
After such a long period of self-study, I still have to write a serious summary article, one is to follow the trend, and the other is to get 60% off the gold nuggets booklet (which is very true…). Everyone pick up the small bench, sit well, next I will start to brag ~

Where to start

How to say, first introduce myself, let you have a basic understanding of me, name: Peng Daokuan, male, love female, born in Haikou, hunan school, practice chengdu 🀭


This year’s senior student, software engineering major, take the road of front-end refining body, no diaosi skills and master, self-taught front-end full calculation for one and a half years (winter and summer vacation indulgence does not count QAQ), now in an education company front-end intern. ✌ ️


HTML/CSS/JS foundation, feel good, recently also “JavaScript advanced programming third edition” this book brush again. Learned PHP for a period of time, using ThinkPHP5 to write back-end interface;

Using Vue framework, I have read part of the source code, such as the understanding of nextTick, life cycle, two-way binding, and wrote some projects; Of course, the latest is this: Vue+iView+Mock fast development framework

During my internship, I transferred to React and wrote a small program with Taro. Redux: Redux: Redux: Redux: Redux: Redux: Redux: Redux

At the same time, for some reason, I watched a week’s introduction to Node to get a rough understanding of the development process of Vue + Node + Express + Mysql full stack project. Can write SQL, build LAMP environment, etc. ~ can simply achieve a front and back end development pipeline… (Catch the key word: πŸ‘‰ simple)


Self-taught guitar for more than half a year, watched videos and played hip-hop dance for two months (not good at QAQ), like playing basketball (bad at QAQ), like shopping (a hard man), like traveling, occasionally go to a bar for disco dancing… By the way, occasionally go to Internet cafes to eat chicken, mobile games are also ok… Don’t say don’t say, if fate, you can add a friend, more in-depth understanding of me

Review the road of cultivation

Why in the front end

I believe that a lot of people engage in a technology, it must be for some reason, of course, there are still a lot of people like, love so enter this field, I am different, I want to meet girls… When I was a sophomore, it was Singles’ Day, and I came across a confession web page with JS animations and some cool special effects. “Gee, there’s something…” “And then he fell into the pit

Choose the full stack method

At that time, I joined the well-known TickNet studio of the school and began to learn front-end.

After learning HTML/CSS/JS for a period of time, I made a confession page that I don’t know what it was. Of course, at that time, because the studio was walking along the boardwalk, it was natural to follow along

From their buy in tencent cloud server to build a LAMP environment, simple operation to see a little bit of the Linux command line, then feel what they have learned are static, (cow force effects and I won’t, blame me too), so want to be a before and after the end of interaction, in PHP, porn technology πŸ˜„ (side classmates), to the back-end looked at tp5 document, I used TP5 framework to write a back end of my own project.

When to go firmly to the front

In the second semester of my junior year, I just started school in March. At that time, I felt that I had to find a company to practice, but what position should I face? I this pseudo full stack, the front end is not fine, the back end is poor, operation and maintenance don’t say, more miserable; Behind feel, or go to the front end, because I like beautiful things, front end engineer is to deal directly with the user, design, if I do a product, users praise this product is good-looking, easy to use, then I will thief happy.

What then face a lot of companies, jingdong, seven NiuYun, drops, the positive for seven or eight home, confident at that time, actually, at that time really stay on the use of technology, source of what also don’t go to see, technology is in very shallow level, including many, such as computer network, data structure, also didn’t go to review, so battered to pieces, and instantly collapse, Looking for a job is also a matter of luck. Fortunately, the luck is not bad. On May 8th last year, a company in the interview sent me an internship offer on May 12th (finally, a company wanted me), and then I have been practicing until now

Progress during internship

In my first internship, I met a leader who was very good. Because the company used react technology stack, I transferred from VUE to React, and taro framework was used, so in the first month of my internship, To learn react, to see how to use Redux, including wechat small program development documents to read, I also use react + taro made a mess of small program (still not finished, winter vacation reconstruction development)

One month ago, I learned new technology, of course, there were also fish 🐟. After a month, I always felt that the internship should be fruitful, so I talked with the leader at the back end in the evening (that was still not familiar with the front end leader, very simple). On the second day, the front end leader dragged me into the conference room and asked me to lead the project team’s backstage management. Based on the pro-Ant-Design rapid development framework for development, so began to start, this is the first time to develop the project application of the project team, before all the routine maintenance of the old system

Up to now, I have come into contact with a lot of new technologies, and I feel that the code style is better, the technology is improved, and the horizon is wider, this feeling, wow, this feeling is better ~ much ~ 🍊

A little digression

Our project team, when I joined in a big change, the front leader just two weeks, the back-end leader transferred from other team, including our interns are just entered, so all projects are redo, including the background, such as small program is new, so the time bosses are busy, our interns is daily touch fish, Fishing period is reading, that is, at that time to steady down to read

Autumn recruit result

It was sad, really sad; I don’t know if you have this feeling: everyone is the beginning of learning something, and then extremely inflated, after jumping out of the bottleneck, found that there is too much to learn, suddenly don’t know how to learn, and is learning more and more.

It was just in July and August that I suddenly found that my VUE code was written well and could not react. Therefore, I did not read the source code of my VUE and did not make a complete project. My code style was also messy, I didn’t use prettier, ESLint, etc., and MY git submission was messy without husky, including technical knowledge: I don’t know enough about JS prototype chain, closure, inheritance, event loop, etc.

