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  • I’ve been waiting a week to get a preview

  • Let’s use it briefly today.

  • I have my feet on the ground. Check out what I’ve done


  • Most of the project management is using Maven, and before Maven there was Ant, which is probably not used by many people anymore, or new people are not using Ant. With the release of Fleet, our focus has shifted to lightweight IDEA development.
  • I was honored to apply for fleet and started to use it immediately. However, there are few demos on the official website, and I haven’t run my background projects through lightweight tools like VS, so please forgive me for not using Fleet. I can only test fllets according to the official documentation. So before I start, I need to install Gradle.


Gradle is an open source tool for automated building projects based on Apache Ant and Apache Maven concepts. It uses a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) to declare project Settings, ditching the tedious XML-based configuration. For Java applications, currently supported languages are limited to Java, Groovy, Kotlin and Scala, with plans to support more languages in the future

  • As for the installation here is not specified, the most complex is just the official website download configuration environment variables. Let me make it a little bit easierbrew install gradle

  • After the installation, we will verify whether the installation is successful.gradle -v

Common operations for Gradle

The command role
gradle build Compiling a package
gradle build -x test Executing the test Task
gradle build –offline Run in offline mode to prevent access to remote information
gradle clean Clear the build directory
gradle assembleRelease Build the Android package in Release mode
gradle tasks Viewing the Task List
gradle tasks –all View all task lists
  • Detailed documentationgradle -h

Gradle builds projects

  • Then we continue to operate as described on the official website

  • And then let’s try batch modification

  • Start here and we can run our project normally. But debug reported an error. There are no specific instructions on the website

  • The rest of the functionality feels ok. Because it’s a new tool and I’m not used to it.

Enable Shell mode

  • After clicking, we are configuring a following path

  • We can then perform simple operations on the configured path using the Fleet command

  • throughfleet test.javaWe open the file directly using Fleet. You can also open the folder directly

  • We can also start a server with -s. As Fleet introduced, we can develop remotely.


  • At present, fleet cannot be found after opening the Fleet window in Toolbox and switching, because the TAB plug-in has been used. It is not known if the other versions of Fleet are normal. It is possible to open Fleet alone
  • Like IDEA, the default is case sensitive intelligent recognition.

  • Fleet is still a big memory hog, and the client version just opened with about one GIGAByte. It’s still jetbrain in memory; Fleet requires 2G. For reference only


  • Fleet is relatively lightweight overall, but since it was developed from scratch, plugins don’t fit very well yet. But the trend is positive. Waiting for good news

  • 2021 my feet are on the ground. Come and see what I’ve done