When it comes to Python Web frameworks, the first three things that come to mind are Django, Flask, and Tornado. If it were ranked by popularity, it would be in the same order.

In 2016, we released a Web framework called Sanic, and it’s doing well. It’s kind of a late comer.


Project address: github.com/django/djan…

The most popular Web framework in Python, very comprehensive features, such as security authentication, URL Routing, template engine, ORM, and even Admin background, all included.


Project address: github.com/pallets/fla…

Is also a very popular Web framework, its specific is lightweight, flexible, customizable strong.

Users can add corresponding functions according to their own needs, while keeping the core functions simple, to achieve the enrichment and expansion of functions, its powerful plug-in library can allow users to achieve personalized website customization, develop a powerful website.


Project address: github.com/bottlepy/bo…

A simple and efficient wsGI-compliant mini-Web framework. Tiny because it has only one file and doesn’t rely on any third party modules other than the Python standard library.

This framework is used sparingly, but the source code is also scarce, so it’s a good place to start if you want to read the source code


Project address: github.com/tornadoweb/…

Tornado is a Python-based Web services framework and asynchronous network library that can host thousands of active connections by leveraging non-blocking network I/O. This works better in scenarios where long connections are required.


Project address: github.com/sanic-org/s…

The first version was released in May 2016, and the overall performance is still good, and more and more people are using it.

Sanic is Python3.7+ Web server and Web framework designed to improve performance. It allows the async/await syntax added in Python3.5 to improve response times by effectively blocking code.

Recommended reading:

  • Computer Classics
  • Tech blog: Core backend development blogs, including Python, Django, Docker, Go, Redis, ElasticSearch, Kafka, Linux, and more.
  • Go programmers: Go learning roadmap, including basic column, advanced column, source reading, actual combat development, interview brush, required reading list and a series of resources.
  • Interview questions: Python, Go, Redis, MySQL, Kafka, data structures, algorithms, programming, networking, etc.