Finally, don’t worry. I’ve found these interview questions for you on GitHub.

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Hello, I’m JackTian.

It is time for the annual golden Three silver Four, every time I always hear some readers’ feedback, ask: do you have any questions about XXX interview, simply share the project I collected on GitHub about interview questions to everyone.

These open source interview questions cover a wide range of topics and are a great resource for reviewing your lessons before your interview.

The following 27 open source projects are mainly described and further broken down by mind mapping, so as to facilitate you to know what aspects of interview questions are mainly included in the open source project in the first time, so as to improve the efficiency of reference. I hope it will be helpful to you.


The open source project content mainly includes: programming language/framework/platform, database technology, caching technology, operating systems, data structure and algorithm, chain blocks, coding practice, comprehensive listing, design patterns, network, security, data science, etc., and each module in the list of interview questions list is mostly have the answer.

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The open source project is an interview question about Python, but not just Python, but also covers Python language features, operating systems, databases, networks, UNIX, data structures, programming questions, and more;

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The open source project mainly includes: basic knowledge, Android/iOS/back-end development field related to the written interview questions knowledge, not only provides relevant interview questions, but also recommended quality tutorial, and support online reading;

Read online:

Hit – alibaba. Making. IO/interview/I…


The open source project is mainly: internal interview questions on Java and Android of domestic first-tier Internet companies (Ali, Tencent, Baidu, Xiaomi, Didi, LeEco, Meituan, 58, Cheetah, 360, Sina, Sohu), and also supports online reading;

Read online:


The open source project is a collection of back-end development interview questions, but currently only provides relevant questions, not clear answers, the main reason is to provoke discussion of some interview questions, so as to deepen your understanding of these questions.

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The open source project collates front-end job interview questions, including: HTML, CSS, JavaScript questions, with answers and links to references.

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The content of the open source project includes: Java basic knowledge, underlying principles, detailed algorithm, big factory interview questions, etc.

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This project is mainly: iOS developers in the interview process, some common interview questions;

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The open source project mainly includes: Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elasticity, Network, Virtualization, DevOps interview questions, and questions and answers on a variety of other technical topics.

So far, there are 1,518 questions in total. Relatively speaking, this open source project favors friends in the field of operations.

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This project mainly includes five categories: computer network, operating system, database, design mode, tools, Python interview questions are comprehensively summarized, and the back-end interview questions are summarized in the form of questioning. Questioning and questioning is a common interview mode, which is closer to the real interview.

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Interview (BASIC knowledge of C/C++)

This project is mainly a summary of basic knowledge of C/C++ technical interview, including language, program library, data structure, algorithm, system, network, link loading library and other knowledge, interview experience, recruitment, internalization and other information.

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Golang programmer interview questions and answers collection, the main content of the project includes: data structure and algorithm sections;

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This project is the front-end interview review notes, through the way of asking questions and providing answers, the main areas covered include: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, algorithms, computer networks, tools and other aspects, the author of this open source project also got many offers from big factories and summarized these things and sent them to the front-end partners preparing for interviews and job changes.

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The project sorted out the basic knowledge needed to master in the technical interview, including: algorithm, operating system, network, database, Java, system design, object-oriented, tools, coding practice, etc.;

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The open source project is mainly: the latest summary of 2021 from BAT factory to technical interview questions and answers, are analyzed by experts and summarized, rich in content;

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This open source project is a PHP interview question and answer project. The author combines his own development experience and gives answers to the KNOWLEDGE related to PHP. The main content includes: network, data structure and algorithm, PHP, Web, MySQL, Redis, Linux, security, design mode, architecture and so on.

Making address:…


This open source project is a collection of BAT interview questions collected by the author on the Internet, but it is not limited to BAT. The main content includes: Python, Java, Linux, PHP, front-end, big data, MySQL, Spring, Redis, machine learning, etc. At the same time, it also provides relevant interview questions answers.

Making address:…


This open source project is an open source high-frequency interview questions for Big factories. It collects more than 2000 real interviews from domestic and foreign forums, including Tencent, Alibaba, Bytedance, Shopee, Meituan, Didi, Baidu, JINGdong and other companies, and only provides interview questions without specific answers.

In addition, the author also explains that the interview questions listed in the search engine can be found in a large number of references, so in the process of searching for answers by yourself, you may have a deeper understanding of the given question itself and can develop the ability to tell whether the answer is correct.

Providing answers can lead to rote answer memorization, which can be easily identified and debased during an interview.

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This open source project focuses on common interview techniques in data structures and algorithms

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This open source project is an interview question related to data science, which is mainly divided into two parts: theoretical part (linear regression, decision tree, neural network, word classification, recommendation system, etc.) and technical part (SQL, Python, algorithm, etc.)

Theoretical part:…

Technical part:…


This open source project is the prerequisite questions database for front-end interviews, including more than 1000 real interview questions, covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue, React, Node, Webpack, HTTP, Algorithm, Coding and other knowledge points

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This open source project is the solution of big data interview questions, which is mainly divided into four chapters: big data development foundation, framework learning, actual combat advanced, development interview, including Hadoop, Hive, HBase, Kafka, Spark and other technical points of high-frequency interview questions.

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This open source project sorted out LeetCode topic classification and interview question answer analysis, including: linked list, pointer traversal, string manipulation, number/array manipulation, stack, recursion, dynamic programming, binary search tree and other related knowledge points;

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This open source project is a set of basic knowledge of algorithm theory, mainly including: basic concepts, mathematics, data preprocessing, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and other technical fields of interview knowledge;

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This open source project is a summary of interview resources related to data science, mainly including probability statistics, SQL and data acquisition, data visualization, classical machine learning algorithms, deep learning, recommendation system, natural language processing, data structure and algorithms and other common interview questions. In addition, It also includes tips on how to acquire the necessary interview skills and the basics to be familiar with, as well as resumes.

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Leetcode (1050 questions)

This open source project is a LeetCode problem solving project opened by a Chinese developer on GitHub. Up to now, more than 1050 questions have been collected, which provide all the LeetCode solution codes and Chinese explanations, as well as the difficulty degree and the percentage of solutions.

  • ‘$’ stands for locked topics

  • ‘*’ stands for database type questions

  • ‘#’ stands for script class topics

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The last

And that’s all for today.

If you have an interview question item on GitHub, you are welcome to share it in the comments.

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PS: in addition to this article recommended the interview questions open source projects, also issued some relevant interview before treasure dian series of articles, mainly includes: interview skills and test questions, if you need, can click on the below Scroll to view the jump album | interview.