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Pyston has been out of the spotlight for more than three years since its release in 2017 with version 0.6.1, so few newcomers have even heard of it.

Pyston updated his post on the official blog (blog.pyston.org/) two days ago (28 October 2020), Posting the most… The v2 version.

Pyston is another JIT-based implementation of Python that is faster and highly compatible with CPython. It is backed by DropBox and is expected to grow faster than pYPy, the other high hopes.


In the benchmark, Pyston V2 was 20% faster than Python 3.8

Here are the official performance test results:


CPython has never been so popular because of speed.

Python’s rich ecosystem, with its large number of useful third-party libraries and applications, allows most developers to allow it to be slow.

With Pyston, you can have both speed and ecology.

One big difference between Pyston and PyPy is their backward compatibility, and since Pyston is a branch of CPython, we consider it to be one of the most compatible alternative Python implementations available today. It supports all the same functionality and C apis as CPython.

How to see

Pyston has been moving fast, implementing JIT compiled Python, and Dropbox has taken advantage of that to improve performance. By Dropbox’s standards, Pyston not only runs faster, it also starts faster. Slow startup has been a common problem with JIT compilers for all dynamic languages, but Pyston overcomes this problem by using inline caching and different JIT techniques.

PyPy has also done well in these areas, reducing script startup time and increasing support for hardware types and processors in recent versions. Multi-platform support is also a big selling point of PyPy (implemented with a subset of Python), making it easy to cross platform. PyPy also has a number of valuable tools in its ecosystem: The Python Debugger, for example, allows you to view the state of your program forward and backward.

In the long term, Python users have more options: PyPy is about the ecology of the future, Pyston is about compatibility.

How to try

From the Github repository (github.com/pyston/pyst… Pyston V2.0 only provides deb packages for Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04x86_64.

You can use the following command to download and install

# # $wget download https://github.com/pyston/pyston/releases/download/v2.0/pyston_2.0_amd64_18.04.deb installation $sudo apt install . / pyston_2. 0 *. DebCopy the code

You can then use Pyston (or Pyston3) and pip-Pyston Install (or pip-Pyston3 Install) commands to use Pyston.

What are you waiting for? Try it out!!