Because the Android application using WebView_Flutter has a keyboard problem (the number input box opens the full keyboard, and the keyboard cannot be automatically closed), after typing and closing, you can discard the previously modified native JS confirm, alert and other pop-up window adaptation functions, and give priority to ensuring the keyboard is normal. After testing, the current version of flutter_webview_plugin 0.4.0 supports popover, so the modified webview_flutter-0.3.21 originally adopted was discarded and the latest flutter_webview_plugin was used instead.

Using full screen directly causes the status bar occlusion problem, so you need to modify the demo slightly.

The overlapping theory and application method of Statusbar in WebView MediaQuery are as follows: The overlapping theory and application method of Statusbar in WebView MediaQuery are as follows: Simple use of Flutter MediaQuery

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { final flutterWebViewPlugin = FlutterWebviewPlugin(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new MaterialApp( routes: { "/": (_) { Rect _buildRect() { final topPadding = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(window); final top = topPadding; var height = MediaQueryData.fromWindow(window).size.height - top; / / height = 56.0 + MediaQueryData. FromWindow (window). The padding. The bottom; height -= MediaQueryData.fromWindow(window).padding.bottom; If (height < 0.0) {height = 0.0; } return new the Rect. FromLTWH (0.0, top, MediaQueryData fromWindow (window). The size, width, height); } flutterWebViewPlugin.resize(_buildRect()); Return new WebViewScaffold (url: "", JavascriptChannels: <JavascriptChannel>{},); }},); }}