Column | chapter nine algorithm

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The vast majority of programmers who get fired from programming positions make fatal mistakes. There are many problems that are difficult to reverse in a short period of time and cause a lot of trouble for the entire company, so a qualified programmer should always keep these red lines in mind.

Let’s take a look at some of the mistakes programmers make every day to avoid.

1. Carelessness on key issues

As a programmer, the scariest experience is probably accidentally deleting a large amount of data, which can’t be restored because there is no backup, causing a lot of trouble and loss for the company.

In addition, there were bugs in the most critical parts of the programming, and it took a lot of time to revise them from scratch. As a result, they could not be submitted on time and missed important opportunities. It’s easy to get fired if something goes wrong at a critical moment like this.

So, as a programmer, or always need to keep careful, double check, must not be careless. In particular, have a basic data backup habit!

2. Lying on your resume and lying about your experience

This situation is manifested in the actual ability and resume stated ability does not match.

3 years of coding experience, for example, someone says, he is arguably written code should be have a certain level, and less bugs, but the actual code submitted is bad, not only appear a lot of problems, and in the face of other people’s questions, he can’t give a correct answer.

For example, he said that the Hadoop implementation was enabled by the xyz program, and when asked about the best way to do it and what to look for, he couldn’t give a clear answer, but rather fudged it.

Generally this kind of person who is fired is the actual operation ability is weak, can not give meet the requirements of the code, the quality of work is very poor, and more importantly, after a period of time, there is no self-learning remedial measures, but deliberately put the responsibility to the beginning of the work is not clear and other objective problems.

Generally speaking, if the leader finds that the actual ability of an employee is not consistent with the ability stated in the interview, he will not be fired immediately, but if he makes mistakes again and again and does not learn to exercise and remedy the shortcomings that have been exposed, he will be easily fired.

3. Dragging your feet on the team

As is known to all, the construction of a large project can’t just rely on one person, but to the whole team to complete, so if a person always dragging in the team work, and caused serious consequences, so for the “drag”, this problem will be very deadly.

Such as:

A certain company team, if the end of the day’s work procedure found in the larger problem, and need to find out the whole team to review and resolve, cause all the programmer must work together to solve this problem and in the evening to start the build, it will no doubt be accompanied by a brief but intense complain, After all, there are people who are doing a good job but are being held back.

The problem with the program was that one programmer had made a mistake that had disrupted the work of the entire team, and people were already unhappy with him, and he had had problems not once or twice, but many times, so as the quarterly release approached, he was asked not to make any changes to the program.

Finally, shortly before the release, he couldn’t resist making a change that broke the build and resulted in a failed release. Then, the day after the release, he was fired to cheers and applause from his colleagues.

4. Stealing and illegally selling the company’s important data

Such as leaking confidential data or selling Copyrights and closed source code to another company. Not only is it dishonest and unethical, it’s illegal.

Give Pepsi the secret formula for Coca-Cola, or AMD Intel’s design data, and it will cost the stolen company a lot of money. If you make a mistake like that, it’s not just a matter of expulsion, it could be criminal charges.

A real life example:

A developer at a computer company was writing internal software to prevent internal data from being taken out of the company. His software periodically sends e-mails to servers that collect status data, reporting its status regularly. The software that sends emails and the server from which they are received should be on the company’s internal network, making it easy to detect when messages are taken away from the company.

One day, the server started receiving suspicious emails from outside the company. It turned out that an employee had left the company with a copy of the code and was running it outside the company. The developer knew by email exactly which employee had taken it and where he was taking it. Because the emails were sent from an email address named after the employee who stole the information. The developer then reported the situation to his superiors, fired the employee, and the employee eventually faced a lawsuit.

So, as a programmer, don’t risk doing something unethical or illegal, not just a job or a position, but your entire career.

Show off, ignore others and show off too much

There was a true story some time ago:

A girl playing a game, which happens to be almost always played by boys. This girl is very beautiful and has posted a lot of pictures. At the beginning, when her skills were average, the boys took extra care of her and praised her a lot. But then she outperformed the other teammates, hurting the boys’ egos and vanity and making them feel humiliated. So the boys began to denigrate her, calling her a butcher, shameless, slut-shaming her.

So being too perfect, too good, too boastful, and just so-so with co-workers can easily be seen as a threat, vilified, and ultimately fired.

Although the fault is not entirely my own, I also need to learn to get along with my colleagues better, and properly restrain my light, so as to avoid being excluded by the team.

These are the kinds of questions that a qualified programmer must learn to avoid. In other words, these are the basic requirements for a healthy development in the long term as a programmer in the industry.

6. Dishonesty at work

Remote programmers who code remotely from home or a coffee shop, rather than working in a building, are more likely to cheat on their salaries than those who work in a building.

But some companies use Upwork or other software to remotely track their employees’ apps to keep them on track, so if they are caught lying about their hours, they can be fired immediately, since one offense could lead to another.

And if it is in Europe and the United States, it may also affect credit problems, resulting in the subsequent job search blocked.

Companies don’t immediately fire people who lack technical skills. When a leader suddenly and without hesitation decides to fire someone, it’s probably because he thinks the person has a problem with his character.

In the workplace, once you break the trust of your colleagues or superiors, it’s hard to undo it. So even in the work of the above problems, but also try not to lie or hide or shirk responsibility, such dishonesty just give the reason for the leader to fire.

7. Post insider information on social media

The network icon in your smartphone

A real case:

Mr. C works for a game company, and Mr. C’s team is working on a highly anticipated game for the DS. One of the most naive Japanese programmers on the team was so excited about making the game that he took screenshots of the company’s internal chats and sent them to his friends to brag.

What he didn’t know was that screenshots were very raw work and contained a lot of confidential internal information that the company had found on many game blogs, not just in Japan, but around the world, and that the leaks were widespread.

When the company finally traced the Japanese programmer back to him, he was immediately fired, and his credit feedback would have made it impossible for him to find such a job.

Sometimes, like the Japanese programmer, leaking inside company information may not be intentional, just want to show off to his friends, but he does not know the consequences of such a casual behavior.

Therefore, today, with the development of social media, it is very important to keep the content and information of work confidential.

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