In the wake of the pandemic last year, many Silicon Valley tech companies switched to telecommuting, and many of them moved away from the “three high” areas of Silicon Valley.

Oracle, one of Silicon Valley’s oldest companies, announced in December that it was moving its headquarters to Austin, Texas

Source: bnnbloomberg

Elon Musk, the new richest man, said he had moved to Texas, where he is building a new factory outside Austin, and HEWLETT-PACKARD announced plans to build a campus in Houston, Texas, as its new headquarters.

Do not collect individual income tax, 300,000 buy a house! Texas smells good!

Texas, the nation’s second largest state, has attracted businesses and employees with its low cost of living, low real estate prices (you can buy a home for as little as $300,000) and no income tax.

Especially when it comes to state income taxes, California’s 13.3% tax is shockingly high (even with the CEO tax), while Texas pays no tax at all…

Source: Tax Foundation

What’s more, Texas also has very business-friendly policies when it comes to the state corporate tax rate: 0 percent compared to California’s 8.84 percent.

Source: Tax Foundation

That’s why tech giants are fleeing Silicon Valley in favor of Texas, where more and more companies in technology and other industries are moving to what has become known as silicon Valley Mini

Apple, Linen, Microsoft gathered in Texas, “Silicon Hill” official debut

California has Silicon Valley, Texas has Silicon Hills. The glitziest city in Texas is Austin, also known as “Silicon Hills” as high-tech companies flock to the city.

Major tech companies like Microsoft, Facebook, and Google have opened offices in Austin, and Apple has announced plans to bring its Macbook line to the city and build a second headquarters there!

Dropbox, Pinterest, DZS Inc, Digital Realty, Palantir, and many smaller tech companies have moved to Texas. By one count, there are 4,700 tech companies in Austin’s silicon Hill area!

Source: Internet

In addition, Austin’s rich school resources, including the famous University of Austin, provide a large number of scientific and technological talents for enterprises, “Silicon Hill” is developing rapidly in a good situation.

Demand for technology has skyrocketed, making it the next mecca for programmers

As more and more tech companies move to Austin, demand for tech jobs will soar, and Silicon Hill will be next.

More than 6,000 engineering positions are currently open in the Austin area 👇

In terms of salary, the median salary of engineers in Austin is 150K, which is not as much as 150K in the Bay Area, or 240K in the Bay Area. However, the actual amount of money in hand after tax exemption is not much worse, and living in Austin with lower cost will actually lead to higher happiness.

Source: levels. Fyi

Silicon Valley, the center of the universe, is unmatched in the Internet world, but the rising hills of silicon are not bad either, making Austin a great choice for those who don’t seek high salaries in big cities.