Where there is life, there is no coding. This issue of FIR. Im Weekly collects hot resources on Weibo, including Android and iOS development tools, source code sharing, good articles on product UI design, and some Tips on programmer growth. I hope you will gain something after reading it.

Open source YYText: COMPATIBLE WITH UILabel and UITextView APIS

YYText: Compatible with UILabel and UITextView API, support asynchronous typesetting and rendering, text and text mixing, custom click style, custom keyboard, expression analysis and input, picture copy and paste, container shape control, vertical typesetting, text deformation, Markdown and other functions, To achieve all the text needs of weibo, wechat, QQ and other applications, very high quality source code sharing. Thanks to @ibireme for sharing the source code here. I suggest you follow his Github homepage, I believe you will have a lot of harvest.

IOS tips for keeping the interface smooth

This article by @ibireme analyzes various performance problems in iOS interface construction in great detail and the corresponding solutions. At the same time, it gives an open source implementation of weibo list and shows how to build smooth interaction through actual code. In combination with @ibireme’s last post on open source YYText, you can make your own microblogging application.

The JSPatch library is an Apple-supported library for updating iOS apps online

Share from @ios122.

JSPatch lets you write native iOS apps in JavaScript. You can use JavaScript to call any of objective-C’s native interfaces, simply by introducing a minimal engine into your project. To read the full article, click here.

@ibireme Github-iOS Cheat sheet library, full of content, iOS developers can check it out here.

LGWeChatKit — Swift 2.0 imitates wechat interface

Shared by @swift-cn.

LGWeChatKit is@jamy-_-Swift 2.0 is an open source project. Letter interface, you can slide cell, custom picture picker. Support video, voice, system pictures and other functions. Features include: Autolayout, message list and chat interface, access system album, map call, access address book, scan, etc. Making the source codeaddress.

Develop Android applications with MVP architecture

How do you build an APP at an architectural level, and how do you make it respond to changing interfaces and business logic? @kymjs Zhang Tao is talking about a way to implement MVP mode on Android. Article portal

Android Learning Route Guide

The blogger @Ren Yugang Coder wrote this article based on his personal experience and understanding of the learning process of Android, which is very real and not just theoretical. Hope to help more Android programmers to improve themselves.

Obsessive-compulsive Mac setup Guide

What are the characteristics of a productive Mac environment? Where can we find more efficient methods and better tools? Starting with THE OS X operating system, third-party applications, and development tools, the author has updated the usage methods and tools on ThoughtWorks and Github.

Super useful guide to IOS 9 human interface

The Chinese version of Apple’s official manual is here! Tencent ISUX team’s painstaking translation of nearly 20,000 words, high quality, precise wording, clear sentences. As a UI designer’s must-read textbook, this article must be followed!

New era programming font recommendation

Monaco for those familiar with the Mac, Courier for those particularly nostalgic, Consolas for those who like Windows and, at most, a DejaVu or Andale Mono. But there are a lot of fonts out there, like the one I saw yesterday called Hack, and there are a lot of other fonts out there. Those interested click here.

Redefine the front end

When the interface design is elegant enough, the front end engineer acts as a bridge between the product manager, the design and the back end, how to better complete the collaboration between the team. Guo Jian, front-end engineer of FIR. im, participated in the SegmentFault Developer Day Beijing front-end technical salon, in which he shared some front-end practices of FIR. im. For the full article, click here.

1000 likes of high-paying career advice for programmers

What is the best career advice for a software developer to earn higher salary? Take a look at this article and see if you’ve learned anything.

Don’t call yourself a programmer

It has taken the author more than a decade and a lot of suffering to glean these lessons from “a moderately intelligent, but not confident, engineer with no business experience”. Article portal

Thanks to Bo Le online – to Qin translation, Huang Limin proofreading.

英文 名 称 : Patrick.

This issue of Fir. im Weekly is over and you are welcome to share more resources.