Enterprise architecture has come a long way in the last decade. As more and more new technologies emerge, it is important to take advantage of these factors to create better enterprise architectures. By integrating new technologies into enterprise architectures, even in tough times, great results can be achieved.

This article will introduce you to five characteristics of a modern enterprise architect that everyone should know. In addition, you can learn how to build the features you need to stay relevant to grow your business.

Five characteristics of a modern enterprise architect

1. IT strategy driver

Strategic IT drivers can help shape IT strategy. Although there are many standard policies in IT, the exact requirements for each product can vary in many ways. The IT driver takes all of these factors into account and will use the information to help us develop a meaningful strategy.

There are several aspects that affect a company’s IT strategy, and these aspects are referred to as influencers. Influencing factors can be internal or external, depending on the project and impact. For example, work is much easier if you want to develop an IT strategy for your internal department. Problems arise when the influencing factors are external. It means that there are factors beyond our control. Examples of external influences include requirements, competition, rules, incentives, and so on.

Some aspects are also called static factors because they are always there. Static factors such as cost play an important role in determining the overall strategy of an enterprise.

The main role of these factors is to help us develop the best strategy. Influencing factors are often key strategic determiners. You must consider as many factors as possible to develop the best strategy that will stand the test of time. A strategic attitude is essential in order to think outside the box and come up with innovative and effective solutions.

2. A quick thinker

A good enterprise architect is someone who gets things done efficiently. Creating a policy or understanding all the variables involved is an extremely complex process. Sometimes it can take weeks to complete the first step. However, modern enterprise architects must be able to think for themselves; they need to come up with unique solutions and implement them before other enterprises.

Astute thinking is essential not only for enterprise architects, but also for many other jobs in IT. Smart thinking isn’t just about thinking fast; it also means thinking fast and correctly. Smart thinking requires flexibility as you evolve your models and solutions.

Being an astute thinker is the key to success as a modern enterprise architect. As market conditions change rapidly, the architect must adapt to all changes and make the solution robust.

3. Data based decision makers

Data-based decision makers are able to use the facts and logic in the available information to make informed decisions. As many professionals have said, everything you need is in the data you have access to. Therefore, data-based decisions are an essential quality for all enterprise architects. This process can help determine systems management solutions, operational routes, and other elements that are aligned with your business goals. One of the primary sources of decision data is the user itself. Companies typically collect data from users and use that data to analyze user behavior.

As more and more data is collected, it becomes difficult to analyze all of it. Therefore, it is important to keep abreast of the latest developments in data analytics so that you can use this information to further your company’s development. Being a data-based decision maker doesn’t mean you don’t have to take risks. On the contrary, it means that the data can be analysed to calculate risks and prepare appropriate risk management plans.

4. Technical expertise

Each enterprise architect needs to have a technical expertise. The skills people possess vary from industry to industry, but it is important to maintain some expertise in each field. Having technical expertise gives you a big advantage over others. In addition, a knowledge of technology helps you understand how the product was created and what you need to do in order to accomplish it.

Technical expertise can help you better plan your strategy and determine the best resource allocation plan.

5. Enablers of innovation

Promoting innovation is one of the few skills that modernization has made essential. Since everyone has access to the same resources, companies are looking for strategic innovations to give them a competitive advantage in the marketplace. As technology continues to advance, the need for innovation will continue to grow.

7 ways to build these characteristics

1. Customer-oriented

Being customer-oriented can help companies develop the best strategy. The solution depends on several aspects, such as requirements and requirements. The best way to identify all the requirements to determine the perfect solution is to be customer-oriented.

If we can always keep customers in mind, we can better understand the needs of customers.

2. A data-driven approach

A data-driven approach uses data to analyze multiple factors and make informed decisions. With the rise of data science and analytics, data-driven approaches have gained popularity and it has become easier to analyze the collected data.

Using this approach can avoid many pitfalls, such as making impulsive decisions, taking unnecessary risks, or spending time and effort on resources that are not available, and always make sure that data is the primary reference for the decision.

3. Excellent communication skills

Communication skills are essential for any successful career. Having good communication skills will help you better understand the current situation and be able to communicate ideas to your team in a more effective way.

Communication skills are also a huge advantage, as architects must communicate with many people when creating products or finding solutions. Although all forms of communication play an equally important role, verbal communication is the most efficient and articulate way to communicate. The best way to improve your communication skills is to talk to a lot of people and ask them to point out areas for improvement and work on them.

4. Modern enterprise architecture tools

As the industry advances, using modern tools is an effective way to truly stay ahead of the competition. As an enterprise architect, you have to look at the big picture, which often leads you to miss technical nuances. However, by using modern tools, you can ensure that your team is using more advanced technology. After all, a person with a sharp axe can cut down more trees.

5. Keep up with industry trends

Making sure you stay on top of industry trends will give you a technical and managerial edge. If you see a trend change, even in a new market, you can take steps to change your plan and solution to make it the best.

6. Continuous improvement

In the end, continuous improvement is the only way to stay relevant and grow as an enterprise architect. It involves keeping abreast of technology, learning new skills on the go, and spending time improving strategic skills.

An architect should be a master of a particular development platform, language, and tool, be able to come up with the most appropriate solutions for common application scenarios, and know enough about the development team he or she belongs to to be able to estimate the cost of the specific functional requirements that his or her team will need to achieve. Becoming an enterprise architect is not an easy task and requires extensive experience and a thorough understanding of the market.