Not long ago, I came into contact with developers who program purely on mobile phones. At that time, I felt quite ignorant, because I had heard that mobile phone programming was still a learning environment for some online programming learning website development, and I did not think it was really useful for actual development. This article uses AIDE free version in their own mobile phone to do a simple application, reference is AIDE official introduction document: AIDE – Android IDE.

After you install 3.2.171025(free), Create a new project /Create New Project in the following path:

Pop-up project type selection:

After selecting New Android App:

@string/hello_world = @string/hello_world

After selecting “Run”, the result is as expected:

To test the support of Chinese naming, change the string key value to “@string/ hello “and modify it accordingly in strings.xml. The compilation runs fine, but at first there is a red line warning under <TextView in main.xml, perhaps just a delay. The warning disappears when opened again. Java Chinese naming natural support, no attempt.

The general feeling is that the development process is quite smooth, although there are often paid professional pop-ups, but there is nothing wrong with that.

AIDE has had millions of downloads, and I feel the growing popularity of mobile programming environments. Indeed, with larger and clearer screens and improved system performance, mobile phones are now closer to being development phones. At a time when mobile phone ownership has far outstripped that of computers (and won’t go back), this practice of “mobile” development is only likely to increase. New programming language tools will also provide better support, such as the “special optimizations for mobile devices and input methods” section of the third edition of the previous Japanese programming language “Fuko”.
