“KubeMeet Developer Salon offline speech collection” officially launched! From the technical architecture of popular open source projects to the practice of cloud native implementation, I learned the experience of first-line cloud native implementation with the technical experts of Ali Cloud, The Fourth Paradigm, Ctrip, Pole Fox, Vmware, Telecom Tianyi Cloud, Shenxin, China Merchants, Zhengcaiyun and other enterprises.

“KubeMeet Developer Salon offline speech collection” e-book can be obtained for free

With the gradual improvement of Kubernetes ecology, more and more large Internet terminal enterprises began to join the echelon of cloud native, cloud native ecology is also evolving to a series of standardization trends. Faced with the problems of cloud native application delivery and management, edge computing integration, multi-cloud hybrid cloud, etc., which are widely concerned by developers at present, KubeMeet series of offline developer salons let us feel the charm of cloud native technology and open source community by summarizing excellent experience and precipitation of practical cases.

KubeMeet is a technical exchange activity for front-line developers co-sponsored by CNCF and Alibaba. The content focuses on the direction of cloud native & Kubernetes. It aims to use popular open source technology, practical cases of cloud native application in enterprises, architectural design thinking, etc. Help developers learn cloud native technology, communicate problems and pain points in practice, and promote the large-scale application of cloud native and Kubernetes in China. In the past year, KubeMeet series offline salons have visited Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and other cities, with a total of more than 1,000 offline participants. KubeVela, OpenYurt, OpenKruise, OCM, Sealer, Nacos and other popular open source technologies from Alibaba have been deeply penetrated into the developer community around the country.

“2021 KubeMeet Developer Salon Offline Lecture Collection” is the precipitation of lectures in 2021 KubeMeet Offline Developer Salon, including not only the implementation and thinking of cloud native standard application model, interpretation of the technical architecture of popular open source projects, cloud native application deployment open source practice and other topics. There are more fourth paradigm, Ctrip, Extreme Fox, Vmware, Telecom Tianyi cloud, deep convinced, China Merchants, zhengcaiyun and other well-known enterprises of the first-line cloud native landing practice. For developers who want to understand the challenges of cloud native application delivery and management, as well as the challenges of edge computing convergence, there are answers and inspirations in this book.

In the future, I hope KubeMeet will have the opportunity to come to your city and come to your side.

Free download address developer.aliyun.com/ebook/7564

The book is a sneak peek

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