This is Jerry’s 59th article of 2020, and the 242nd original article of Wang Zixi’s official account.

This is the first time to write on the mobile phone after the 241 article of this official account. After the first two articles were published in May, many colleagues, relatives and friends left messages for me on the official account, or directly contacted me on wechat, giving me various suggestions and encouragement. Thank you very much. I cannot reply to you all due to the large quantity. I am very sorry. Here I have a bubble. I’m still alive.

If before this public number published SAP technical article can be helpful to you in the technical perspective, then this number of the next article, if you can remind us to care for their own body, early discovery of health risks, then I think I did not get sick in vain.

Some colleagues comfort me that the problem is not big, there is a unit physical examination every year. As a matter of fact, SINCE I joined SAP Chengdu Research Institute after graduation in 2006, I have participated in a total of 14 physical examinations. The only problems found in the examinations were myopia and dental calculi, and minor problems such as the end tooth. I have been in good health. I admitted to my doctor when I was in hospital, west China hospital, an associate professor of talking about this issue, she replied, “don’t say you, and I work with a colleague, had just had a bad illness, but the disease through early check out blood can simply screening, but our regular physical examination did not exsanguinate checked XX factor.” So, even if the unit physical examination is completely normal, we do not take it lightly.

My day starts with a blood draw at 6 a.m., a total of 28 tubes of blood are drawn for various factors, and they are not drawn all at once, but every half hour. If I showed up outside the hospital, I’d be mistaken for some kind of intravenous drug addict.

Last month, I joined the SAP Chengdu Research Institute Commerce Cloud development team. Although I didn’t do development for a long time, I got the team Azure access account, which made me feel very valuable. Therefore, I wasted no time trying various Azure functions. As a programmer, Jerry does sometimes have to program for Google and Stackoverflow Oriented Programming, but ONE thing I can’t live with is not knowing the code after Ctrl + C/Ctrl + V. So when I got sick, I thought, well, it’s time to learn more about the disease.

I learned a lot of secondary knowledge from Google, and this time I had the opportunity to talk directly with industry experts. I also wrote down all my questions in advance. The expert was also very nice and didn’t get impatient because ALL I asked were small questions.

I get the disease incidence rate is one hundred thousand, after knowing this probability I have not complained, after all, life in the world who can guarantee that they do not get sick, can safely through life? Especially when I live in the hospital, directly or indirectly close contact with some of the former only on Baidu and Zhihu, let people see the name of some of the diseases, suddenly feel that compared with these people, has been lucky enough.

Meet the patient in the elevator, see the receipt in her hand and pity her. She’s only 35.

After I had been injected with contrast and completed the enhanced MRI, I sat quietly waiting for the nurse to remove the needle from my wrist that had been injected into a vein.

I heard a faint cry and looked over to see a baby on a small portable bed. The sign on the bed read: Newborn after surgery for congenital heart disease. Age column: 20 months. Naked, with a mask over his head and a quilt wrapped around his chest, the baby was crying. In front of the bed stood a young couple, apparently the baby’s parents. Their faces were anxious, and the mother kept gently caressing her child’s shoulder and muttering words that only she could hear. Two nurses, presumably looking for blood vessels to inject contrast or tranquilizers, stood in front of the bed, duct tape and tubes wrapped around the baby’s hands, while another nurse assisted.

As medical workers are not allowed to take photos while performing medical services, I only took a snapshot of the back of the hospital bed from a distance. The baby’s hands were thin and transparent. To my layman’s eye, finding a vein to inject is as difficult as quickly finding a single line of code in the hundreds of thousands of lines of SAP product code.

The baby was crying on the bed, and the helpless faces of the young parents placed all their hopes on the two nurses. Seeing this scene, I could not hold back any more and shed tears. I walked away. I walked back ten minutes later, and the bed was gone. I think it worked. I’m filled with admiration for these two nurses.

I hope my message is all positive, so I won’t go over the examples above. One of my friends left a message to me, saying that after reading many of my articles, I had a basic understanding of SAP, and finally joined SAP China Research Institute. In my opinion, this is a great affirmation of me. As far as I am concerned, knowledge in the SAP field is just like modern medicine, which has many branches and is worth our time and concentration. If I can recover, I will continue to specialize in SAP technology and write more articles to repay your care for me.

In the end, Jerry reminds us to cherish every ordinary day we spend with our loved ones. Just because, tomorrow and accident, we really don’t know which one will come first.

My name is Jerry Wang and AS of 4pm May 17th, 2020, I am still alive. Thank you for reading, and wish you good health and happy work.