FIL coin mining should be the hot presence of cryptocurrency mining now, although the price of FIL coin did not float in the whole April, but the trend of this position is actually in the accumulation of energy to prepare for the impact of 2000 yuan, you can feel that the layout of mining now more and more people. FIL currency in the end is what, we start from its past life. In 2015, Founder Juan Released a project IPFS in protocol Lab, which aims to establish a globally distributed storage and network sharing transmission protocol. Its vision is to replace HTTP to make Internet downloading, data browsing and storage more fast, efficient and secure. As a result, IPFS received a lot of attention right after its launch, and in 2017, publishers created a decentralized network based on IPFS and unveiled FIL’s vision in the incentive layer of this network. At this point, FIL currency is from the concept of gradual application, also began its violent life.

FIL coin has been connected to the main network for more than half a year. By the morning of April 30, 2021, FIL coin was quoted 1000 yuan, and the price of the whole April was almost unchanged horizontally. According to the relevant data, the average daily increase of the effective calculation force of FIL currency network is about 33PiB, 1PiB=1024T, 96T mining machine effective calculation force is about 64T, it can be seen that the effective calculation force of the whole network every day growth rate is equivalent to 510 full package 96T mining machine. So many people enter mining, then how to mine FIL currency, good digging? See this article for analysis.

And Bitcoin, Ethereum can be through the home computer home computer mining is different, FIL coin must use a special mining machine and professional machine room mining. In this whole system, in order to prove that miners have completed the data storage and the data storage is safe enough, the system will continuously query the network nodes. This is a very expensive infrastructure construction, so the mining machines are built by professional mines. Usually regular miners will deploy FIL currency in the constant temperature and humidity of the national IDC room, because it has to keep power for 24 hours does not shut down, otherwise it will be punished by the official, equivalent to digging in white.