Swift was recently opened to open source, and developers cheered. Thanks to open source, this is the best of times. This issue of Fir. im Weekly has some “fresh” Swift dry goods to share, as well as some excellent GitHub source code, development tools and technical articles.

Swift, the open source

On December 3, West Coast time, Swift opened source for iOS, OS X, and Linux platforms. In just one day on Github, there are already nearly 10,000 stars. At the same time, Apple launched a new official website, Swift.org, and Swift’s GitHub home page, github.com/apple/swift

Swift 3 API design guidelines

Swift 3 API Design Guidelines, understand Swift 3 features, hope to help you.

Swift third-party development library

Swift third-party development library collected by foreigners, click here to collect.

Copy Zhihu Daily iOS APP

@road as long as it is right to write a copy of Zhihu Daily APP with OC. It is the first time to try to write APP with MVVM, which realizes some functions of the official version of Zhihu Daily (with the realization principle of simple drawer effect). See the source code here.

Before,@nsnirvanaSpent nearly a month with Swift 2.0 fine imitation zhihu Daily iOS end practice, notes quite detailed, has been thrownMaking the source code.

PHPHub for iOS 

PHPHub for iOS is an open source PHPHub official iOS app by @Li Jfa team. It supports APNS, full-screen advertising, scanning login and other functions, and integrates Google Analytics, Crashlytics, JPush, UMeng and many other third-party services, minimum compatible with iOS 8.

Download address: itunes.apple.com/us/app/phph…

Aufree.github. IO /phphub-ios/

Making address: github.com/Aufree/phph…

The OS X development tutorial you asked for

Kevin said on Weibo, “Finally Introducing the OS X Feast! – Ray Wenderlich.

Raywenderlich also has a brief tutorial on OS X development based on Swift, you can learn it, the address is here

Understand RunLoop in depth

RunLoop is a very basic concept in iOS and OSX development. In this article, Ibireme will start with the source code of CFRunLoop and introduce the concept of RunLoop and the underlying implementation principle. We’ll look at how Apple uses RunLoop in iOS to automatically release pools, delay callbacks, touch events, screen refreshes, and more.

How to implement an expandable Table View in iOS

The @swiftgg translation group shared a lengthy tutorial.

Expandable TableViews “allow” their cells to expand and collapse, showing and hiding other cells under those cells that are always visible. When you need to collect simple data or display request information to the user, creating an expandable TableView is a good choice. This way, instead of creating a new view controller, the user is given several options to choose from (only one).

Article portal.

Onboard, an attractive guide page style creation library

Shared by ios122.

Onboard is a UI framework for the guide page (new feature interface), more than 3000 STAR projects, mainly used for the guide page production, source code written quite standard, worth reference.

The articleportal

Chatto – Lightweight chat application building framework

Share from @githubdaily.

Chatto is a lightweight framework for building chat applications written in Swift

Imitate tmall’s price range selection bar animation

@Du Weixin _Imitated the tmall price range selection bar, the source code will be shared on Github, the address athere

10 Tips to Speed up Table Views Development

Interface interaction is very important in iOS, Table Views is the first thing every iOS beginner developer uses, and they can get confused very quickly. This article will delve into some of the questions you might be looking for.

Address: ios.jobbole.com/83058/

Source: David McGraw

原 文 : Yake_099

Xcode plug-in – XActivatePowerMode

The Code Blast plugin for Codmirror has recently become popular among programmers, and writing Code can be addictive. Soon,QFish serves the people“You can also experience activate-power-Mode in Xcode,” he says. Go to theXActivatePowerModePlay with a mechanical keyboard and it just couldn’t be cooler

This issue of Fir. im Weekly is over and you are welcome to share more resources.
