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This article was first published on the wechat official account “Beauty of Algorithms and Programming”. Please follow us and learn more about this series of articles in time.

I. Demand survey

Before creating the UI, make sure that the user’s requirements are clear and that no major changes will be made, and that these requirements are sorted out. Because those requirements are what you build your UI on. If you don’t know what needs to be done, don’t start creating a UI, or you’ll end up making extensive changes or reworks to the UI you already have, or are working on, and all your previous work will be wasted. Of course, if you’re just doing it for fun, don’t worry about it.

Second, the imitation

When you first start learning and making UI, it’s a good idea to look and emulate successful UI designs. Because the quality of your design directly determines the quality of your product’s appearance, many people feel good when they look at their prototypes, but feel bad when they make their UI. The first act of user contact with the product is the first page created by the UI designer for the product. A good designer can have insight into the user’s feelings and inject vitality into the product, but this is by no means the ordinary white can do, even if you have a good art foundation, I still suggest you to look at other great god’s production, especially on the Internet.

Third, data backup

UI will be filling a large number of text images, and these things you have to tidy up, because these things when making the MUI will take and use it again, not only that, to make the UI when the size of the canvas size, pictures, text font size color, the height of each frame width, these are all need to keep records, parts also need to separate into a figure. If you just keep the original and PNG, you’re in big trouble.

Four, production principles

Unified style, clean interface. In the production must first determine the theme and the main color, a good painting must have a unified tone, in order to have a good atmosphere. Don’t include too many types of fonts and try to be consistent in style.

Set priorities. When a UI project is complex and involves many pages, it’s important to prioritize and highlight the main ones. Before production, we should first consider which content is the first to show to the user, is the hope that the user sees the first, which content is secondary, the main through the location, size, virtual reality, color to emphasize, weaken the secondary, so that the picture forms an orderly whole.

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