Select FluwX for the plug-in flutter in the integrated fluwx plug-in, a set of code can invoke the iOS SDK and AnZhuoWei letter of related functions

Preparations (The following describes how to configure the iOS server)

  • The first step is to configure the apple-app-site-association file, which is a JSON file with no suffix. How to determine if it is a JSON file. See below

  • The following figure shows the content of the apple-app-site-association file

  • After confirming that the first two steps are correct, communicate with o&M and put the file in the root directory or. Well-known directory of the interface server. The configuration path is as follows:

If the interface domain name is: biduo. xyz put this link in your browser, I recommend opening it in Safari, Google Chrome will have a cache. There are two cases: some say open the file directly in the browser, some say download the file after entering the link. Mine is the first one, opened in a browser.

To test whether the configuration is correct, place in the phone’s memo and long press if the following description appears in… “, it means correct (the premise is that the phone must have this app installed)

  • Register wechat developer platform, pay attention to a point

UniversalLinks :

  • Set domains in Xcode as shown below

Note: there is a problem with the nginx configuration. If the above configuration is correct, but you cannot find your app in the memo, then there may be a problem with the Nginx configuration.

Preparations are now complete. Here is the fluwX code for FLUTTER

The code in main.dart

Future initWeiXin() async {await registerWxApi(appId: "wx11111111111", doOnAndroid: true, doOnIOS: true, universalLink: '', ); }Copy the code

Click the wechat login code

void requestWeChatLogin(String code) async { String commonOpenStr = await UserService().getWeiXinOpenId({ 'appid': 'wx11111111111', 'secret': 'b9e6111111111111111111111 ',(wechat open platform scecret) 'code': code, 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', });Copy the code

Wechat share code (parameters can be seen in fluwX Chinese document)

void requestWeChatLogin(String code) async { shareToWeChat(WeChatShareWebPageModel( '${widget.homeListModel.shareLink}',  scene: WeChatScene.SESSION, thumbnail: WeChatImage.asset(img('icons/share_icon.png')), title: '${widget.homeListModel.title}', description: widget.homeListModel.brief ! = null ? '${widget.homeListModel.brief}' : '', )Copy the code
  • Tip: The link shared by wechat wants to jump to Safari inside the app. Cross-domain issues need to be addressed.

For example, if the domain name of your interface is, the link to the page you click on should not be under that domain name. It should be