Did not participate in the campus information, are the official website cast, large factory of many written tests have not been able to πŸ’” advance batch of large companies, better stop two, gg, some companies to now or “resume screening”, (I do not know this screening can be screened to the end of the entire autumn recruitment), face n companies (n=?) I got oral offers from three companies, which can’t be called oral offers. All of them asked me to send them to me as soon as I decided to go, and the salary was still generous, so I refused. Do not ask me why I refused, because I like Chengdu, want to stay in Chengdu ~

A wordy

It is mainly to find a forward direction and method to learn, no longer like before, headless fly, do not know what to learn, how to learn; Say really, oneself technique how kind, oneself in the mind also have a bottom, but most let me feel proud of is, I know oneself want what, hope all guest officer can have this consciousness: know oneself want what, know oneself doing what, ojBK, slipped slipped 😯

Currently planned

It will be the New Year soon, push other projects, want to sum up the internship experience in the second half of the year in this winter vacation, and finish the project you want to do, and then design well, how to do the graduation project to do a good job ~

Current projects to be done

  • vue-erek-manage : Based on Vue + iView + Mock rapid development framework, I have this idea because I have read pro-Ant-Design framework before, and many of my projects need to do background management. It may be low, but I hope you can give me a star✨, Support me as a wild front-end programmer πŸ’?
  • erek-resume : Before building a resume site, a resume, change for more than 30 times in order to be satisfied, so for some students don’t know how to make a resume, and some online resume template is single, so had to make a resume production site, of course, still haven’t finished, perfect and online, winter vacation (have to communicate with instructors and persuasion, Can help me promote in level 15 and 16 ✌️)
  • Erek-market: Not open source yet, based onThe sharing platform of the school's wechat enterprise numberThis is me joining inTickNetFor the first project of the studio, I have done it for 5 times so far. This time, I did not use any UI framework, and all the style and effect interaction was done by hand, using Vue + Axios + Vue Router, which was also changed from Mocknode + express + mysql, but the real line of the back end is he Wei Yu students withGoI did. I just wanted to get familiarvue + node + mysqlA process of
  • Read -booklist. Reading a book!!!!! Read books!! Before, I thought books were too boring, but it was very important. Of course, we should not read books blindly. Combining knowledge points and coding to understand is the strategic goal of long-term development
  • Algorithm is very important, I am one of those people who have no idea about algorithm, but the cruel fact is that the front end also has to take the algorithm test, so the current tactical goal is to brush 150 questions by the end of this winter holiday, so far I have finished 1/3

The book I’m reading now

  • “Computer Network” : Make sure you get this back. It’s very important. Really, believe me
  • “Data structure” : this is also to pick up, front-end engineers also have to test algorithms, and algorithms can not be separated from the data structure to test, so data structure is particularly important!!
  • “ES6 standard introduction” : don’t say much, heavy not important oneself in the mind have no point force number?
  • .
  • .
  • (Read books one by one and accumulate skills one by one)

Future plans

In fact, this topic is very heavy, because the plan is too much, not to do it will hit their face, can only say that the current plan for the near period of time to finish has been thankful; From the beginning of last month, I gave myself a month’s plan list, and daily clocking; After a month, you will look back and know what you have done this month. What have you done

I also know that I set a plan for each month, and at the end of the month, I will feel great if I can complete more than 50% πŸ‘ (don’t ask why I didn’t clock in on January 1st 😠).

Technology is not finished learning, can do only continuous progress and learning, this front-end technology stack map, feel every point have heard, but no depth, in other words, is not deep enough ~, have penance period of time, I hope that when the exit, can have a big progress πŸ‘Š

The last

Here, my summary is about to end, or very polite to say: thank you very much for taking the precious time to read this summary for beginners. It took a whole afternoon to write this summary, and many things were left unwritten, because they seemed redundant.

Of course, the purpose of writing this summary is: to receive advice and suggestions from the nuggets community, or other aspects of front-end, front-end employment, learning methods, you can leave your comments below, or… Can you send me an email? Send me issues on Github? Or add me to wechat? Learn (pretend) to learn (force) together?

E-mail: 1063137960


Wechat: (or give up, I am the man you can’t add QAQ)

Still want to make an advertisement to myself originally, but always feel a bit embarrassed, brothers, predestined relationship river’s lake see 🀝

Before I’ve always wanted to write annual summary, just met, and hope to be the eldest brother flop, Denver annual essay | 2018 technical way with me The campaign is under way… If I can’t, I’ll slip away

Finally, I hope you guys can give me this vue-Erek-manage point star ✨, give a continuous pit filled chicken a affirmation, let me more motivation to learn, love you ❀️

Right, have small partner to say, the full text did not appear a girl, πŸ‘€, this is a tie heart topic, girl πŸ‘§ bubble arrived, but not rely on the confession web page, that time do confession web page is too low, take not hand; Girl also don’t text, from 2016.9 to recognize in August 2018 separate, finally also say good bye, so the eldest brothers don’t tangle “girl” this topic πŸ™

Update, what is it with you guys that you want to see pictures of my ex-girlfriend… Are the requirements not enough or the code not attractive enough? πŸ˜“

A link to the

Denver annual essay | 2018 technical way with me The campaign is under way…

Making | indulge in front of wide

Blog | self-salvation