Ooo domain name, note that it is the letter OOO, not the number 000, it is the thing of Indian friend. Maybe Ganges water is unmarketable and we need to help them.

Without further ado, when ordinary domain name registration is most afraid of O0, is a pit, but imaginative application ooO suffixes is also talent. This time, you can apply for one year for free, but it is rare that you can apply directly, unlike other payment tools such as credit card verification. It’s free for a whole year, so sign up.

Ooo free domain name

Click here to register

Testing of the domain name

To check the domain name (English) you want to register, click the blue button on the right

The invoicing

If the domain name is registered, click the green select on the right to make it “Selected” and click checkout on the far right

No other services

It will then recommend other services to you. Just politely decline by clicking No Thanks below

Enter promo code

As shown in the figure, you can see that the price after the discount is 0. If the promo code is not added automatically, add it manually. Promo code getoo

If you don’t have an account, click the blue box on the right to register your account

Perfect registration information

The password must be 9 to 16 characters long and must contain at least one lowercase letter (az), one uppercase letter (AZ), one digit (0-9), and one special character (~ *! @ $# % _ + ? : {})

Man-machine authentication will let you click the inside of the bus or road or bus stop, after the first click, it will change into another picture, and finally click the verification in the lower right corner as required.

To complete the registration

Click Confirm Order to sign up.

After registration, it is recommended to change the DNS server to domestic, so that we can use it conveniently:

Modifying a DNS Server

As shown in the picture, select the product list from the drop-down box on the background home page, then click your domain Name, and then select Name Servers to modify the DNS server

Adding a DNS Server

To add a DNS server as shown in the picture, click the blue box in the lower left corner to update the DNS server, and then perform operations such as domain name resolution at your own DNS server provider.

Above is the OOO free domain name application application and resolution tutorial, OOO free domain name application or more convenient, anyway can use a year for free, that on it, if it is to build a station and so on, VPS primary school students or recommended preferred COM domain name.