Page is divided into

  • Login registration page
  • User list page
  • User search page

Using third-party Components

  • shared_preferences
  • provider

Demo Function Overview

  • Users created through the registration feature maintain a local list of users using shared_Preferences.
  • The registered user (unique user name) cannot be registered again, and the login will verify whether the user name and password match (there will be a prompt indicating that there is an exception during login or registration).
  • Provider is used to manage the state of the user’s ViewModel. The user ViewModel obtains the user list stored locally and renders it to display in the user list page.
  • The user list page can delete users
  • The search result page filters and displays the user list of the user ViewModel according to the search keyword through Selector (the search result list cannot perform the operation of deleting the user).


During the study of Flutter for nearly half a month, I will forget if I don’t write anything. No matter the size of the project, I will write by hand. There are many imperfections, but I still need to learn more and read the source code more. If the demo can help students like me who are new to flutter, it will be a good thing.

Github address of Demo