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Flutter 2.2 was officially released today at Google I/O 2021, including an update to Dart 2.13. This release focuses on improving the development experience, providing better stability and performance for delivered applications. Let’s take a look at what’s coming to the upcoming version of Flutter

Air safety support

Starting with Flutter 2.2, newly created Flutter projects will enable sound air safety by default. Null-safety helps developers avoid a large number of null-reference exceptions, provide clearer control over the flow of nullable content, and avoid excessive run-time nullability checking. Currently about 5000 packages on have been supported and migrated to air security. For space security introductions, FAQs, migration tutorials, in-depth analysis of space security, please refer to the space security documentation series to learn and migrate your packages and projects.

Optimization for each platform

In Flutter 2.2, Flutter provides a Service Worker to the Web for background caching. For Android applications, support for lazy-loading components has been added. For iOS applications, precompilation of shaders is now integrated into development tools to eliminate or reduce first-run lag. See the precompiled SkSL cache approach for more information.

The expansion of business

In addition to the development work on Flutter itself, the Flutter team has also worked closely with other Google teams. To help developers monetize their apps more reliably, the new AD SDK plugin has been updated, and an official payment plugin for Google Pay and Apple Pay has also been launched for paying for goods on Android and iOS.

The Dart 2.13

Dart 2.13 is also updated with the Flutter. The new version of Dart enhances support for low-level interactions, using arrays and encapsulated structs in FFI.

In addition, type aliases are already supported in Dart 2.13. With type aliases, you never have to worry about

>>>. Here is an example of creating a type alias:

typedef MapToList<X> = Map<X, List<X>>;

void main() {
  MapToList<int> m = {};
  m[7] = [7];
  m[8] = [2.2.2];
  for (var x in m.keys) {
    print('$x --> ${m[x]}'); }}Copy the code

More platform ecosystem support

At the Flutter Engage event, Flutter officials announced their partnership with Toyota to introduce Flutter into the next generation of vehicle systems. Canonical has also released the first Ubuntu version that integrates Flutter support. Now Samsung is porting Flutter to Tizen, and SONY is leading the Linux embedded solution. Both companies have chosen to participate in the development of Flutter ecology through open source collaboration.

In addition to investing in the Foldable device experience of Flutter, Microsoft will this week release the Alpha version of Flutter UWP (Windows 10), which takes Flutter embedding to the next level on Windows.

Last week, Adobe announced an update to the XD to Flutter plugin. Designers will be able to export their ideas and apply them to their development through the Support of the Flutter plugin, allowing them to collaborate more deeply with developers after doing their best design with XD.


Created by two former Google employees, FlutterFlow is an online code-free/low-code development platform developed by visual interaction, with numerous development templates, fast integration of cloud services (based on FireBase), and fast publishing to the app store. Just select the effect you want, drag and drop, combine, and quickly produce a native experience. Click here to register for the initial experience.


Flutter has always been about creating a great development experience for developers and allowing them to deploy their ideas quickly and directly on any platform, eliminating the technical barriers of traditional development. At Google I/O 2021, the Flutter team will be sharing more technology workshops, Live Coding demos and video on demand. Finally, welcome to try the Photo Booth Web app developed by Flutter and take a Photo with the Flutter mascot.

If you are ready to start learning about Flutter applications, or have more questions about the details of Flutter/Dart, please visit the Flutter Documentation and Dart Documentation for further study and in-depth understanding.