Two years ago, the company did RN development and wrote the plug-in of RN-Echart version for the company to use. In the process of learning Flutter, the company wrote Flutter-Echart easily.

However, due to personal reasons during the period, I did not maintain the project. 34 stars and 18 forks in two years. Thank you all on Github.

I also found out that someone wrote a blog about my lib. Thank you very much to that writer. In recent days, I have been free, and I have a deeper understanding of Flutter because I transformed the company’s project into Flutter version at the beginning of the year.

The function of Echart plug-in has been fixed according to the issue, and the function of refreshing data has been added.

The following is a brief introduction:

1. How to quote

In the project pubspec. Yaml file statement following flutter_echart: git: url: git://

2. Copy the asset directory in the Example project into your project root directory.

And declare the following in the pubspec.yaml file: assets: – assets/echart.html

3. The basic application is indicated in main.dart of the Example project. Inssues if you have questions

O O (studying studying)

4. Current Echart version 4.0.1

— 24 December 2020 —-

To my surprise, I got 34 stars after more than two years. I am very grateful to my friends from STAR. I would like to apologize first. There have been many changes in the past two years, so the project has not been maintained. In order to thank the 34 stars and 18 forks in the past, I will take time to maintain the project again in the near future. ღ(´ · ᴗ · ‘)

Added the refresh function. The following code

    // Create a Provider
    CounterProvider _counterProvider = new CounterProvider();
  // Add a ChangeNotifierProvider to the EchartView
                    builder: (context) => _counterProvider,
                    child: Consumer(builder: (BuildContext context,
                        CounterProvider counterProvider, Widget child) {
                      print('EchartView... ');
                      return new Container(
                        child: EchartView(
                            key: _counterProvider.keyCount,
                            height: 300,
                            data: counterProvider.value),
                        height: 300.0,
                        width: 500.0,); })),// Refresh the data function
   Builder(builder: (context) {
                     return RaisedButton(
                       child: Text("Change data 2"), onPressed: () { _counterProvider2.refresh(UniqueKey(), option); }); }),Copy the code

Updated the data preview effect