Superset recently released a new version, version 1.3.0, which focuses on improving the user experience. A number of improvements and bug fixes have been made.

The user experience

A major goal of this release is to improve the dashboard native filters. These filters are at the dashboard level, not the chart level. And affect all charts within its scope in the dashboard.

Filters can also be set to fold load, which also improves thumbnail and alert functionality.

For diagrams, a new funnel diagram was added.

Users can now also use the Jinja template in computed columns and SQL metrics.

At the dashboard level, users can now download CSV versions of complete data sets from the dashboard.

Users can now also view the SQL query behind any chart directly from the dashboard.

A number of bug fixes have also been made.

  • To see the full log in this release, go to
  • 1.3.0 does not contain any backward incompatible changes.

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