I. Installation of Neo4j

  1. download

    Neo4j Download Center – Neo4j Graph Database Platform

    Click the link above to download the corresponding version of Neo4j community edition according to your computer’s system. Click the download button and you will be redirected to a page for user registration. There is no need to register, and the download will pop up after a while.

After downloading the installation package, decompress the package to a directory in the system, copy the bin directory, and write the package to environment variables in the system.

Note that the latest version of Neo4j is Java 11. If not, you can install Java11 first

  1. Start the

    Enter neo4j console on the command line to start neo4j on the command line

If the Windows system does not want to start in the command line and wants neo4j to start in the background, you need to install neo4j services and enter them in the command line

neo4j install-service

You can then type neo4j start to start neo4j in the background

After installing and starting neo4j, you can open a browser and enter http://localhost:7474 to go to the neo4j management page.

The initial password is neo4j and neo4j. The first time you enter, you will be asked to set the account password according to your preferences.

This counts as a successful installation and startup.

Second, the use of

Next, use the Demo with Neo4j to run Hello Word to experience the following database.

This completes a small Hello Word Demo.

The addition, deletion, modification and check of Neo4j are to write things similar to SQL statements. You can go to W3C for the specific syntax, which is very detailed. Secondary tutorial _w3cschool

This article will cover the installation and simple use of Neo4j, and the next article will cover the use of Neo4j in SpringBoot.