program ends up running properly, this function returns p nil, p is the error interface, and inside this interface is (T=*MyError,V=nil). And as a result, if you compare p to nil externally, it’s always going to be an error, even if there’s nothing really going on in your program. To return a proper nil error, methods must return an explicit nil value to indicate that no exception occurred:

func returnsError(a) error {
	if bad() {
		return ErrBad
	return nil
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A good rule of thumb is to always sign a function with an error type (as we did above) rather than a specific type, such as *myError, to ensure that error is created correctly (PS: Just create a new error on return, such as return, instead of creating a new error outside, so as in the top example, you might set it to nil and think it’s nil, when its type isn’t empty.) For example, the method returns * os.patherror. (PS: I’ll post how it’s used)

func openFileNolog(name string, flag int, perm FileMode) (*File, error) {
	if name == "" {
		return nil, &PathError{"open", name, syscall.ENOENT} // Return error directly
	r, errf := openFile(name, flag, perm)
	if errf == nil {
		return r, nil
	r, errd := openDir(name)
	if errd == nil {
		ifflag&O_WRONLY ! =0|| flag&O_RDWR ! =0 {
			return nil, &PathError{"open", name, syscall.EISDIR}
		return r, nil
	return nil, &PathError{"open", name, errf}
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Remember, as long as any specific value is stored in an interface, that interface is not nil. More details can be found at…

A. concrete B. schematically C. schematically D. schematicallyCopy the code