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It is not because we see hope, but because we see hope. ‘

Day 53 2021.03.02

Find the nearest palindrome number

  • Leetcode:…
  • Difficulty: difficulty
  • Methods: Simulation

Topic describes

  • Given a string representing an integern, returns the nearest palindrome integer (excluding itself). If there is more than one, return the smaller one.
  • “Nearest” is defined as the smallest absolute value of the difference between two integers.

The sample

  • Example 1
Input: n = "123" Output: "121"Copy the code
  • Example 2
Input: n = "1" Output: "0" Explanation: 0 and 2 are the nearest palindromes, but we return the smallest, which is 0.Copy the code

Thought analysis

  1. This problem is not difficult, the main inspection is: careful, some boundary problems are easy to make mistakes
  2. A total ofwaFive times. I had some problems. When we started, the idea was to take the first half of the data and flip it over and put it in the back.

Error sample analysis

  • "10"When encountering a situation that causes the palindrome integer number to become smaller, for example, the correct output is:"9"We went from two digits to one digit.
  • "100"Again, it’s the same problem of decreasing the number of digits. To modify the code at this point, you need to anticipate the decrease and increase of the lower bits
    • "10"= >"9"Digits reduce
    • "99"= >"101"Double-digit increases
  • "1283"
  • "1837722381"There are two sumsnIf the difference between the two values is the same, then you need to take the smaller one. Why this is wrong: When comparing, the order is default, so even if the first number is smaller than the last one, it does not count. Fix: Adjust the comparison order so that the smallest value is first and the largest value is last for comparison.
  • "1805170081"Same as above error cause.


/ * * *@param {string} n
 * @return {string}* /
var nearestPalindromic = function(n) {
  let len = n.length;
  If the length is less than 1, the palindrome number is -1
  if(len == 1) return n - 1 + ' ';
  // Discuss the case of length greater than 1
  let ans = ' ';
  // Preprocessing: the number of bits decreased or increased by 1
  / / the minimum
  let multi = Math.pow(10, len - 1);
  if(Number(n) <= multi + 1){
    ans += multi - 1;
    return ans;
  / / Max
  let max = Math.pow(10, len);
  if(Number(n) + 1 == max){
    ans += max + 1;
    return ans;

  // Encapsulate the minimum difference function
  function minCha (oneStr, twoStr, threeStr) {
    // flag is used for the flag, which has the smallest difference
    let flag = 0;
    if(Math.abs(n - oneStr) <= Math.abs(n - twoStr)){
      flag = 1;
    }else {
      flag = 2;
    if(flag == 1) {if(Math.abs(n - oneStr) <= Math.abs(n - threeStr)){
        flag = 1;
      }else {
        flag = 3; }}else if(flag == 2) {
      if(Math.abs(n - twoStr) <= Math.abs(n - threeStr)){
        flag = 2;
      }else {
        flag = 3; }}if(flag == 1) {return oneStr;
    }else if(flag == 2) {return twoStr;
    }else {
      returnthreeStr; }}// Let's have a discussion
  let mid = len / 2;
  / / even
  if(len % 2= =0) {// Cut from the beginning to the middle position
    let preStr = n.substr(0,mid);
    // Cut from the middle position to the end
    let lastStr = n.substring(mid);
    let contra = lastStr.split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
    // 1. Case: itself is palindrome number
    if(preStr == contra){
      let one = Number(preStr) - 1 + ' ';
      let two = one.split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
      ans += one + two;
    }else {
      // 2. It is not a palindrome itself (originally wrong idea: XXXX tries to change the following number, keep the preceding number unchanged XXXX)
      // Which side is smaller - 1/0 / +1
      / / 0
      let num = Number(preStr);
      // -1
      let one = num - 1 + ' ';
      / / + 1
      let three = num + 1 + ' ';
      let oneStr = one + one.split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
      let twoStr = num + (num + ' ').split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
      let threeStr = three + three.split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
      // Encapsulate the functionans = minCha(oneStr, twoStr, threeStr); }}else {
    // Cut from the beginning to the middle position
    let preStr = n.substr(0,mid);
    // Cut from the middle position to the end
    let midStr = n.charAt(mid);
    let lastStr = n.substring(mid + 1);
    let contra = lastStr.split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
    // 1. Case: itself is palindrome number
    // 12121, the middle number is -1, if 0 then +1
    if(preStr == contra){
      let num = Number(midStr);
      if(num == 0){
      }else {
      ans += preStr;
      ans += num;
      ans += preStr.split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
    }else {
      // Not palindrome number
      let newPre = n.substr(0, mid + 1);
      let num = Number(newPre);
      let one = num - 1 + ' ';
      let three = num + 1 + ' ';
      let oneStr = preStr + one.split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
      let twoStr = preStr + (num + ' ').split(' ').reverse().join(' ');
      let threeStr = preStr + three.split(' ').reverse().join(' '); ans = minCha(oneStr, twoStr, threeStr); }}return ans;
Copy the code


  • The next time you encounter a situation where the current number +1/-1/0, be sure to arrange the order in advance, that is, -1/0/+1, to achieve the same difference and take the minimum value of the situation.
  • To do it, you need to think about the problem, and be able to solve the sample in the way you think about it, and have a rough idea of how to solve the problem before you start. Otherwise, it’s just a little bit of a pinch and a little bit of a bump.
  • When encountering some difficult problems (for myself), for example, the three numbers in this question are compared with each other, and I subconsciously feel difficult to choose one. I don’t want to write it, and I want to check the solution of the problem. In the future, if you encounter such a situation, you should write it out by hand, don’t be afraid of trouble, and then look at the solution written by others to optimize your own code.

Ask for advice

  • I feel that I wrote the code after finishing, or very long, you guys, if there are optimization suggestions, you can leave a message directly, thank you very much, common progress!