Prometheus is introduced

Prometheus is the most recognized monitoring solution in the cloud native area and became the second graduate project after K8S after joining CNCF Foundation in 2016. Prometheus has become the de facto standard in the cloud native monitoring area. Open source Prometheus pain point

  • Prometheus high Availability problem: The Prometheus server is designed as a stand-alone server, which is prone to downtime and unavailability in the production environment.
  • High resource Consumption of the Prometheus server: The Prometheus server consumes resources of the cluster, especially the memory, and is prone to OOM failure resulting in service unavailable.
  • Prometheus Local Storage Scalability Poor: The local storage provided by Prometheus by default cannot be horizontally extended, causing data loss if disk problems occur, and failing to meet the scalability and high availability of monitoring data stores in production environments.
  • Prometheus’s own operational challenges are enormous: Prometheus Server, Alert Manager, Grafana and other components are numerous, complex configuration management, and poor operation and maintenance. Although Prometheus Operator is available, it still cannot fundamentally solve the problem of self-operation and maintenance.
  • Prometheus complex monitoring configuration, not out of the box: a variety of third-party exporters complex configuration, high operating costs, lack of monitoring of the overall market, requiring a lot of time and energy monitoring configuration.

Open source Prometheus advantage

  • The open source community is active, iterating rapidly, and increasingly functional
  • A variety of third-party monitoring plug-ins and my friend constantly contribute monitoring capabilities

Aliyun Prometheus service advantage

In view of the advantages and disadvantages of open source Prometheus, Ali Cloud launched Prometheus service, which is fully compatible with open source Prometheus and provides a one-stop out-of-the-box cloud service

  • Thin and stable Prometheus collector: Deployed in user clusters by helm Chart, Prometheus collector is streamlined and optimized based on Prometheus Server, focusing on service discovery and data collection, consuming 1/20 of the same resources as Prometheus Server, and supporting horizontal expansion.
  • Stable and large-capacity cloud storage: Based on the log service of Ali Cloud, cloud storage provides nearly unlimited storage space and efficient and stable distributed storage.
  • Efficient and powerful data query capabilities in the cloud: Prometheus server deployed in the cloud provides promQL-compatible metric query capabilities, added push-down sampling and long-run query optimization.
  • Default alarm service: Supports the native Alerting rule, integrates alarm channels such as nails and emails by default, and connects to alarm contacts on the cloud.
  • Out of the box Grafana Cloud service monitoring panel: provides the K8S cluster monitoring panel by default, including the host, Pod, Deployment, API Server, Ingress, coreDNS and other components monitoring panel, and provides a variety of three-party components monitoring panel. (Various components monitor the market)

(K8S cluster monitoring provided by default)

(APIServer Monitoring panel provided by default)

Aliyun Prometheus service Professional edition

At the end of the 15-day free trial period, Prometheus Professional will be free of charge for Kubernetes cluster metrics, including cluster Overview, Deployment, Pod, Node metrics, ApiServer, Etcd, CoreDNS, Ingress and other Kubernetes component indicators; The user – defined indicators are charged according to the number of times reported. For basic metrics (free) instructions, click here.

Rate, click here.


Ali Cloud Prometheus service after nearly half a year of public beta trial, finally began to provide commercial services at the beginning of the New Year, thanks to the majority of users in this half a year with us to grow and change. We firmly believe that Alicloud Prometheus service will provide the best monitoring experience in the cloud native era. Welcome to open a free trial, into the group can enjoy exclusive concessions.

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