As we know, the speed of accessing or downloading resources directly using source is very slow in China. We can add domestic resource addresses, such as Huawei or Tencent.

Tencent’s resource address is:

Huawei’s resource address is:…

Azure resources address is: the nuget. CDN. Azure. Cn/v3 / index. Js…

Add method (VS2013 as an example) : Tools — options –NuGet Package Manager — Program package source, click the “plus” button in the upper right corner, enter the “name” and “source” in the lower right corner, and then click the “Update” button. The details are shown in the figure below:

Test effect: In the Package manager console, select the Package source as “Tencent Nuget” and type install-package cefsharp.winforms -version 75.1.142.